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The Future is Bright, and Mount Allison Libraries and Archives is Here To Help

by Alexandra Tome on 2023-03-28T15:14:07-03:00 | 0 Comments


decorate image with text that says the future is bright so you gotta wear sunglasses


What does a professional interview look like? How do I network? What do I need to apply to graduate school? Your future is bright and we have amazing resources to help you with your goals and to answer your questions. We also have amazing librarians that can point you in the right direction. Scroll down to see just a couple of the great ebooks that can help you with your goals and questions. Whether you're about to graduate or you still have time until that happens, it's never too late or too early to start thinking about these things. 

We are open during the summer, so don’t worry -- you can continue to borrow books and browse our online resources. If you are graduating this year,  you can still access databases and eBooks until August. Of course, alumni can always borrow physical books or use any electronic resources while on campus. The Experiences and Careers office and Alumni office are also open during the summer and can help you.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can visit us at the library or email us at


Cover ArtWhat Next after School? by Elizabeth Holmes
ISBN: 0749472510
Publication Date: 2014-07-03
"What Next After School? has established itself as a key guide for helping students to understand the many options available to them as they approach the end of their school years, including education options (academic as well as vocational training), gap years, the world of work, and practical issues such as finances, debts and insurance. This new 11th edition also includes case studies illustrating how other students have adapted to life after school, as well as detailed information on making the most of the decisions facing all school leavers." --publisher




Cover ArtA Guide to Academia: Getting into and Surviving Grad School, Postdocs and a Research Job by Prosanta Chakrabarty
ISBN: 1280587474
Publication Date: 2011-01-01
"A Guide to Academia is a handbook for all those individuals thinking seriously about going to graduate school. Written by an author with extensive experience navigating the academic world, the book explains all the steps and potential bumps in the road that a student might encounter as they take the plunge into academia. Each chapter begins with a section called the "hard truth," which will help students determine if they are on the right path. Starting with an undergraduate student looking for a graduate school, the reader is taken on a journey up the academic ladder through graduate studies, a postdoctoral fellowship and an assistant professorship. Each chapter gives advice on not only how to survive the current stage but how to get to the next stage quickly. Enhanced with material from the author's own job applications and interview presentations, A Guide to Academia provides concrete examples of the tools needed for a successful career in academia." --publisher
Cover ArtDon't Wear Flip-Flops to Your Interview by Paul Powers
ISBN: 1632659964
Publication Date: 2015-08-17
"When it comes to getting a job, the smallest thing can trip you up. For 30 years, Dr. Paul Powers has asked thousands of successful job hunters a few basic but important questions: What do you wish someone had told you when you started your job search? What (obvious or not-so-obvious) job hunting mistake will you never make again? What job hunting tip, secret, or technique would you stress to your very best friend? Don't Wear Flip-Flops to Your Interview is packed with strategies and techniques that are practical, market proven, easy to use, and often humorous. Added to this powerful mix are the hard-won lessons from the personal experiences of thousands of professionals who have succeeded in the job-changing game. Don't Wear Flip-Flops to Your Interview takes you through every crucial step in your job search, from getting interviews and answering those really tricky questions to negotiating the best deal possible." --publisher


Cover ArtDigital you : Real Personal Branding in the Virtual Age by William Arruda
ISBN: 1949036766
Publication Date: 2019-10-29
"What’s your story? The most successful brands aren’t created, they are unearthed. Successful branding is based on authenticity. So how do you reveal your own brand? First, by searching yourself for answers to questions like these: What do you do better than anyone? What are you most proud of? What makes you lose track of time? In Digital You: Real Personal Branding in the Virtual Age, branding authority William Arruda describes the 21st century world of personal branding and guides you to define, express, and expand your personal brand for the virtual world." --publisher


Cover ArtThe Unspoken Rules by Gorick Ng
ISBN: 1647820448
Publication Date: 2021-04-27
 "You've landed a job. Now what? No one tells you how to navigate your first day in a new role. No one tells you how to take ownership, manage expectations, or handle workplace politics. No one tells you how to get promoted. The answers to these professional unknowns lie in the unspoken rules--the certain ways of doing things that managers expect but don't explain and that top performers do but don't realize. The problem is, these rules aren't taught in school. Instead, they get passed down over dinner or from mentor to mentee, making for an unlevel playing field, with the insiders getting ahead and the outsiders stumbling along through trial and error. Until now. In this practical guide, Gorick Ng, a first-generation college student and Harvard career adviser, demystifies the unspoken rules of work. Ng distills the wisdom he has gathered from over five hundred interviews with professionals across industries and job types about the biggest mistakes people make at work. Loaded with frameworks, checklists, and talking points, the book provides concrete strategies you can apply immediately to your own situation and will help you navigate inevitable questions, such as: How do I manage my time in the face of conflicting priorities? How do I build relationships when I'm working remotely? How do I ask for help without looking incompetent or lazy? The Unspoken Rules is the only book you need to perform your best, stand out from your peers, and set yourself up for a fulfilling career." --publisher


