Author-Title Index
This index provides access by author and title to every book described in the bibliography. All persons and corporate bodies concerned in the
production of the books' texts are included. Pseudonyms and variant forms of names are also indexed. Title entries are provided for all main,
added and series titles.
A mes compatriotes canadiens, 470 |
Analyse d'un entretien sur la |
Abstract from precedents of proceeding |
conservation, 109 |
( 1792 ), 465 |
Anciennes archives fran�aises, 466 |
Account of six years residence in |
Anciennes cotes du Lac Saint-Louis, 45 |
Hudson's Bay, 428 |
Ancient French archives ( 1791 ), 466 |
Account of the proceedings of the |
Anderson, David. Notes of the flood at |
British, 220 |
the Red River (1852), 322 |
Account of Prince Edward Island, 267 |
Annuaire de l'lnstitut canadien pour |
Account of the countries adjoining to |
1867, 58 |
Hudson's Bay, 299 |
Anspach, Lewis. History of the Island of |
Achintre, Auguste. Ile Ste. Helene |
Newfoundland (1819), 115 |
( 1876), 113 |
Answer to the letter to two great men |
Act for regulating the manner of |
(1760), 116 |
licencing public houses, 534 |
Appeal to the honour and good sense, |
Act to lay and collect a duty upon stills, |
295 |
535 |
Appendix to the narrative of a second |
Adam, Graeme. Canadian north-west |
voyage 317 |
(1885), 319 |
Arctic searching expedition, 316 |
Adams, Daniel. Adams' new arithmetic |
Arctic voyage to Baffn's Bay and |
(1833),538 |
Lancaster Sound, 302 |
Additional by-laws, rules, regulations |
Argyll, John Douglas, Duke of. |
and ordinances, 227 |
Canadian life and scenery (1886), |
Additional papers concerning the |
117 |
Province of Quebeck, 221 |
Canadian north-west (1883), 323 |
Address delivered to the York |
Arithm�tique en quatre parties, 469 |
Mechanics� Institution, 157 |
Armstrong, Louis. Southern Manitoba |
Address to the great man, 241 |
[1880?], 324 |
Adventures of the first settlers on the |
Arrest du Conseil d'Etat du roi, qui |
Oregon or Columbia River, 429 |
ordonne le payement des |
Adventures in Canada, 167 |
Reconnoissances, 38 |
Adventures of an angler in Canada, 206 |
Arrest du Conseil d'Etat du roi, qui |
Adventures on the Columbia River, 343 |
ordonne le payement des coupons, |
Aenmerckelycke historiche Reys- |
37 |
beschryvinge, 51 |
Atkinson, Christopher. Guide to New |
Agassiz,Louis. Lake Superior its |
Brunswick (1843), 118 |
physical character (1850), 320 |
Aubin, Napoleon. Chimie agricole |
Agricultural Society in Canada, 509 |
(1847), 539 |
Aiamie kushkushkutu mishinaigan, 351 |
Authentic letters from Upper Canada, |
Alexander, William. Conduct of Major |
216 |
�� Gen. Shirley (1758), 114 |
Aux citoyens et habitants des villes |
Allan Line: information and advice for |
[1785], 467 |
���� emigrants (1879), 321 |
Aux habitans du district de Montr�al, |
American memoranda, 214 |
[ca, 1838?],1 |
349 |
Avantures du Sr. C. Le Beau, 70 |
Bompas, William Carpenter. Diocese of |
Avec Layfayette chez les Iroquois, 86 |
Mackenzie River (1888), 331 |
Awful exposure of the atrocious plot |
Bonne, Pierre Amable de |
(1836), 119 |
A mes compatriotes canadien [1784], |
470 |
B.C. 1887, 390 |
Pre'cis ou abre'ge d'un acte [1794], |
Back, Sir George.Narrative of the Arctic |
471 |
land expedition (1836), 296 |
Bonnefons, Amable. Petit livre de vie |
Backwoods of Canada, 280 |
(1815), 472 |
Bacqueville de la Potherie. Histoire de |
Borthwick, John Douglas. |
I'Amerique septentrionale (1722), |
From darkness to light (1907), 123 |
2 |
History of Montreal (1897), 124 |
Bailey, John C. Synopsis on the |
Bosworth, Newton. |
Hudson's Bay [1898], 325 |
Hochelaga depicta (1839), 125 |
Bailli du p�, 517 |
Hochelaga depicta (1901), 549 |
Ballantyne, Robert. Pioneers [1872], |
Bouchette, Joseph. |
326 |
British dominions in North America |
Barrette, J. E. T. Recit d'aventures dans |
(1831), 126 |
le Nord-ouest (1881), 327 |
Topographical description of the |
Barrow, Sir John. Chronological history |
province (1815), 127 |
of voyages (1818), 297 |
Boulton, D'Arcy. Sketch of His |
Bayard, Nicholas. Journal of the late |
Majesty�s province (1805), 128 |
actions (1868), 548 |
Bourgeois de la Compagnie du Nord� |
Beauclerk, Lord Charles Lithographic |
Ouest, 404 |
views of military operations (1840), |
Bourne, George. Picture of Quebec and |
120 |
its vicinity (1831), 129 |
