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Economics Subject Guide: Recommended Websites

Recommended Websites

Full-text Archives

RePEc (Research Papers in Economics)
A collaborative international project to disseminate research in economics.

  • IDEAS (Internet Documents in Economics Access Service)
    Combine the RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) databases of economics working papers, journal articles, books, software, authors and institutions. All documents can be searched separately or together. Over 192,000 of the works are available online in full text.

McMaster University Archive for the History of Economic Thought
A collection of hundreds of significant texts in the history of economic thought. Accessible by author.

Economics Research Network (ERN)
Part of the Social Science Research Network, this is a database of economics research and working papers from government, public policy institutes, university economics departments, and associations. Abstracts are searchable for free (including with JEL subject codes).

AgEcon Search: Research in Agricultural and Applied Economics
An archive of working papers, journal articles and conference papers from over 35 universities and professional associations worldwide on the subject of agricultural economics. Topics covered include agribusiness, food supply, natural resource economics, consumption, policy issues, agricultural trade, and economic development.

Bank of Canada Publications
Includes working papers by Bank of Canada staff from 1994 on, technical reports, conference proceedings, Bank of Canada Review articles, speeches by the Governor of the Bank of Canada and more.

Canadian Economic Statistics

Bank of Canada -Statistics page
Has major financial and economic indicators and more.

Statistics Canada Data
Statistics Canada's economic, demographic, and social statistics. (Formerly CANSIM)
Coverage: Historical and current (dates vary). Searchable by topic or keyword. 

Trade Data Online
Government of Canada database includes import and export data, trade balances, and manufacturing shipments by province and industry, at the national, provincial, and regional level. (Based on Statistics Canada and U.S.Census Bureau data.

For Industry-specific statistics see "Competitive Analysis" links on the Marketing Hits website.

International Economic Statistics

IMF: International Monetary Fund Data & Statistics
An organization of around 200 countries, the IMF website includes World Economic Outlook databases, International Financial Statistics, Global Indicators, and a large amount of related economic data and statistical reports for countries and regions.

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development website has a great deal of economic data and statistical information mostly on its 39 member countries. Can browse by country and topic.

OECD Better Life Index
An alternative to the GDP: This index allows you to compare well-being across countries, based on 11 topics the OECD has identified as essential, in the areas of material living conditions and quality of life.

United Nations Statistics Division Statistical Databases
Links to the free UN databases available online.

United States Economic Indicators. Updated monthly. Revised time series available in FRED (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis), and older economic data archived in ALFRED (Archival Federal Reserve Economic Data) and FRASER (Federal Reserve Archival System for Economic Research).

World Inequality Database ( 
The World Inequality Report and database show the world distribution of income and wealth, within and between countries. Data are based on national accounts, survey and fiscal data compiled by over 100 researchers and covering over 70 countries.

See also International Economics, Trade & Development.


Special Topics


Environmental Economics

Environment Statistics from Statistics Canada
Subject grouping of environment-related statistics from Statistics Canada.

Environmental and Resource Economics by the Environmental Literacy Council
Links to educational, science-based resources on environmental issues.

Environmental Economics, U.S. EPA
Has many publications and a list of links to resources.

International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
A major source for sustainable development-related information. Publications are available by theme (e.g. subsidies, economic policy, etc.).

Resources for the Future
A nonprofit research organization that publishes many reports, issue briefs, discussion papers, books and articles on environmental, energy and natural resource issues, based on economic analyses.

International Economics, Trade & Development

Atlas of Economic Complexity
By the Center for International Development at Harvard University. A research and data visualization tool to explore global trade flows across markets, track them over time, and show new growth opportunities for every country.

Canadian Trade Commissioner Service Market Reports
Provides reports on industry sectors in other countries and regions of the world. Registration required.

Development Gateway
Billed as "the largest online source of information on development projects worldwide", this site by the non-profit Development Gateway Foundation can be searched by development topic, country and region.

By the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, UK, this site provides access to many documents on major policy and research issues in development.

Electronic Information System for International Law (EISIL), "International Economic Law" Section
Created by the American Society of International Law, this site links to the major primary documents, related web sites and research guides, for international development and trade law, regional economic integration, competition, the GATT/WTO system, etc.

Export Development Canada.
Information and links for exporters including on permits and regulations, analysis and research, business conditions in selected countries, etc.

FITA: International Trade Web Resources
By the Federation of International Trade Associations, this is a major gateway site for international trade with over 8,000 links. Select "Country Profiles" for detailed profiles on over 80 countries and extensive links to useful resources on most countries of the world.

