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The Newsstand: News & Happenings @MTA_Libraries

What I Wish I Knew: Library Edition

by Gavin Goodwin on 2022-09-16T14:42:00-03:00 | 0 Comments

Are you a new or returning student and want to learn more about the library from a student perspective? Join us for a student-led discussion about the library and learn from library veterans about their tips, tricks, and hacks about using the library! Panelists include students who are first-generation students as well as those who are student workers in the library to give you an inside perspective! This discussion will be great for new students, first-generation or international students, or mature students, but even you are a returning student who just wants a refresher and some new tips & tricks, join us on the main floor of the R.P Bell Library on Tuesday September 20 at 4:30 pm!

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