Beaugrand, Honor�. De Montr�al a |
Br�beof, Jean de, 74 |
Victoria (1887), 328 |
Bressani, Francesco Giuseppe. |
Beauties of Fox, North, and Burke, 164 |
Breve relatione d'alcune missioni |
B�dard,Thomas, 531 |
(1653), 10 |
Begg, Alexander. Creation of Manitoba |
Relation abr�g�e de quelques missions |
(1871), 329 |
(1852), 550 |
Belcourt, George-Antoine. Principes de |
Breve relatione d'alcune missioni, 10 |
la langue des sauvages ( 1839), 330 |
Brief view of the religious tenets, 522 |
Bell, James. Jesuit relations and other |
Brief narrative of an unsuccessful |
Americana [1950], 565 |
attempt, 305 |
Bellefeuille, Edouard Lefebvre de. |
Brief narrative of the shipwreck, 147 |
Th�se sur les mariages (1860), 3 |
Brief sketch of the life . . . of . . . Louis |
Bengough, John Wilson. Caricature |
Joseph Papineau, 11 |
history of Canadian politics (1886), |
Briggs, George. Recollections of a visit |
121 |
[1907], 130 |
Berry, Sir Edward. Narrative of the |
British dominions in North America, 126 |
proceedings (1799), 468 |
British Columbia: its present resources |
Bibaud, Maximilien. |
(1893), 332 |
Biographie des sagamos (1848), 4 |
British Columbia: a lecture, 448 |
Cat�chisme de l'histoire du Canada |
British Columbia: the Pacific province |
(1853), 5 |
(1884), 333 |
Bibaud, Michel, |
British emigration to British North |
Arithm�tique en quatre partie |
America, 146 |
(1816), 469 |
British Northwest: pen and sun sketches, |
Epitres, satires, chansons (1830), 6 |
340 |
Histoire du Canada (1837), 7 |
British freedom (1832), 131 |
Quelques r�flexions sur la derni�re |
British northwest: pen and sun pictures |
�lection [1832], 8 |
340 |
Biblioth�que religieuse et nationale, 96 |
Brokovski, Frederick Thomas, 353 |
Biggar, Henry Percival. Early trading |
Brooke, Frances. History of Emily |
�companies of New France (1901), |
Montague (1769), 132 |
�9 |
Brown, Robert. |
Biographie des sagamos, 4 |
Strictures and remarks on the Earl |
Birchall: the story of his life, 122 |
(1806), 334 |
Birchall, Reginald, Birchall: the story of |
Remarks on the Earl of Selkirk's |
his life (1890), 122 |
(1806), 335 |
350 |
Brown, Thomas. Brief sketch of the life |
Carle, Frank. British Northwest: pen |
[1872], 11 |
and sun sketches (1882), 340 |
Bryce, George. Holiday rambles between |
Carruthers, John. Retrospect of thirty� |
Winnipeg (1888), 336 |
six years' residence (1861), 341 |
Buch das gut enthaltend den |
Cartwright, George. Journal of trans-� |
Katechismus, 62 |
actions and events ( 1792), 139 |
Buckingham, James. Canada, Nova |
Carver, Jonathan. Travels through the |
�Scotia, New Brunswick [1843], |
interior parts (1778), 140 |
�133 |
Case of the Canadians distressed by fire, |
Burall, W. T. Trip to the far west |
233 |
[1891 ?], 337 |
Case of the Canadians at Montreaz, 234 |
Burgoyne, John. State of the expedition |
Case of the Right Hon. Alexander, 135 |
�from Canada (1780), 134 |
Casgrain, Eugene. Mouton (1879), 540 |
Burke, Edmund, 164 |
Cat�chisme de l'histoire du Canada, 5 |
Burke, Edmund, 530 |
Catholic Church. |
Burn, Richard. 1uge a paix (1789), 473 |
Diocese of Quebec. Bishop. Mandement du |
Burn, John. Case of the Right Hon.. |
28 Octobre [1794], 477 |
� Alexander (1833), 135 |
Diocese of Quebec. Bishop. Soli deo |
By-laws, rules, regulations and |
gloria [1788], 478 |
ordinances, 227 |
Catholic Church. |
Calendrier pour les chantres (1826), |
C., C. H., 193 |
12 |
Cabot, James Elliott, 320 |
Graduel romain ( 1800) 474 |
Cabot's voyages, 187 |
Office de la semaine sainte ( 1778), |
Calendrier pour les chantres, 12 |
475 |
Cameron, Donald Roderick, 451 |
Officium in honorem ( 1777), 476 |
Campbell, Patrick. Travels in the |
Catholic Church. Diocese of Quebec. |
interior inhabited parts (1793), |
136 |
Mandement du 28 octobre [1794], |
Canada: a hand-book of information |
Notice sur les missions (1839-74), 13 |
(1879), 137 |
Soli deo gloria [1788], 478 |
Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, |
133 |
Catholic Church. Diocese of St. Pol de |
Canada on the Pacific 378 |
Leon Bishop. Lettre de M. Eveque (1793), 479 |
Canada Company. Lands in Upper |
Cauchon, Joseph. Chambre des |
Canada (1834) 138 |
communes [1875.], 141 |
Canada. Dept. of the Interior. Natural |
Cavelier de la Salle, 46 |
Resources Intelligence Branch, 457 |
Cavelier de La Salle. Relation of the |
Canada. Dept. of Militia. Report upon |