Global Affairs Canada -- International Trade and Investment
Has information on C
anadian trade negotiations and agreements, export and import controls, research on trade from the Office of the Chief Economist, etc. Select the "Development" tab for development partners and priorities, etc.

Human Development Report. By United Nations Development Programme.
This flagship publication includes data and analysis of human aspects of development (education, health, gender equality, environmental and socioeconomic sustainability, etc.)  The Human Development Index shows country rankings. Besides the annual, global HDR and HD Reports, the site includes over 1000 global, regional and national reports and related data, and links to HD reports from 1990 on.

IDRC (International Development Research Centre)
This Canadian Crown corporation's mandate includes conducting research to help solve development problems. The site includes thousands of research papers and reports in two databases.

IMF Data. The International Monetary Fund has macroeconomic and financial data on its 189 member countries organized by country and topic. Datasets include  Direction of Trade Statistics with current and historical data on the value of exports and imports with each country's primary trading partners.

International Economics Network
An excellent portal with annotated links to international economics, trade and development sites.

International Trade Centre (ITC)
This joint agency of the WTO and the UN provides access to trade related information on 220 countries and 5,300 products, with Market Analysis Tools that show continuously updated data on foreign direct investment, trade flows, competitiveness, tariffs and non-tariff trade remedies, voluntary sustainability standards, etc. The Standards Map lists details on over 1,000 standards for environmental protection, labour rights, economic development, food safety, and business ethics. (Some analysis features, and raw data downloads only available with registration.) 

Our World in Data
Website by Oxford University and Global Change Data Lab presents the latest research and data visualizations for some of the largest problems facing the world. Topics include economic growth and inequality, population, food, health, energy, environment, work issues, etc. Also has a Sustainable Development Goals Tracker.

Statistics Canada -- International Trade
Subject grouping of international trade related statistics from Statistics Canada.

Trade Data Online
Government of Canada database includes Canadian and U.S. import and export data with over 200 countries, trade balances, and manufacturing shipments by product and industry, at the national, provincial, and regional level. Based on Statistics Canada and U.S.Census Bureau data.

UN Comtrade (United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database)
International trade statistics (converted to US dollar) provided by over 130 countries. Searchable by imports, exports or re-exports of commodities.

UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)
A permanent intergovernmental body established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1964. The UNCTAD website includes data and analysis on trade, investment, finance and technology for close to 200 countries. Key publications include the Trade & Development Report, World Investment Report, Least Developed Countries Report, Digital Economy, Bilateral FDI Statistics, etc.

World Bank Open Data
Profile tables cover over 200 countries and many regions, each with the latest 3 years of data from the World Development Indicators Database. See the Open Knowledge Repository for other World Bank information. 

World Development Report
A World Bank flagship report. Each annual report has a different focus, with articles on a specific theme in development, written by a team of experts from the World Bank and incorporating selected statistics from World Development Indicators.

WTO Trade Disputes
Dispute rulings and panel reports relating to Canada's and other countries' trade disputes.

WTO Trade Policy Reviews
World Trade Organization trade policy reviews in full text from 1995 to the present. Browsable by country or search by keyword in full text. Summaries in html, full documents in Microsoft Word.

WTO Trade Profiles.
World Trade Organization brief trade profiles on over 150 countries include basic indicators and details on trade policy, merchandise trade, commercial services trade and industrial property.

See also International Economic Statistics

See also Commerce -- International Business


Law & Economics

Canadian Legal Information Institute (CanLII)
Provides access to Canadian and provincial statutes, regulations, judgments from various provincial courts and the Supreme Court of Canada, all searchable with one search.

Comparative Competition Law Project
This project by researchers at the Law Schools of Columbia University and University of Chicago includes the Comparative Competition Law Dataset, which codes national competition laws around the world from 1889 to 2010, the Comparative Competition Enforcement Dataset, which provides data on competition agencies’ resources and activities in 100 jurisdictions from 1990 to 2010, a Competition Law Index (the “CLI”) that measures the stringency of competition regulation from 1889 to 2010, and related research.

Electronic Information System for International Law (EISIL), "International Economic Law" Section
Created by the American Society of International Law, this site links to the major primary documents, related web sites and research guides, for international development and trade law, regional economic integration, competition, the GATT/WTO system, etc.

FindLaw Canada
Links to some sections of the Encyclopedia of Law and Economics.

World Legal Information Institute (WorldLII)
Developed by Legal Information Institutes and other organizations, this site provides a common search engine and web access to over 270 databases of case law, legislation, treaties, law reform reports, law journals and other materials from 20 countries.