List of Illustrations
French and French Influence 2 BACQUEVILLE DE LA POTHERIE, Claude Charles 15 CHABERT, Joseph. Voyage fait par ordre du roi, 1753. 16 CHAMPLAIN, Samuel de. Voyages de la nouvelle France, 1632. 17 CHAMPLAIN, Samuel de. Voyages du sievr de Champlain, 1613. 26 CRESPEL, Emmanuel. Voiages du R. P. Emmanuel Crespel, 1742. 31 DENYS, Nicolas. Description géographique et historique, 1672. 33 DU CREUX, Francois. Historiae canadensis, 1664. 55 HENNEPIN, Louis. Nouveau voyage d'un pais plus grand, 1698. 64 LAFITAU, Joseph. Moeurs des sauvages ameriquains, 1724. 65 LAHONTAN, Louis. New voyages to North America, 1703. 74 LE JEUNE, Paul. Relation de ce qui s'est passe, 1637. 78 LESCARBOT, Marc. Histoire de la nouvvelle France, 1618 80 LESCARBOT, Marc. Mvses de la nouvelle France, 1618. 84 MARTIN, Claude. Vie de la venerable mere Marie, 1677. 102 SAGARD, Gabriel. Grand voyage du pays des Hurons, 1632. English and English Influence 120 BEAUCLERK, Charles. Lithographic views 121 BENGOUGH, John. Caricature history of Canadian politics, 1886. 126 BOUCHETTE, Joseph. British dominions in 136 CAMPBELL, Patrick. Travels in the interior inhabited parts, 1793. 139 CARTWRIGHT, George. Journal of transactions and events, 1792. 152 Directions for the Gulph and River of St. Lawrence, 1774. 162 FISHER, Peter. Sketches of New Brunswick, 1825. 174 GREAT BRITAIN. Treaties. Treaty of peace, 1686. 175 HALIBURTON, Thomas. Historical and 184 HIND, Henry. Explorations in the interior of the 200 KALM, Pehr. Travels into North America, 1770-1. 219 MARSDEN, Joshua. Narrative of a mission, 1816. 246 Report of the commissioners for exploring, 1819. 253 ROGERS, Robert. Ponteach or the savages of America, 1766. 280 TRAILL, Catherine. Backwoods of Canada, 1846. Exploration of the Arctic 299 DEBBS, Arthur. Account of the 300 ELLIS, Henry. Voyage to Hudson's Bay, 1748. 301 FRANKLIN, Sir John. Narrative 310 North Georgia Gazette and Winter Chronicle, 1821. 311 PARRY, Sir William. Journal of a second voyage, 1824. 317 ROSS, Sir John. Appendix to 318 ROSS, Sir John. Narrative of a second voyage, 1835. Western Frontier 320 AGASSIZ, Louis. Lake Superior, its physical character, 1850. 351 DUROCHER, Flavien. Aiamie kushkushkutu mishinaigan, 1847. 374 HARMON, Daniel. A journal of voyages and travels, 1820. 376 HIND, Henry. Narrative of the Canadian Red River. 384 KANE, Paul. Wanderings of an artist, 1859. 400 MACKENZIE, Sir Alexander. Voyages from Montreal, 1801. 405 MEARES, John. Voyages made 416 PORTLOCK, Nathaniel. Voyage around the world, 1789. 428 ROBSON, Joseph. Account of six years residence, 1752. 445 SPENCE, Thomas. Prairie lands of Canada, 1879. 455 VANCOUVER, George. Voyage of discovery to the north, 1798. 464 Work of a few years among the Indians, 1893. Early Canadian Imprints to 1820 475 CATHOLIC CHURCH. Office de la semaine sainte, 1778. 476 CATHOLIC CHURCH. Officium in honorem, 1777. 491 Gazette litteraire pour la ville, 1799. 492 Géographie a l'usage des ecoliers, 1804. 493 Herald, Miscellany and Advertiser, 1799. 496 LA BROSSE, Jean. Nehiro-iriniui, 1767. 520 RICHARDSON, John. Letters of Veritas, 1815. 521 Rules and regulations of police, 1801. 522 SCOTT, Jonathan. A brief view of the religious tenets, 1784. 523 SECCOMBE, John. Sermon preached at Halifax, 1770.