discoveries (1901), 551 |
the suppression (1886), 338 |
Centenatre de l'assault de Quetbec |
Canadian scenery: district of Gasp�, 244 |
(1876), 14 |
Canadian archaeology, an essay, 202 |
Chabert, Joseph Bernard. Voyage fait |
Canadian scenery illustrated 294 |
par ordre du roi (1753), 15 |
Canadian Red River exploring |
Chambre des communes: revue parle� |
expedition, 376 |
mentaire de 1875, 141 |
Canadian Pacific Railway, 339 |
Champlain, Samuel de. |
Canadian freeholder, 222 |
Oeuores de Champlain ([870), 552 |
Canadian North-west: its history and its |
Voyages de la nouvelle France |
troubles, 319 |
(1632), 16 |
CanadianNorth-west, 323 |
Voyages du sieur de Champlain |
Canadian life and scenery, 117 |
(1613), 17 |
Canadian Pacific Railway Company. |
Voyages et descouvertures (1619), 18 |
Canadian Pacific (1873), 339 |
Chansonnier canadien (1825), 19 |
Canadian's right the same as the |
Chappell, Edward. |
Englishman's, 177 |
Narrative of a voyage (1817), 298 |
Canadiana: containing the crisis, 292 |
Voyage of His Majesty's Ship ( 1818), |
Canadiana: containing sketches of |
142 |
Upper Canada, 292 |
Charge delivered to the clergy of the |
Cantiques de Marseilles, 490 |
Diocese of Quebec, 533 |
Cantiques de l'ame d�vote, 489 |
Charlevoix, Pierre-. |
Caricature history of Canadian politics, |
Histoire et description generale |
121 |
(1744), 20 |
351 |
Journal of a voyage to North-America |
Dablon, Claude. |
(1761), 21 |
Relation de ce qui s'est pass� |
Vie de la m�re Marie (1724), 22 |
(1672), 29 |
Chastellux, Francois. Voyages de M. le |
Relation de ce qui s'est pass� |
marquis (1786), 23 |
(1673), 30 |
Chittenden Newton. Settlers, pros- |
Relation de ce qui s'est pass� |
pectorsand tourists (1882), 342 |
(1860), 554 |
Choiseul, Etienne. Historical memorial |
Dame patronesse, 49 |
of the negotiation (1761), 24 |
Dartnell, George. Brief narrative of the |
Christian warned (1841), 143 |
shipwreck (1845), 147 |
Chronological history of voyages, 297 |
Daule, Jean. Nouveau recueil de |
Church of England Order for morning |
cantiques (1819), 487 |
and evening (1780), 480 |
Day, Catherine. Pioneers of the Eastern |
Claus,Daniel, 480 |
Townships (1863), 148 |
Clery Jean Journal de ce qui s'est |
De viris illustribus urbis Romae, 499 |
pass� (1798), 481 |
De Montreal a Victoria, 328 |
Climate soil, and productions of Upper |
De Roos Fred.Personal narrative of travels(1827)149 |
Canada, 138 |
De Veaux, Samuel Falls of Niagara |
Clutterbuck Walter J, 390 |
(1839), 150 |
Colas et Colinette, 517 |
D�claration du roi, portant r�glement |
Colden, Cadwallader History of the five |
D�couverte et evolution cartographique |
Indian nations (1747), 144 |
de Terre-Neuve, 50 |
Collection de manuscrits (1883-5), 553 |
Definitive treaty of peace and friendship, |
Complete synopsis of the Great Pew |
172, 173 |
Case (1877), 145 |
Denominational or free Christian |
Concise account of North America, 250 |
schools, 449 |
Conduct of Major Gen. Shirley, 114 |
Denys, Nicolas. Description g�'ogra� |
Conduct of the French, 195 |
phique et historique (1672) 31 |
Conduite des fran�ois, 196 |
Dernieres decouvertes dans l'Am�rique |
Confidential memorandum on the |
septentrionale 108 |
Canadian Pacihc Railway, 357 |
Description de la Louisiane, 52 |
Confr�rie de l�Adoration. R�glement |
Description geographique et historique, |
(1776), 482 |
31 |
Considerations on the expediency, 223 |
Destruction of King's College [ca |
Considerations sur les effets, 536 |
1840?], 151. |
Contributions to the history of the |
Diary of Mrs. John Graves Simcoe, 263 |
Eastern Townships, 274 |
Dictionary of the Chinook jargon |
Correspondence of Richd. Hardisty, 372 |
(1899), 345 |
Cowan, Helen. British emigration |
Dictionnaire portatif et abreg�, 510 |
(1928), 146 |
Cox, Ross. Adventures on the Columbia |
Diereville. Relation du voyage du Port��������� |
River (1831), 343 |
Royal (1708), 32 |
Creation of Manitoba, 329 |
Diocese of Mackenzie River, 331 |
Crespel, Emmanuel |
Dionne, Narcisse-. |
Travels in North America (1797), |
Etats Unis, Manitoba et Nord-ouest |
25 |
(1882), 346 |
Voiages du R. P. Emmanuel |
Etats Unis, Manitoba et Nord-ouest |
Crespel (1742), 26 |
(1883), 347 |
Voyage au nouveau-monde (1757), |
Directions for the Gulph and River |
27 |
(1774), 152 |
Voyages du R. P. Emanuel Crespel |
Discours de l�Hon. Louis Joseph |
