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Beaumarchais, Jean-Pierre de, Daniel Couty, and Alain Rey. Dictionnaire des littératures de langue française. 3 vols. Paris: Bordas, c1984- . PQ 41 B4 1984 REF
Cabeen, David Clark, ed. Critical Bibliography of French Literature. 6 vols. Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, [publication date varies by volume]. Z 2171 .C3 REF
Dolbow, Sandra W. Dictionary of modern French literature : from the age of reason through realism. New York: Greenwood Press, 1986. PQ 41 D65 1986 REF
Flower, John. Historical Dictionary of French Literature. Lanham: Scarecrow, 2013. PQ 41 .F58 2013 REF
France, Peter, ed. The new Oxford companion to literature in French. Oxford; New York: Clarendon Press, 1995. PQ 41 .N48 1995 REF
Grente, Cardinal Georges, ed. Dictionnaire des lettres françaises. Rev. ed. 2 vols. [Paris]: Fayard, 1992- . PQ 41 .D55 1992 REF
Grente, Georges Grente, et al., eds. Dictionnaire des lettres françaises : le dix-neuvième siècle. 2 vols. Paris: Librairie Arthème Fayard, 1971-1972. PQ 41 G7 REF
Levi, Anthony. Guide to French literature : 1789 to the present. Chicago: St. James Press, c1992. PQ 226 L48 1992 REF
---. Guide to French literature : beginnings to 1789. Detroit : St. James Press, 1994. PQ 151 L48 1994 REF
Mitterand, Henri, ed. Dictionnaire des grandes oeuvres de la littérature française. Paris: Dictionnaires Le Robert, c1992. PQ 41 .D468 1992 REF
Popkin, Debra and Michael Popkin, eds. Modern French literature : a library of literary criticism. 2 vols. New York: Ungar, c1977. PQ 306 M57 REF
Sinnreich-Levi, Deborah and Ian S. Laurie, eds. Literature of the French and Occitan Middle Ages : eleventh to fifteenth centuries. Dictionary of literary biography. Detroit : Gale Group, c1999. PQ 151 .L57 1999 REF
Brosman, Catharine Savage, ed. French novelists, 1900-1930. Dictionary of literary biography. Detroit: Gale Research, c1988. PQ 671 .F67 1988 REF
---. French novelists, 1930-1960. Dictionary of literary biography. Detroit: Gale Research, c1988. PQ 671 .F68 1988 REF
---. French novelists since 1960. Dictionary of literary biography. Detroit: Gale Research, c1989. PQ 671 .F69 1989 REF
---. Nineteenth-century French fiction writers : naturalism and beyond, 1860-1900. Dictionary of literary biography. Detroit: Gale Research, c1992. PQ 661 .N56 1992 REF
---. Nineteenth century French fiction writers : romanticism and realism, 1800-1860. Dictionary of literary biography. Detroit: Gale Research, c1992. PQ 655 .N56 1992 REF
Compère, Daniel, ed. Dictionnaire du roman populaire francophone. Paris : Nouveau monde, c2007. PQ 637 .P68 D53 2007 REF
Beum, Robert, ed. Nineteenth-century French poets. Dictionary of literary biography. Detroit: Gale Group, c2000. PQ 433 .N56 2000 REF
Coleman, Kathleen. Guide to French poetry explication. New York: G.K. Hall : Maxwell Macmillan International; Toronto: Maxwell Macmillan Canada, c1993. PQ 401 .C65 1993 REF
Jarrety, Michel, et al., eds. Dictionnaire de poésie de Baudelaire à nos jours. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 2001. PQ 433 .D53 2001 REF
Confortès, Claude. Répertoire du théâtre contemporain de langue française. Paris : Nathan, c2000. PQ 556 .C635 2000 REF
Cooper, Barbara T., ed. French dramatists, 1789-1914. Dictionary of literary biography. Detroit : Gale Research, 1998. PQ 501 .F733 1998 REF
Forman, Edward. Historical dictionary of French theater. Lanham: Scarecrow, 2010. PN 2637 .F67 2010
