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Which Search Tool Should I Use?

The library has many different tools you can use to find the information you are looking for.

Here are some tips to help you decide where to start and which tool to use. 


What is Novanet?
Novanet is a consortium of libraries that includes Mount Allison and all universities in Nova Scotia.     
The Novanet discovery tool permits you to search the physical collections of all Novanet Libraries plus Mount Allison’s online databases.  
Novanet pulls together resources from multiple sources and displays them in a single search results list.  Unfiltered Novanet search results may contain:
    Print books & e-books
    Journals & articles
    Conference proceedings
    Newspaper articles
    Theses & dissertations
    Government publications
    Movies available in video streaming datbases
   CDs & DVDs
    Music scores  
   And more!
You can decide on the scope of your search by specifying whether you wish to search:
  • Everything in Novanet
  • All of MtA’s databases
  • The physical collections of all Novanet Libraries
  • The physical collections available at Mount Allison.  
You can also use Novanet to search for items your professors place on Course Reserve.  
See Novanet Search Tips for more details.  
Good things to know about Novanet

Sign in

Sign in to Novanet to see the full list of Novanet search results.  It is possible to search Novanet without signing in but search results may be different.
To log into your Novanet account, click the My Account / Renew Books link on the main page of the Library website, or go to and click on Sign In.  
Please note that sign-in procedures have changed:
  • For MtA Students, staff, faculty:  Sign in using the same username and password you use for your MtA email, Connect and Moodle.   
  • Community patrons:  If you know your user name (barcode number) you can use the “Forgot my Password” link to create a new password.  
For help signing in, including re-setting your password, simply contact Access Services at or 364-2568.
Because Novanet searches multiple sources, you may see an overwhelming number of results for your initial search. Use the Novanet filters to refine your results by material type, date, availability, peer-reviewed, library location and more.
Access to items at other libraries
By default, Novanet searches the physical collections of all Novanet libraries plus MtA Library Databases.  
You can decide on the scope of your search by specifying whether you wish to search everything in Novanet, all of MtA’s databases, the physical collections of all Novanet Libraries, or just the physical collections available at Mount Allison.  
When searching everything in Novanet or when searching the physical collections of all Novanet Libraries, search results can include items available at the MtA ibraries and items available at other Novanet libraries.  You can easily request items from other Novanet libraries by placing a hold on the items you wish to borrow.  
Search Tips
See the Novanet Search Tips page for helpful tips that could help improve your search results. 

Databases - A to Z List

What is the A to Z Databases List?
The A to Z List is a list of all of the databases and other digital resources the library licenses or makes available for your use.  
Databases permit you to search for and access materials such as e-books, academic journals, magazines, newspapers, streaming audio and video, and more.  Some databases are subject or discipline-specific (e.g. PsycInfo for Psychology) and others are multidisciplinary (e.g. JSTOR, a database that provides access to scholarly journals across many disciplines).  
The A-Z List of Databases permits you to sort the list by subject to help you find the databases most suitable for a topic or area of study.    
Novanet searches all databases but Novanet search results may sometimes differ from search results in individual library database.  For example, certain individual databases offer search features and options not available in Novanet.  
In some cases, searching individual databases in addition to or instead of Novanet may be the best option.  
For more help discovering which databases are commonly used in your discipline, check our subject guides for recommendations from your subject librarian, or ask a librarian. 
When should I use the A to Z list?
  • I know the name of the database I am looking for.
  • I am doing intensive research in a specific subject area.
  • I want to use the extra search features provided by individual databases.

Journal Finder

What is Journal Finder?
Journal Finder permits you to search for journals and discover in which library database(s) they are available.  
When should I use Journal Finder?
  • I know the name of the journal I am looking for.
  • I have a citation for an article and I want to know if the library has online access to the journal in which it is published.
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Librarians are available to meet with you in person, by phone, or online.