(1752), 28 |
Papineau, 89 |
Crespel, Louis, 26, 28 |
Discours a l�occasion de la victoire, 511 |
Crevier, Joseph Alexandre, 113 |
Discussion sommaire sur les anciennes |
Crossley, R. S. To the Rocky Mountains |
limites, 94 |
[1899?], 344 |
Divers documens et communications, |
Cugnet, Francois |
110 |
Extraits des edits ( [775), 483 |
Dix, John. Hand book for Lake |
Trait� abreg� (1775),484 |
Memphremagog [1864], 153 |
Traite d e la loi des fiefs (1775), |
Dobbs, Arthur Account of the countries |
485 |
adjoining (1744), 299 |
Trait� de la police (1775), 486 |
Documents and communications, 111 |
352 |
Documents pour servir a l'intelligence |
Explorations in the interior of the |
(1896), 348 |
Labrador Peninsula, 184 |
Dominion of Canada: a guide book |
Extract from the minutes of Council, |
( 1884), 154 |
501 |
Dominion Monthly, 11 |
Extract of the proceedings of a |
Dominion of Canada: the eastern |
committee, 513 |
townships (1879), 155 |
Extracts from the minutes of Council, |
Dominion of Canada: the province of |
466 |
Manitoba (1879), 349 |
Extrait des proc�d�s d'un commit�, 513 |
Douglas, John. Letter addressed to two |
Extrait d'un discours prononc�', 537 |
great men ( 1760), 156 |
Extrait des minutes du Conseil, 466 |
Du Monceaux, Alexis. Exercice tre's- |
Extraits des regitres du Conseil, 483 |
devot ( 1777), 488 |
Extraits des edits, declarations, 483 |
Du Creux, Francois. Historiae |
canadensis (1664), 33 |
Dunlevie, Horace. Our volunteers in the |
Faillon, Eitienne Histoire de la colonie |
North-west (1885), 350 |
française (1865-6), 34 |
Dunlop, William. Address delivered to |
Faithful history of remarkable |
the York (1832), 157 |
occurrences, 293 |
Durand, Laurens. |
Faits pour le peuple, 422 |
Cantiques de l'ame (1776), 489 |
Falls of Niagara 150 |
Cantiques de Marseilles (1800), 490 |
Faribault, Georges-. Catalogue |
Durham, John, Earl of. Report on the |
d'ouvrages (1837), 566 |
affairs (1839), 158 |
Farming and ranching in the Canadian |
Durocher, Flavien. Aiamie kusAkush- |
North-west [1888], 354 |
kutu mishinaigan (1847), 351 |
Farming and ranching in western |
Canada, 461 |
Early trading companies of New France, |
Fenian raid of 1870 (1870), 161 |
9 |
Ferland, Jean-. Notes sur les registres |
Edit du roy. Portant que les nobles |
(1863), 35 |
pourront faire le commerce, 40 |
Field, Thomas. Essay towards an Indian |
Edit du roi. Donn� � Paris, le 28. May |
bibliography (1873), 567 |
1664, 39 |
First American settlement on the Pacific, |
Eight letters on the subject of the Earl of |
358 |
Selkirk's pamphlet, 363 |
Fisher, Peter. Sketches of New� |
Elliott, George. Preliminary investi- |
Brunswick (1825), 162 |
gation and trial (1874), 353 |
Fitzgerald, James. Examination of the |
Elliott, Charles. Trip to Canada |
charter (1849), 355 |
[1887?], 352 |
FitzGibbon, Mary. Trip to Manitoba |
Ellis, Henry. Voyage to Hudson's Bay |
(1880), 356 |
( 1748), 300 |
Five years' residence in the Canadas, |
Emigrant's directory and guide, 160 |
269 |
English Parmer, 131 |
Fleming, Sir Sandford. Confidential |
Enquiry into the merits of the supposed |
memorandum ( 1874), 357 |
preliminariesof peace (1762), 159 |
Flying post journal 1833-34, 398 |
Epitres, satires, chansons, 6 |
Forest, lake and prairie, 395 |
Eres, Charles Dennis Rouso d', 254 |
Forest scenes and incidents, 178 |
Etats-Unis, Manitoba et Nord-ouest, |
Forster, Johann Reinhold, 200 |
346, 347 |
Foster, John. Report on the Phillipsburg |
Evans, Francis. Emigrant's directory |
(1872), 163 |
and guide ( 1833), 160 |
Fox, Charles. Beauties of Pox, North and |
Examination of the charter and pro- |
Burke (1784), 164 |
ceedings of the Hudson's Bay |
France. Treaties. Traittee de paix |
Company, 355 |
(1689), 44 |
Exercice tre's-devot envers S. Antoine, |
France. Sovereign. |
488 |
Lettres patentes du roi (1769), 41 |
Experience of an early settler, 447 |
Ordonnance du roi (1734), 42 |
Exploration-British North America. |
D�claration du roi [1780], 43 |
Further papers, 411 |
France. Conseil d'Etat. |
Exploration-British North America. |
Arrest du Conseil d'Etat (1769), 37 |
Papers, 413 |
Arrest du Conseil d'Etat (1765), 38 |
Exploration-British North America. |
France. Loi relative aux secours (1791), |
The journals, 412 |
36 |
353 |
France. Sovereign. |
Great Britain. Treaties. Treaty of peace |
Edit du roy [1664], 39 |
(1686), 174 |