For Collections and Collectors see pages ix-xi of Introductory Pages
Name/Title Aux habitans du district
Bellefeuille, Edouard de. Thèse sur les Bibaud, Maximilien. Biographie des Bibaud, Maximilien. Catéchisme de Bibaud, Michel. Epitres, satires, chansons Bibaud, Michel. Histoire du Canada Bibaud, Michel. Quelques réflexions Biggar, Henry. Early trading companies Bressani, Francesco. Breve relatione Brown, Thomas. Brief sketch of Catholic Church. Calendrier pour
Centenaire de l'assaut de Québec Chabert, Joseph. Voyage fait par ordre Champlain, Samuel de. Voyages de la Champlain, Samuel de. Voyages du sievr Champlain, Samuel de. Voyages et Chansonnier canadien Charlevoix, Pierre-. Histoire et description Charlevoix, Pierre-. Journal of a voyage Charlevoix, Pierre-. Vie de la mère Marie Chastellux, François. Voyages de M. le Choiseul, Etienne. Historical memorial of Crespel, Emmanuel. Travels in North Crespel, Emmanuel. Voiages du
Crespel, Emmanuel. Voyages de R. P. Dablon, Claude. Relation de ce qui
Denys, Nicolas. Description DiPreville. Relation du voyage du Faillon, Etienne. Histoire de la colonie France. Loi relative aux secours France. Conseil d'Etat. Arrest du Conseil France. Conseil d'Etat. Arrest du Conseil France. Sovereign. Edit du roy France. Sovereign. Lettres patentes France. Sovereign. Declaration du roi France.Treaties. Traitte de paix entre Girouard, Désiré. Anciennes cotes Girouard, Désiré. Lake St. Louts old Girouard,Désiré. Supplement"Lake Girouard, Désiré. Vieux Lachine Halévy, Léon. Histoire morale Harrisse, Henry. Découverte et évolution
Hennepin, Louis. Description de la Hennepin, Louis. New discovery of a Hennepin, Louis. New discovery of a Hennepin, Louis. Nouveau voyage d'un Hennepin, Louis. Nouvelle decouverte Hincks, Sir Francis. Ministerial crisis Institut canadien. Annuairen de l'lnstitut Journal historique des evenemens Joutel, Henri. Journal historique du Joutel, Henri. Journal of the last Kauder, Christian. Buch das gut enthaltend Lafitau, Joseph. Memoire presente a Lafitau, Joseph. Moeurs des sauvages Lahontan, Louis. New voyages to Lahontan, Louis. Nouveaux voyages Lahontan, Louis. Nouveaux voyages Lalemant, Jérôme. Relation de ce qui Lalemant, Jérôme. Relation de ce qui Le Beau, Claude. Avantures du Le Clercq, Chrestien. Nouvelle relation Le Clercq, Chrestien. Nouvelle relation Le Clerq, Chrestien. Premier etablissement Le Jeune, Paul. Relation de ce qui Le Jeune, Paul. Relation de ce qui Le Jeune, Paul. Relation de ce qui Le Mercier, Francois. Relation de ce qui Lescarbot, Marc. Histoire de la nouvelle Lescarbot, Marc. Muses de la nouvelle Lescarbot, Marc. Muses de la nouvelle Lettres de Monsieur le marquis de McLennan, John. Louisbourg from its Marie de l'Incarnation. Lettres de la Martin, Claude. Vie de la venerable Maurault, Olivier. Paroisse histoire de
Montbas, Hugues de. Avec Lafayette Notre-Dame de Montréal. Premier registre Nouvel alphabet pour les commençans Papineau, Louis. Discours de l'Hon. Papineau, Louis. Speech of Louis J. Pelarinage du Mont Saint-Hilaire Petitclair, Pierre. Criphon Pétition contre l'union Pidansat de Mairobert, Mathieu. Discussion Pouchot, Pierre. Mémoires sur la Prieur, Francois. Notes d'un condamne Quen, Jean de. Relation de ce qui Ragueneau, Paul. Relation de ce qui Reminiscences of Quebec Report of the state trials Roy, Pierre. Ville de Québec Sagard, Gabriel Grand voyage du pays Saint-Ignace, mère. Histoire de Saint-Vallier, Jean-. Estat present Sulte, Benjamin. Histoire de la ville des Thévenot, Melchisédech. Recueil de Thévenot, Melchisédech. Recueil de Tonti, Henri de. Dernieres decouvertes Viger, Denis. Analyse d'un entretien Viger, Denis. Divers documens Viger, Denis. Documents and Vimont, Barthélemy. Relation de ce qui |
Date [ca. 1838?]