Gaines, James F, ed. The Molière Encyclopedia. Westport: Greenwood Press, 2002. PQ 1851 .M57 2002 REF
Gallant, Janine, and Maurice Raymond, eds. Dictionnaire des oeuvres littéraires de l'Acadie des Maritimes, XXe siècle. Sudbury: Prise de parole, 2012. PQ 3940 .D53 2012 REF
Grandpré, Pierre de. Histoire de la littérature française du Québec. 4 vols. Montréal: Librairie Beauchemin, 1967-1969. PQ 3917 .Q3 G7 1967 REF
Lamonde, Yvan. Je me souviens : la littérature personnelle au Québec (1860-1980). Québec: Institut québécois de recherche sur la culture, 1983. PS 8081 L3 1983 REF
Lemire, Maurice, et al., eds. Dictionnaire des oeuvres littéraires du Québec. 6 vols. Montréal: Fides, 1978 - . PQ 3901 .D5 REF
Benson, Eugene, and William Toye, eds. The Oxford companion to Canadian literature. 2nd ed. Toronto: Oxford UP, 1997. PS 8015 .O93 1997 REF
Hamel, Réginald, John Hare, and Paul Wyczynski. Dictionnaire des auteurs de langue française en Amérique du Nord. Montréal: Fides, 1989. PQ 3904 H25 1989.
Lang, Robert, et al., eds. Contemporary Canadian authors : a bio-bibliographical guide to current Canadian writers in fiction, general nonfiction, poetry, journalism, drama, motion pictures, television, and other fields. Toronto: Gale Canada, c1996 - . PS 8081 .C66 1996 REF
New, W.H., ed. Canadian writers before 1890. Dictionary of literary biography. Detroit: Gale Research, c1990. PS 8081 C5 1990 REF
---. Canadian writers, 1890-1920. Dictionary of literary biography. Detroit: Gale Research, c1990. PS 8071.2 C37 1990 REF
---. Canadian writers, 1920-1959. Dictionary of literary biography. Detroit: Gale Research, c1988, c1989. First Series: PS 8081 C54 1988 REF ; Second Series: PS 8081 C55 1989 REF
---. Canadian writers since 1960. Dictionary of literary biography. Detroit: Gale Research, c1986, c1987. First Series: PS 8081 C58 1986 REF ; Second Series: PS 8081 C59 1987 REF
Makward, Christiane P., et al. Dictionnaire littéraire des femmes de langue française : de Marie de France à Marie NDiaye. Paris: Karthala, c1996. PQ 149 .M35 1996 REF
Sartori, Eva Martin, et al., eds. The feminist encyclopedia of French literature. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1999. PQ 149 .F47 1999 REF
Sartori, Eva Martin, and Dorothy Wynne Zimmerman, eds. French women writers : a bio-bibliographical source book. New York: Greenwood Press, 1991. PQ 149 .F73 1991 REF
Lofficier, Jean-Marc, and Randy Lofficier. French science fiction, fantasy, horror and pulp fiction : a guide to cinema, television, radio, animation, comic books and literature from the middle ages to the present. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, c2000. PQ 637 .F3 L64 2000
Bergez, Daniel, Violaine Géraud, and Jean-Jacques Robrieux. Vocabulaire de l'analyse littéraire. Paris: Dunod, 1996, c1994. PN 172 .B496 1996 REF
Delabastita, Dirk, et al., eds. Dictionnaire des termes littéraires. Paris: Champion, 2005. PQ 41 .D565 2005
Dictionnaire des genres et notions littéraires. Paris: Encyclopaedia Universalis : A. Michel, c1997. PN 44.5 .D53 1997 REF
Gallix, François. Dictionnaire raisonné bilingue de l'analyse littéraire. Paris: Ed. du Temps, c2000. PN 81 .G55 2000 REF
Hules, Virginia T., and Michael Grimaud. Le français littéraire fondamental : a glossary for students and teachers. Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, c1981. PC 2680 H8 1981 REF
Quivy, Mireille. Glossaire bilingue des termes littéraires: francais-anglais. Paris: Ellipses, 2004. PN 44.5 .Q58 2004 REF