Edit du roy (1773), 40 |
Great Britain. Treaties. Definitive treaty |
Franchere, Gabriel. |
of peace (1749) 172 |
Narrative of a voyage (1854), 358 |
Great Britain. Colonial Office. Papers |
Relation d'un voyage (1820), 359 |
relating to the Red River Settle� |
Franklin, Sir John. Narrative of a |
ment (1819), 366 |
journey (1823), 301 |
Greenly, Albert. Selective bibliography |
Franklin, Benjamin. Interest of Great |
( 1958), 569 |
Britain (1760), 165 |
Griphon 92 |
French, Thomas Information for |
Guide to New Brunswick 118 |
intending settlers (1857), 166 |
Guide for emigrants from the British |
From darkness to light, 123 |
shores, 183 |
Prom savagery to civilization, 319����������� |
Fuentes, Bartolome de, 299 |
Hal�vy, Leon. Histoire morale (1834) |
Fur hunters of the far west, 430 |
49 |
Fur Trader, 281 |
Haliburton, Thomas. Historical and |
Further papers relative to the |
statistical account ( 1829), 175 |
exploration by the expedition, 411 |
Halkett, John. |
Historical notes respecting the Indians |
Gagnon, Phileas Essai de bibliographic |
(1825), 367 |
canadienne (1895), 568 |
Pr�cis touchant la colonie (1818),368 |
Garland of new songs [1810?], 541 |
Statement respecting the Earl [1817], |
Gazette litteraire pour la ville, 491 |
369 |
Geikie, Cunningham. Adventures in |
Statement respecting the Earl (1817), |
Canada [1882?], 167 |
370 |
Geographie a l'usage des ecoliers |
Hall, Edward. Lands of plenty in the |
(1804), 492 |
new North-west [1880], 371 |
Gibbat of Regina (1886), 360 |
Hand book for Lake Memphremagog, |
Girouard, Desire H., 46 |
153 |
Girouard, Desire. |
Hardisty, Richard. Correspondence of |
Anciennes cotes (1892), 45 |
Richd. Hardisty (1841-6), 372 |
Lake St. Louis old and new (1893), |
Hargrave, Joseph. Red River (1871), |
46 |
373 |
Supplement to "Lake St. Louis", |
Harmon, Daniel. Journal of voyages and |
(1893), 47 |
travels (1820), 374 |
Vieux Lachine ( 1889), 48 |
Harmon, Daniel. Journal of voyages and |
Glance at the Victoria Bridge, 207 |
travels (1820), 374 |
Gleason, Thomas Quebec directory |
Harrisse, Henry. |
(1822), 168 |
Decouverte et evolution cartogra�- |
Glorious enterprise, 209 |
phique (1900),50 |
Gold dust: how to find it ( 1898), 361 |
Notes pour servir a l'histoire ( 1872), |
Goodridge, Richard. Year in Manitoba |
570 |
(1882), 362 |
Hawkins, Alfred. Hawkins's picture of |
Goodsir, Robert Arctic voyage to |
Quebec (1834), 176 |
Baffin's Bay (1850), 302 |
Hawkins's picture of Quebec, 176 |
Gordon, James Eight letters on the |
Hawles, John. Canadian's right (1823), |
subject (1806), 363 |
177 |
Gowanlock, Theresa. Two months in |
Head, Sir George. Forest scenes and |
the camp (1885), 364 |
incidents (1829), 178 |
Graduel romain, 474 |
Hearne, Samuel. Journey from Prince of |
Graham, Franklin. Histrionic Montreal |
Wales (1795), 303 |
(1902), 169 |
Hennepin, Louis. |
Grand voyage du pays des Hurons, 102 |
Aenmerckelycke historische Reys� |
Grant, George. Ocean to ocean (1873), |
beschryvinge (1698), 51 |
365 |
Description de la Louisiane (1683), |
Grants of land free [1881], 170 |
52 |
Gray, Hugh. Letters from Canada |
New discovery of a vast country |
(1809), 171 |
(1698), 53 |
Gray, John Edward, 315 |
New discovery of a vast country |
Great Pew Case, 145 |
(1698) 54 |
Great Britain. Treaties. Definitive treaty |
New discovery of a vast country |
of peace (1763), 173 |
(1903), 555 |
354 |
Nouveau voyage d'un pais ( 1698), 55 |
History of islands & islets, 211 |
Nouvelle decouverte d'un tres grand |
History of Canada from its first |
(1697), 56 |
discovery, 181, 524 |
Henry, Alexander. Travels and adven- |
History of the counties of Argenteuil, |
tures in Canada (1809), 179 |
275 |
Henry, Walter. Trifles from my port- |
History of freemasonry in Manitoba, 382 |
folio ( 1839), 180 |
History of the Montreal prisons, 123 |
Herald, Miscellany & Advertiser |
History of the five Indian nations, 144 |
(1791), 493 |
History of the island of Newfoundland, |
Heriot, George. |
115 |
History of Canada (1804), 181 |
History of Emily Montague, 132 |
Travels through the Canadas ( 1807), |
History of Montreal, 124 |
182 |
Histrionic Montreal, 169 |
Hero of the Saskatchewan, 402 |
Hochelaga depicta, 125 |
Heurter, Frederick Damien, 417 |
Holiday rambles between Winnipeg and |
Hill, George. Guide for emigrants |
Victoria, 336 |
(1834), 183 |
Hooker, Sir William Jackson, 312, 314 |
