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Get librarian reference and research assistance to help you find the information and resources you need and find a librarian by subject.
Library Research Help | 506-364-2564 | |
Music Research Help | 506-364-2561 | |
Archives | 506-364-2563 | |
Get help with borrowing and renewing library materials, course reserves, interlibrary loans, account information, room bookings, printing, and more!
Main Library | 506-364-2568 | |
Music Library | 506-364-2561 | |
Archives | 506-364-2563 | |
Renew books online: My Library Account |
Anne LePage | 506-364-2691 | Request appointment
Music | Technical Services Librarian
David Mawhinney | 506-364-2563
University Archives: Mount Allison historical records, selected local community records
Elizabeth Millar | 506-364-2386 | Request appointment
Canadian Studies | Feminist & Gender Studies | German | History | Indigenous Studies | Rare Books & Special Collections
Elizabeth Stregger | 506-364-2610 | Request appointment
Data and Digital Services | Math and Computer Science (by appointment)
Laura Landon | 506-364-2572 | Request appointment
Commerce | Business of Aviation | Economics | Environmental Studies | Geography | Government Information | Politics & International Relations | Sociology
Mike Roy | 506-364-2237| Request appointment
Classics | Drama & Screen Studies | English | Fine Arts | Modern Languages & Literatures (French, Japanese, Linguistics, Spanish) | Museum & Curatorial Studies | Philosophy | Religious Studies | Visual & Material Culture
Steve Geier | 506-364-2237 | Request appointment
Biology | Biochemistry | Chemistry | Health Studies | Physics | Psychology | Science of Aviation | Zotero Help | Open Access
Subject Area | Librarian Contact |
Archives | David Mawhinney | 506-364-2563 |
Aviation (Business of) | Laura Landon | 506-364-2572 | Request appointment |
Aviation (Science of) | Steve Geier | 506-364-2237 | Request appointment |
Biochemistry | Steve Geier | 506-364-2237 | Request appointment |
Biology | Steve Geier | 506-364-2237 | Request appointment |
Canadian Studies | Elizabeth Millar | 506-364-2386 | Request appointment |
Chemistry | Steve Geier | 506-364-2237 | Request appointment |
Classics | Mike Roy | 506-364-2237 | Request appointment |
Commerce | Laura Landon | 506-364-2572 | Request appointment |
Computer Science | Elizabeth Stregger | 506-364-2610 | Request appointment |
Data & Digital Services | Elizabeth Stregger | 506-364-2610 | Request appointment |
Drama & Screen Studies | Mike Roy | 506-364-2237 | Request appointment |
Economics | Laura Landon | 506-364-2572 | Request appointment |
English | Mike Roy | 506-364-2237 | Request appointment |
Environmental Studies | Laura Landon | 506-364-2572 | Request appointment |
Feminist & Gender Studies | Elizabeth Millar | 506-364-2386 | Request appointment |
Fine Arts | Mike Roy | 506-364-2237 | Request appointment |
French Language & Literature | Mike Roy | 506-364-2237 | Request appointment |
Geography | Laura Landon | 506-364-2572 | Request appointment |
German | Elizabeth Millar | 506-364-2386 | Request appointment |
Government Information | Laura Landon | 506-364-2572 | Request appointment |
Health Studies | Steve Geier | 506-364-2237 | Request appointment |
History | Elizabeth Millar | 506-364-2386 | Request appointment |
Indigenous Studies | Elizabeth Millar | 506-364-2386 | Request appointment |
International Relations | Laura Landon | 506-364-2572 | Request appointment |
Japanese Language & Literature | Mike Roy | 506-364-2237 | Request appointment |
Law | Laura Landon | 506-364-2572 | Request appointment |
Linguistics | Mike Roy | 506-364-2237 | Request appointment |
Mathematics | Elizabeth Stregger | 506-364-2610 | Request appointment |
Military & Naval Sciences | Elizabeth Millar | 506-364-2386 | Request appointment |
Modern Languages & Literatures | Mike Roy | 506-364-2237 | Request appointment |
Museum & Curatorial Studies | Mike Roy | 506-364-2237 | Request appointment |
Music | Anne LePage | 506-364-2691 | Request appointment |
Open Access | Steve Geier | 506-364-2237 | Request appointment |
Philosophy | Mike Roy | 506-364-2237 | Request appointment |
Physics | Steve Geier | 506-364-2237 | Request appointment |
Politics | Laura Landon | 506-364-2572 | Request appointment |
Psychology | Steve Geier | 506-364-2237 | Request appointment |
Rare Books & Special Collections | Elizabeth Millar | 506-364-2386 | Request appointment |
Religious Studies | Mike Roy | 506-364-2237 | Request appointment |
Sociology | Laura Landon | 506-364-2572 | Request appointment |
Spanish Language & Literature | Mike Roy | 506-364-2237 | Request appointment |
Visual & Material Culture | Mike Roy | 506-364-2237 | Request appointment |
Zotero | Steve Geier | 506-364-2237 | Request appointment |
The Mount Allison libraries and post-secondary libraries in Nova Scotia provide an online help service, Novanet Live Help.
This service is for simple questions only (e.g. “Where is this book located?” or “How do I access the full text of this article?”). For more complex questions, please use the Ask a Librarian chat reference service or contact a librarian directly (see above for details).
The University Archives makes available for research purposes the historical records of Mount Allison institutions and selected records from the local community such as: annual reports, academic calendars, minutes of meetings, correspondence, diaries, scrapbooks, photographs, maps, and architectural records.
Contact: 506-364-2563 | | Floor 3 of the R.P. Bell Library
Get research help with your subject librarian in person, by phone, or online. Or Leave us your question and we'll get back to you