1837 [1832] 1901 1653
1863 1791
1734 [1780]
1889 1834 1900
1844 1868 1838
1961 1830
1841 1837 [1840?]
1858 1839 1930
1826 [1835]
Ref. no 1
7 8 9 10
35 36
42 43
48 49 50
57 58 59
87 88
91 92 93
99 100 101
109 110
Name/Title Achintre, Auguste. Ile Ste. Helene Alexander, William. Conduct of Major Anspach, Lewis. History of the Island Answer to the letter to two great men Argyll, John Douglas, Duke of. Canadian Atkinson, Christopher. Guide to New Awful exposure of the atrocious plot Beauclerk, Charles. Lithographic views Bengough, John. Caricature of Birchall, Reginald. Birchall: the story Borthwick, John. From darkness to light Borthwick, John. History of Montreal Bosworth, Newton. Hochelaga depicta Bouchette, Joseph. British dominions in Bouchette, Joseph. Topographical
Boume, George. Picture of Quebec and Briggs, George. Recollections of a visit British freedom Brooke, Frances. History of Emily Buckingham, James. Canada, Nova Burgoyne, John. State of the expedition Bum, John. Case of the Right Hon. Campbell, Patrick. Travels in the interior Canada: a handbook of information Canada Company. Lands in Upper Cartwright, George. Journal of Carver, Jonathan. Travels through the Cauchon, Joseph. Chambre des Chappell, Edward. Voyage of His Christian warned Colden, Cadwallader. History of the five Complete synopsis of the Great Pew Case Cowan, Helen. British emigration Dartnell, George. Brief narrative of the Day, Catherine. Pioneers of the Eastern De Roos, Fred. Personal narrative of De Veaux, Samuel. Falls of Niagara Destruction of King's College Directions for the Gulph and River Dix, John. Hand book for Lake Dominion of Canada: a guide book Dominion of Canada: the Eastern Douglas, John. Letter addressed to two Dunlop, William. Address delivered to Durham, John, Earl of. Report on the Enquiry into the merits Evans, Francis. Emigrant's directory and Fenian Raid of 1870 Fisher, Peter. Sketches of New-Brunswick Foster, John. Report on the Phillipsburg Fox, Charles. Beauties of Fox, North and Franklin, Benjamin. Interest of Great French, Thomas. Information for Geikie, Cunningham. Adventures in Gleason, Thomas. Quebec directory Graham, Franklin. Histrionic Montreal Grants of land free Gray, Hugh. Letters from Canada Great Britain. Treaties. Definitive treaty of Great Britain. Treaties. Definitive treaty of Great Britain. Treaties. Treaty of peace Haliburton, Thomas. Historical and Hawkins, Alfred. Hawkins's picture of Hawles, John. Canadian's right Head, Sir George. Forest scenes and Henry, Alexander. Travels and Henry, Walter. Trifles from my port-folio Heriot, George. History of Canada Heriot, George. Travels through the Hill, George. Guide for emigrants Hind, Henry. Explorations in the interior Historical and descriptive notice on the Howison, John. Sketches o/ Upper Howley, M. F. Cabot's voyages Hunter, Andrew. Lake Simcoe and its Hunter, William. Hunter's Eastern Hunter, William. Hunter's Ottawa Hunter, William. Hunter's panoramic Interests of the British Empire It blows, it snows Jameson, Anna. Winter studies and Jeffreys, Thomas. Conduct of the French Jeffreys, Thomas. Conduite des françois Jeffreys, Thomas. Natural and civil Johnson, Susanna. Narrative of the Johnson, Susanna. Narrative of the Kalm, Pehr. Travels into North America Kidd, Adam. Huron chief and other poems Kingsford, William. Canadian Knox, John. Historical journal of the Kohl, Johann. Travels in Canada Lambert, John. Travels through Canada Lanman, Charles. Adventures of an Legge, Charles. Glance at the Victoria Letter to the people of England Lighthall, William. Glorious enterprise Long, John. Voyages and travels of an Lorimer, John. History of islands & islets Lower Canada. Legislature. Minutes of Lower Canada. Legislature. Standing rules Lumsden, James. American memoranda