Cover ArtTo University and Beyond by Mandee Heller Adler; David Teten
ISBN: 9781119758976
Publication Date: 2021-04-30
"Learn how to use your time as a student to supercharge your career. To University and Beyond: Launch Your Career in High Gear delivers a step-by-step guide to using your educational years to put you in the right position to accelerate your career, optimize your time, and build valuable and rewarding relationships. You'll learn everything you need to know about taking advantage of the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity: the first ten years of your career. Broken down into 21 accessible chapters, To University and Beyond features a wide array of practical and strategic advice on topics like: How to write the perfect resume or CV; How to hack your career path to achieve what you've always dreamt of; How to access rarely used scholarships and grants; How to find selective short-term learning programs; How to thrive in a virtual learning environment; How to get paid to learn with options beyond traditional degree programs; How to communicate and present so people get your message. Perfect for high school, college, and university students who want to make the most of their time and start their career off on the right foot, To University and Beyond provides a wealth of actionable advice you can put to work today." -- publisher
Cover ArtSkills for Career Success by Elaine Biech
ISBN: 1523091932
Publication Date: 2021-01-05
"This career development tool kit is for people who want to take charge of their own professional futures. If you want to have a career that is meaningful and inspires you, you must prepare for it the same way you would a marathon--developing an overall training plan to carry you through to race day and beyond. This is especially important in today's unpredictable work world, where organizations are in a state of constant flux, and many have either eliminated their employee development programs or adopted a generic, one-size-fits-all approach. Skills for Career Success maps the strategies and skills you will need to take responsibility for your own future. It provides an overview of career development basics, including how to write an Individual Development Plan (IDP) that is practical and useful to you. The core of the book is an easy-to-navigate catalog of fifty-one critical skills, such as communicating clearly, adapting to situations, advocating for yourself, managing time, and selling your ideas. For each skill, there are actions you can take immediately, ongoing practices, and long-term goals. Beyond the skills, there is advice for keeping your career on track, mapping a path beyond your current job, overcoming personal roadblocks, finding your passion at work, and initiating talent conversations with your manager. There are also guidelines for managers who want to bring out the best in their people." -- publisher


Cover ArtHow to Thrive and Survive As a Working Woman by Fiona Elsa Dent; Viki Holton
ISBN: 9781472922694
Publication Date: 2016-04-21
Have you read all the books out there on getting to the top but find yourself wanting not necessarily tips for achieving a high-flying career, but the tools for creating a fulfilling working life? Based on new data from surveys and interviews, How to Thrive and Survive as a Working Woman encompasses stories, examples, strategies and practical exercises. The content is both instructive and interactive, offering insights from the authors' own experience of working with many women managers who attend Ashridge Business School programmes and events. The book focuses on key issues for development and career success and apples these to the specific challenges facing women at work, including: getting started in your career; dealing with motherhood and a career; dual career couples; changing career direction; moving up to senior levels; lack of confidence; and developing a clear career plan. Offering tips, techniques and approaches, this book is an essential tool for working women of all ages and at various stages in their career. -- adapted from the publisher


Cover ArtThe Artist's Guide by Jackie Battenfield
ISBN: 9780786748068
Publication Date: 2009-06-09
"A comprehensive guide for both emerging and mid-career artists to pursue a career in the visual arts. Providing real-life examples, illustrations, and step-by-step exercises, Battenfield offers readily applicable advice on all aspects of the job. Along with tips on planning and assessment, she presents strategies for self-management, including marketing, online promotion, building professional relationships, grant writing, and portfolio development. Each chapter ends with an insightful "Reality Check" interview, featuring advice and useful information from high-profile artists and professionals. The result is an inspiring, experiential guide brimming with field-tested techniques that readers can easily apply to their own career." --publisher

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