Hill, Robert. Manitoba: history of its |
Horetzky, Charles. |
early settlement (1890), 375 |
Canada on the Pacific (1874), 378 |
Hincks, Sir. Francis. Ministerial crisis |
North-west of Canada (1873), 379 |
(1844), 57 |
Some startling facts (1880), 380 |
Hind, Henry. |
How to get to the Klondyke (1898), 381 |
Explorations in the interior (1863), |
Howison, John. Sketches of Upper |
184 |
Canada (1821), 186 |
Narrative of the Canadian Red River |
Howley, M. F. Cabot's voyages [1897?], |
(1860), 376 |
187 |
North-west Territory (1859), 377 |
Hubert, Jean Fran�ois, 477, 478 |
Histoire naturelle des peuples, des |
Hudson's Bay or a missionary tour, 434 |
animaux, 31 |
Hudson's Bay territories and |
Histoire de la ville des Trois-Rivieres, |
Vancouver's Island, 403 |
105 |
Hudson's Bay Company and |
Histoire et description generale de la |
Vancouver�s Island, 355 |
Nouvelle France, 20 |
Humbert, Pierre. Instructions |
Histoire de la colonie fran�aise en |
chr�tiennes ( 1798), 494 |
Canada, 34 |
Hunter in the prairies, 414 |
Histoire morale, 49 |
Hunter, William. |
Histoire de l'Am�rique septentrionale, 2 |
Hunter's Eastern Townships ( 1860), |
Histoire de la Nouvelle France, 20 |
189 |
Histoire de la Nouvelle France contenant |
Hunter's Ottawa scenery (1855), 190 |
Les navigations, 78 |
Hunter's panoramic guide (1857), |
Histoire du Canada sous la domination |
191 |
francaise, 7 |
Hunter, Andrew. Lake Simcoe and its |
Histoire de l�Hotel-Dieu de Quebec, 103 |
environs ( 1893), 188 |
Historiae canadensis sev Novae- |
Hunter's Eastern Townships ( 1860), |
Franciae, 33 |
189 |
Historic forts and trading posts of the |
Hunter's Ottawa scenery ( 1855), 190 |
French regime, 457 |
Hunter's panoramic guide, 191 |
Historical notes respecting the Indians |
Huntingdon, Jedediah Vincent, 358 |
of North America, 367 |
Huron chief and other poems, 201 |
Historical memorial of the negotiation |
Hurssell, Joseph. History of freemasonry |
of France and England, 24 |
in Manitoba ( 1880), 382 |
Historical journal of the campaigns in |
North-America, 203 |
Ile Ste.Helene, 113 |
Historical and statistical account of |
Indian trade language of the North |
Nova-Scotia, 175 |
Pacific coast, 345 |
Historical account of the expedition |
Information for intending settlers on the |
against the Ohio Indians, 442 |
Ottawa, 166 |
Historical and descriptive notice on the |
Inquiry into the merits, 495 |
church (1880), 185 |
Institut canadien. Annuaire de l'Institut |
History of Manitoba, 375 |
(1868), 58 |
History and present state of the city, 125 |
Instructions chretiennes pour les jeunes |
History of the late war in North- |
gens, 494 |
America, 217 |
Insurrection du nord-ouest [1885], 383 |
355 |
Interest of Great Britain considered, 165 |
Kane, Paul. Wanderings of an artist |
Interests of the British Empire (1868), |
(1859), 384 |
192 |
Kauder, Christian. Buch das gut |
It blows, it snows (1846), 193 |
enthaltend (1866), 62 |
Kelly, Leroy. Range men (1913), 385 |
James, William. Inquiry into the merits |
Kidd, Adam. Huron chief and other |
(1816), 495 |
poems (1830), 201 |
James, Edwin, 270 |
King, John. Other side of the "Story" |
Jameson, Anna. Winter studies and |
(1886), 386 |
summer rambles (1838), 194 |
Kingsford, William. Canadian |
Jefferys,Thomas |
archaeology (1886), 202 |
Conduct of the French (1754) 195 |
Kippis, Andrew. Life of Captain James |
Conduite des fran�ois (1755) 196 |
Cook [1820?], 387 |
Natural and civil history (1760), 197 |
Kirby, William, 315 |
Johnson, Susanna. |
Kitchi-gami: wanderings round Lake |
Narrative of the captivity (1807), 198 |
Superior, 388 |
Narrative of the captivity (1814), 199 |
Knox, John. Historical Journal of the |
Joques, Isaac, 10 |
campaigns (1769), 203 |
Journal of a third voyage for the |
Kohl, Johann. |
discovery,312 |
Kitchi-gami (1860), 388 |
Journal of voyages and travels in the |
Travels in Canada (1861), 204 |
interior of North America, 374 |
Komg, Charles, 315 |
Journal of the last voyage perform'd, |
61 |
L.J.C.etM.I., 351 |
Journal historique du dernier voyage, 60 |
La Salle, Nicolas de. Relation of the |
Journal of events principally on the |
discovery of (1898), 558 |
Detroit, 225 |
La Brosse, Jean. |
Journal or full account of the late |
Nehiro-iriniai (1767), 496 |
expedition to Canada, 290 |
Nehiro-iriniui (1817), 497 |
Journal historique des evenemens |