Magrath, Thomas. Authentic letters from Mante,Thomas. History of the late war Mariott, Sir James. Plan of a code of laws Marsden, Joshua. Narrative of a mission Maseres, Francis. Account of the Maseres, Francis. Additional papers Maseres, Francis. Canadian freeholder: Maseres, Francis. Considerations on the Maude, John. Visit to the falls of Niagara Merritt, William. Journal of events Minerve: journal politique Montreal (Quebec). By-laws, rules, Montreal Almanack Montreal Almanack Montreal Herald Montreal in 1856 Morrison, Thomas. Trial of Dr. Morrison Motives for a subscription Motives for a subscription Nettle, George. Practical guide for Nettle, Richard. Salmon fisheries of the Noble lads of Canada Ogden, John. Tour through Upper and Pilot Pilot and Journal of Commerce Pitt, William. Address to the great man Present state of the Canadas Prince Edward Island Calendar Pye, Thomas. Canadian scenery Quebec Guide Report of the commissioners for exploring Report of the special committee Richardson,John. War of 1812 Riot and outrage of 9th June Rogers, Robert. Concise account Rogers, Robert. Journals of Major Rogers, Robert. Journals of Major Rogers, Robert. Ponteach or the savages Rouso d'Eres, Charles. Memoirs of
Ryerson, Egerton. Letters… to the Hon. Sandham, Alfred. Ville-Marie Sansom, Joseph. Sketches of Lower Sherwood, Henry. Observations on the Shirley, William. Letter from William Shirley, William. Letter from William Sietge de Quebec en 1759 Silliman, Benjamin. Tour to Quebec Simcoe, Elizabeth. Diary of Mrs. John Simcoe, John. Journal of the operations Simcoe Standard Extra Smyth, Sir James. Precis of the wars in Stewart, John. Account of Prince Edward Sutherland, Thomas. Letter to Her Talbot, Edward. Five years' residence in Tanner, John. Narrative of the captivity Ten days in Quebec Testimonial and memorials of the services Theller, Edward. Canada in 1837-38 Thomas, Cyrus. Contributions to the Thomas, Cyrus. History of the counties Thomron, Hugh. Manual of Thomson, William. Memoirs of the life Three months among the moose Tolfrey, Frederic. Sportsman in Canada Traill, Catherine. Backwoods of Canada Traits of American-lndian life Tully, Kivas. Toronto and Georgian Bay Upper Canada. Legislature. Message from Upper Canada. Legislature. Report from Upper Canada Almanac Upper Canada Christian Almanac Urquhart, William. Manufactures of Van Rensselaer, Solomon. Narrative of Wait, Benjamin. Letters from Walker, Sir Hovenden. Journal or full Weld, Isaac. Travels through the States Wells, William. Canadiana Williams, John. Redeemed captive Willis, Nathaniel. Canadian scenery Word to the wise
Date 1876
1907 1897 1839
[1907?] 1832
1877 1928
1839 [ca.1840?] 1774
1870 1825 1872
1822 1902 [1881] 1809
1839 1804
1834 1863
1868 1846
1754 1755
1770-1 1830
1861 1816
1760 [ca. 1900?]
