It's been a long, cold winter. And we hear there's more snow in the forecast! We thought these photos from our snow-bound library staff might brighten your day. After all, misery loves company. And remember: it will all melt by June.
We're not buried yet...but our photo caption is!
Laura L's house, NS
Kristian's house, Moncton
Laura L's house, NS
David's house, Dieppe
Georgina's house, Jolicure
Georgina's house, Jolicure
Georgina's house, Jolicure
Filis's house
Georgina's house, Jolicure
Filis's house
Flag Day (Feb. 15) in Parrsboro, NS
Laura L's house, NS
Anne L's house, Sackville
Georgina's house, Jolicure
Anne L's house, Sackville
View from David's house, Dieppe
Farm near Marc & Laura's house
Near Marc & Laura's house
Barn near Marc & Laura's house
This deck is 6 feet off the ground...