La Marche, Jean Francois de, 479 |
(1838),59 |
Labrador Peninsula, 184 |
Journal of a second voyage for the |
Lafitau, Joseph. |
discovery, 311 |
Memoire present� a son altesse |
Journal of the operations of the Queen's |
(1718), 63 |
Rangers, 264 |
Moeurs des sauvages (1724), 64 |
Journal of transactions and events, 139 |
Lahontan, Louis. |
Journal de ce qui s'est passe a la tour, |
New voyages to North-America |
481 |
(1703), 65 |
Journal of a voyage to North-America |
New voyages to North-America |
21 |
(1905), 559 |
Journal of a voyage for the discovery, |
Nouveaux voyages de Mr le baron |
313 |
(1703), 66 |
Journals, detailed reports and |
Nouveaux voyages de Mr le Baron |
observations, 412 |
(1703), 67 |
Journals of Major Robert Rogers, 251, |
Lake Simcoe and its environs, 188 |
252 |
Lake Superior: its physical character, |
Journey from Prince of Wales's Port in |
320 |
Hudson's Bay, 303 |
Lake St. Louis old and new, 46 |
Journey to the shores of the polar sea |
Lalemant, Jerome. |
301 |
Relation de ce qui s'est passe' (1664), |
Joutel, Henri. |
68 |
Journal historique du dernier voyage |
Relation de ce qui s'est passe' ( 1648), |
(1713), 60 |
69, 76, 112 |
Journal of the last voyage (1714), 61 |
Lambert, John. Travels through |
Jautel�s journal of La Salle's (1896), |
Canada (1816), 205 |
557 |
Lands of plenty in the new North-west, |
Joutel's journal of La Salle's last voyage |
371 |
( 1896), 557 |
Lands in Upper Canada to be disposed |
Juge a paix, 473 |
of, 138 |
Lanman, Charles. Adventures of an |
angler (1848) 206 |
Kalm, Pehr. Travels into North America |
LaRue, Hubert. Petit manuel |
(1770-1), 200 |
d'agriculture (1875), 542 |
356 |
Laurie, John Report of Major General |
Life in the woods, 167 |
Laurie ( 1887), 389 |
Life of Captain James Cook, 387 |
Le Clercq, Chrestien. |
Lighthall, William. "Glorious |
Nouvelle relation de la Gaspesie |
Enterprise" [ca. 1900?], 209 |
(1691), 71 |
Lithographic views of military |
Nouvelle relation de la Gaspesie |
operations, 120 |
( 1758), 72 |
Loi relative aux secours accord�s aux |
Premier etablissement de la foy |
officiers, 36 |
(1691), 73 |
Long, John.Voyages and travels of an |
LeMercier,Francois Relationdeceqvi |
Indian (1791), 210 |
s'est passe (1655), 77 |
Lorimer, John History of islands & islets |
Le Beau, Claude Avantures du Sr. C. Le |
(1876) 211 |
Beau (1738), 70 |
Louis Riel: martyr du Nord-ouest |
Le Jeune, Paul. |
(1885), 391 |
Relation de ce qui s'est passe (1637), |
Louisbourg from its foundation to its |
74 |
fall, 82 |
Relation de ce qui s'est passe (1638), |
Lower Canada register, 228, 229 |
75 |
Lower Canada. Lieutenant-Governor. |
Relation de ce qui s'est passe' (1640), |
Proclamation [ca. [1800?], 502 |
76 |
Lower Canada. Provincial statute of |
LeClerc, Nazaire Al. Catechisme |
Lower-Canada (1795), 500 |
d'agriculture (1868), 543 |
Lower Canada. Legislature. |
Lees, James. B.C. 1887 (1888), 390 |
Minutes of evidence (1829), 212 |
Legge, Charles. Glance at the Victoria |
Standing rules ( 1823), 213 |
Bridge (1806), 207 |
Lower Canada. Executive Council. |
Lescarbot, Marc. |
Extract from the minutes (1798), |
Histoire de la nouvelle France ( 1618), |
501 |
78 |
Lumsden, James American memoranda |
Muses de la novuelle France (1609), |
(1844), 214 |
79 |
Lyon, George. |
Muses de la nouvelle France (1618), |
Brief narrative of an unsuccessful |
80 |
(1825), 305 |
Letter addressed to two great men, 156 |
Private journal of Captain G. F. Lyon |
Letter to the people o f England (1760 ), |
(1824), 306 |
208 |
Letter from the Methodist Missionary |
Society, 407 |
McCoy, James. |
Letter to Her Majesty the British Queen, |
Canadiana and French Americana |
268 |
(1931), 571 |
Letter from William Shirley Esq., 259, |
Jesuit relations of Canada ( 1937), |
260 |
572 |
Letter to the Earl of Liverpool from the |
Mc.Donald, Archibald. Peace River: a |
Earl of Selkirk, 436 |
canoe voyage (1872), 392 |
Letters of Veritas, 520 |
MacDonald, Peter. Letters from the |
Letters from Van Dieman's Land, 289 |
Canadian west [1903], 393 |
Letters from the Marquis de Montcalm, |
MacDonell, Alexander. Narrative of |
81 |
transactions (1819), 394 |
Letters from the Reverend Egerton |
McDougall, John. Forest, lake, and |
Ryerson, 255 |
prairie (1895), 395 |
Letters written during the late voyage of |
Macdougall�s guide, practical handbook, |
discovery (1821), 304 |