1772 1774 1816
1826 1863 1850
1830 1831 1850 1856 1838 [1766] [1766]
[ca. 1812]
1850 1848 1758 1833 [1838] 1866 1844 1829 1829 1842 1853 1765
1836 1822
[1894?] 1848 1841
1881 1845 1846 1853
[1827?] 1834
1799 1837
1842 1827 |
Ref. no 113
123 124 125
130 131
145 146
150 151 152
161 162 163
168 169 170 171
180 181
183 184
192 193
195 196
200 201
204 205
208 209
217 218 219
224 225 226
228 229 230 231 232 233 234
239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250
261 262
271 272 273
278 279 280 281
285 286
291 292
294 295 |
Name/Title Back, Sir George. Narrative of the Arctic Barrow, Sir John. Chronological history Chappell, Edward. Narrative of a voyage Dobbs, Arthur. Account of the countries Ellis, Henry. Voyage to Hudson's-Bay Franklin, Sir John. Narrative of a journey Goodsir, Robert. Arctic voyage to Baffin's Hearne, Samuel. Journey from Prince of Letters written during the late voyage of Lyon, George. Brief narrative of an Lyon, George. Private journal of Captain McKeevor, Thomas. Voyage to Hudson's Middleton,Christopher. Reply to the Middleton, Christopher. Vindication of North Georgia Gazette and Winter Chronicle Parry, Sir William. Journal of a second Parry, Sir William. Journal of a third Parry, Sir William. Journal of a voyage Parry, Sir William. Narrative of an Parry, Sir William. Supplement to the Richardson, Sir John. Arctic searching Ross, Sir John. Appendix to the Narrative Ross, Sir John. Narrative of a second
Ref. no.
Name/Title Adam, Graeme. Canadian North-west Agassiz, Louis. Lake Superior its physical Allan Line: information & advice for Anderson, David. Notes of the flood at Argyll, John Douglas, Duke of. Canadian Armstrong, Louis. Southern Manitoba Bailey, John C. Synopsis on the Hudson's Ballantyne, Robert. Pioneers Barrette, J. E. T. Recit d'aventures dans Beaugrand, Honore. De Montreal a Begg, Alexander. Creation of Manitoba Belcourt,George-. Principes de la langue Bompas, William. Diocese of Mackenzie British Columbia: its present resources British Columbia: the Pacific province Brown, Robert. Strictures and remarks on Brown, Robert, 1757-1831. Remarks on Bryce, George. Holiday rambles between Burall, W. T. Trip to the far west Canada. Dept. of Militia. Report upon the Canadian Pacific Railway Company. Carle, Frank. British Northwest: pen and Carruthers, John. Retrospect of thirty-six Chittenden, Newton. Settlers, prospectors Cox, Ross. Adventures on the Columbia Crossley, R. S. To the Rocky Mountains Dictionary of the Chinook jargon Dionne, Narcisse-. Etats-Unis, Manitoba Dionne, Narcisse-. Etats-Unis, Manitoba Documents pour servir a l'intelligence Dominion of Canada: the province of Dunlevie, Horace G. Our volunteers in Durocher, Flavien. Aiamie kushkushkutu Elliott, Charles. Trip to Canada Elliott, George B. Preliminary Farming and ranching in the Canadian Fitzgerald, James. Examination of the FitzGibbon, Mary. Trip to Manitoba Fleming, Sir Sandford. Confidential Franchere, Gabriel. Narrative of a voyage Franchere, Gabriel. Relation d'un voyage Gibbet of Regina Gold dust: how to find it Goodridge, Richard. Year in Manitoba Gordon, James. Eight letters on the Gowanlock, Theresa. Two months in the Grant, George. Ocean to ocean Great Britain. Colonial Office. Papers Halkett, John. Historical notes repeating Halkett, John. Precis touchant la colonie Halkett, John. Statement respecting the Halkett, John Statement respecting