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Health Subject Guide: OA Texts

A resource for open access medical and health content

OA Texts

This tab contains access to OA texts, documents, and data concerning medicine and health sciences. 


Perseus Library: Greek and Latin Library

The Perseus Greek and Latin Library is a digital library hosted by Tufts University. The Perseus project began in 1987. 

Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg is a digital library. This project seeks to ensure the survival of cultural and historical works that are now in the public domain.

HathiTrust Digital Library

HathiTrust Digital Library began in 2008 as an online repository. It works in collaboration with the Big Ten Academic Alliance, the University of California, as well as local libraries worldwide. 

The Open University

The Open University is an institution that promotes open access to education and resources. The University opened in 1969 in England and now offers classes globally using digital resources. 

Open Medicine (De Gruyter)

De Gruyter's Open Medicine is an open-access medical journey that began in 2006. They believe in the accessibility of medical research. 

National Library of Medicine

WikiData: Medicine and Health Sciences

WikiData was developed in October 2012 as part of the WikiMedia movement. The WikiMedia movement involved providing open access data to people at no cost. 

Canadian Institute for Health Information

The Canadian Institute for Health Information provides information and datasets regarding Canadian health trends. They work as an independent, non-profit corporation that began in 1996. 

The World Health Organization

The World Health Organization is a global organization that works in unison with the United Nations. First established in 1948, then referred to as the World Health Alliance. The goal of the WHO is to study diseases, illnesses, and health trends on a global scale. 

CDC (Center of Disease Control)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is a global health organization situated in Atlanta, Georgia. The CDC began on July 1st, 1946 to monitor infectious diseases, bacteria, and food-borne pathogens. The goal of the CDC is the assurance of public safety. 

Open Access Education is the concept that education should be accessible to anyone, regardless of finances, race, gender, or ethnicity.