the Hall, Edward. Lands of plenty in the Hardisty, Richard. Correspondence of Hargrave, Joseph. Red River Harmon, Daniel. Journal of voyages and Hill, Robert. Manitoba: history of its Hind, Henry. Narrative of the Canadian Hind, Henry. North-west Territory Horetzky, Charles. Canada on the Pacific Horetzky, Charles. North-west of Canada Horetzky,Charles. Some startling facts How to get to the Klondyke Hurssell, Joseph. History of freemasonry L'insurrection du Nord-ouest 1885 Kane, Paul. Wanderings of an artist Kelly, Leroy. Range men King, John. Other side of the "Story" Kippis, Andrew. Life of Captain James Kohl, Johann. Kitchi-gami Laurie, John. Report of Major-General Lees, James. B.C. 1887 Louis Riel: martyr du Nord-ouest McDonald, Archibald. Peace River MacDonald, Peter. Letters from the MacDonell, Alexander. Narrative of McDougall, John. Forest, lake and Macdougall's guide to Manitoba Macdougall's illustrated guide, gazetteer McKay, Donald. Flying Post journal McKay, Donald. Packing acct. of furs Mackenzie, Sir Alexander. Voyages from McLean, John. Notes of a twenty-five Maclean, John. Hero of the Martin, Robert. Hudson's Bay Territories Masson, Louis. Bourgeois de la Meares, John. Voyages made in the years Memorial of the people of Red River Methodist Church (Canada). Missionary New route from Europe to the interior Nicolay, Charles. Oregon territory On the prairie section of the Grand Trunk Palliser,John. Exploration-British Palliser, John. Exploration-British Palliser, John. Exploration-British Palliser, John. Solitary rambles and Pike, Warburton. Through the subarctic Portlock, Nathaniel. Voyage round the Pritchard, John. Narratives of John Province du Manitoba et territoire du Prud'homme, Louis. Notes historiques sur Question Riel Rattray, Alexander. Vancouver Island Rebellion du Nord-ouest Reinhard, Charles de. Report at large of Richardson, Robert. Report of the visit of Riel, Louis. Poesies religieuses et Riel, Louis. Queen vs. Louis Riel Riel Rebellion 1885 Robson, Joseph. Account of six years Ross, Alexander. Adventures of the first Ross, Alexander. Fur hunters of the far Ross, Alexander. Red River settlement Russell, Alexander. Red River country, Russell, Alexander. Red River country, Ryerson, John. Hudson's Bay St. John, Molyneux. Province of British Selkirk, Thomas. Letter to the Earl of Selkirk, Thomas. Observation on the Selkirk, Thomas. Sketch of the British fur Shantz, Jacob. Relation d'un voyage Simpson, Sir George. Narrative of a Simpson, Sir George. Overland journey Smith, William. Historical account of the Spence, Thomas. Manitoba and the Spence, Thomas. Manitoba and the Spence, Thomas. Prairie lands of Canada Spence, Thomas. Prairie lands of Canada Strickland, Samuel. Twenty-seven years Swan, James. British Columbia Tache, Alexandre. Denominational or Tache, Alexandre. North west difficulty Tache, Alexandre. Sketch of the Trow, James. Trip to Manitoba Turner-Turner, J. Three years' hunting Umfreville, Edward. Present state of Vancouver, George. Voyage of discovery Veritable Riel Voorhis, Ernest. Historic forts and Waddington, Alfred. Overland route West, John. Substance of a journal during Western Canada: Manitoba and the Western Canada: Manitoba, Assiniboia, Western Canada Loan and Savings Wilcocke, Samuel. Narrative of Work of a few years among the Indians |
Date 1885
1893 1884
[1899] 1899
1854 1820 1886 1898 1882
1859 1874 1873 1880 1898
[1885] 1859 1913 1886
1888 1885
1880 1882 1833-4 1835 1801
1881 1846
1862 [1887]
1886 [1885]
1879 1880
Ref. no. 319
332 333
344 345
358 359 360 361 362
377 378 379 380 381
383 384 385 386
390 391
396 397 398 399 400
408 409
421 422
426 427
445 446
464 |
Name/Title Abstract from precedents of proceeding Ancient French archives Aux citoyens et habitants Berry, Sir Edward. Narrative of the Bibaud, Michel. Arithmétique en quarte Bonne, Pierre de. A mes compatriotes Bonne, Pierre de. Pre'cis ou abre'ge d'un Bonnefons, Amable. Petit livre de vie Burn, Richard. Juge a paix Catholic Church. Graduel romain Catholic Church. Office de la semaine Catholic Church. Offcium in honorem Catholic Church. Diocese of Quebec. Catholic Church. Diocese of Quebec. Soli Catholic Church. Diocese of St. Pol de Church of England. Order for morning Clery, Jean. Journal de ce qui s'est passé Confrérie de l'Adoration. Réglement Cugnet, Frangois. Extrait des edits Cugnet, Francois. Traité abregé Cugnet, Frangois. Traité de la loi des fiefs Cugnet, Francois. Traité de la police Daule, Jean. Nouveau recueil de Du Monceaux, Alexis. Exercice Durand, Laurens. Cantiques de l'ame Durand, Laurens. Cantiques de Gazette litteraire pour la ville Géographie a l'usage des écoliers Herald, Miscellany & Advertiser Humbert, Pierre. Instructions chrétiennes James, William. Inquiry into the merits La Brosse, Jean. Nehiro-iriniui LaBrosse, Jean. Nehiro-irinini Lettre adressée aux habitans Lhomond, C. F. De viris illustribus Lower Canada. Provincial statute of Lower Canada. Executive Council. Extract Lower Canada. Lieutenant-Governor. McLane, David. Trial of David McLane Mountain, Jacob. Sermon preached at Neuvaine a l'honneur d e S. Français Papers and letters on agriculture Perrault, Joseph-. Dictionnaire portatif Plessis, Joseph. Discours a l'occasion Quebec (Province). Laws, etc. Ordinances Quebec (Province). Legislature. Extract Quebec (Province). Legislature. Report of Quebec gazette Quebec magazine Quesnel, Joseph. Colas et Colinette Ranconnet, de. Vie de la venerable soeur Report of the proceedings connected with Richardson, John. Letters of Veritas Rules and regulations of police Scott, Jonathan. Brief view of the Seccombe, John. Sermon preached at Smith, William. History of Canada Société littéraire de Quebec. Séance Solide dévotion a la tres-sainte famille Sorel. Nicholas. Narrative of facts
Thèses de mathematique et de physique Thèses de mathematique et de physique Thèses de mathematique qui seront Thèses de mathematiques United Church of England and Ireland. Upper Canada. Act for regulating . . . Upper Canada. Act to lay . . . a duty upon Viger, Denis. Considerations sur les effets Watson, Richard. Extrait d'un discours
Date 1792 1791 [1785]
1815 1789 1800
1798 1776 1775 1775 1775 1775
1799 1804 1791 1798 1816 1767 1817 1774 1809
1772 1816 1816 1797 1790
1799 1792 1808 1818
1815 1810
1815 1809 1787 1797
1799 [1792] [1790]
1809 1795
Ref. no 465 466 467
472 473 474
481 482 483 484 485 486
491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499
505 506 507 508 509
515 516 517 518
520 521
524 525 526 527
529 530
536 537 |
See Miscellaneous
Author-Title Index Bookplate and Inscription Index A note on searching through the indexes. To view the entry you are looking for, click on the "Go to links page" to find the appropriate reference number and then proceed from there. |