397 |
Letters from the Canadian west, 393 |
Macdougall�s guide to Manitoba |
Letters from Canada, 171 |
(1880), 396 |
Lettre adress� aux habitans ( 1774), |
Macdougall�s illustrated guide, gazetteer |
498 |
(1882), 397 |
Lettre de M. L'Eveque de Leon, 479 |
McGibbon, Robert Davidson, 145 |
Lettres de Monsieur le marquis de |
McKay, Donald |
Montcalm (1777), 81 |
Flying post ( 1833-4), 398 |
Lettres patentes du roisur la liquidation, |
Packing acat. of furs (1835), 399 |
41 |
McKeevor, Thomas Voyage to |
Lettres de la venerable mere Marie, 83 |
Hudson's Bay (1819), 307 |
Lhomond, C. F. De viris illustribus |
Mackenzie, Sir Alexander Voyages |
(1809), 499 |
from Montreal (1801), 400 |
357 |
Narrative of a voyage to Hudson's Bay, |
On the prairie section of the Grand |
298 |
Trunk Pacific (1909),410 |
Narrative of the Arctic land expedition, |
On emigration and the state of the |
296 |
highlands 437 |
Narratives of John Pritchard, 417 |
Order for morning and evening prayer, |
Natural and civil history of the French |
480 |
dominions, 197 |
Ordinances of the province of Quebec, |
Nehiro-iriniai aiamibe |
512 |
massinahigan, 496, 497 |
Ordonnance du roy portant deffenses, |
Nettle, Richard. Salmon fisheries of the |
52 |
St. Lawrence (1857), 236 |
Ordonnances de la province de Quebec, |
Nettle, George. Practical guide for |
512 |
emigrants (1850), 235 |
Oregon Territory, 409 |
Neuvaine a l'honneur de St. Francois |
Other side of the "Story", 386 |
(1816), 506 |
Our volunteers in the North-west, 350 |
Neuvaine a l'honneur de S. Francois |
Overland journey round the world, 441 |
(1772), 505 |
Overland route through British North |
New route from Europe to the 2ntenor |
America, 458 |
(1881), 408 |
New voyages to North-America, 65 |
Nicolay, Charles. Oregon territory |
Packing acat. of� furs, 399 |
(1346), 409 |
Palliser John |
Noble lads of Canada [ca. 1812], 237 |
Exploration-British North America. |
North west diffficulty, 450 |
Further (1860), 411 |
North Georgia Gazette and Winter |
Exploration-British North America. |
Chronicle (1821), 310 |
Journals (1863), 412 |
North, Frederick North, baron, 164 |
Exploration-British North America. |
North-west of Canada, 379 |
Papers (1859), 413 |
North-west Territory, 377 |
Solitary rambles and adventures |
Notes historiques sur la Die de P. E. de |
(1853), 414 |
Radisson, 419 |
Pambrun, Pierre Chrysologue, 417 |
Notes sur les registres de Notre-Dame, |
Papers relative to the exploration by |
35 |
Captain Palliser, 413 |
Notes of the flood at the Red River, 322 |
Papers relating to the Red River |
Notes d'un condamne politique, 96 |
settlement, 366 |
Notes of a twenty-five years service, 401 |
Papers and letters on agriculture |
Notre-Dame de Montreal. Premier |
(1790), 509 |
registre de l'eglise (1961 ), 87 |
Papiers et lettres sur l'agriculture, 509 |
Nouveau recueil de romances, 19 |
Papineau, Louis. |
Nouveau voyage d'un pais plus grand, |
Discours de l�Hon. Louis Joseph |
55 |
Papineau (1868), 89 |
Nouveau recuei1 de cantiques, 487 |
Speech of Louis J. Papineau on the |
Nouveaux voyages de Mr le baron de |
hustings ( 1827), 90 |
Lahontan, 66, 67 |
Paroisse histoire de l�eglise Notre-Dame, |
Nouvel alphabet pour les commencans |
85 |
(1830), 88 |
Parry, Sir William. |
Nouvel alphabet en francois (1797), |
Journal of a second voyage (1824), |
Nouvelle decouverte d'un tres grand |
Journal of a third voyage (1826), |
pays, 56 |
312 |
Nouvelle relation de la Gaspesie, 71, 72 |
Journal of a voyage (1821), 313 |
Narrative of an attempt to reach |
(1828) 314 |
Observations on the usury laws, 258 |
Supplement to the appendix ( 1824), |
Observations on the present state of the |
315 |
highlands, 437 |
Peace River, 392 |
Ocean to ocean, 365 |
Peel, Bruce. |
Offfice de la semaine sainte, 475 |
Bibliography of the Prairie Provinces |
Offficium in honorem, 476 |
[1954], 573 |
Ogden, John. Tour through Upper and |
Bibliography of the Prairie Provinces |
Lower Canada (1799), 238 |
Supplement ( 1963), 574 |
An Old Inhabitant, 99 |
Pelerinage du Mont Saint-Hilaire |
Old settlements of Lake St. Louis, 45 |
(1841), 91 |
359 |
Perrault, Joseph Dictionnaire portatif |
Prud'homme, Louis. Notes historiques |
et abreg� (1806), 510, 473 |
sur la vie [1891?], 419 |
Personal narrative of travels, 149 |
Pye, Thomas. Canadian scenery ( 1866), |
Petit livre de vie, 472 |
244 |
Petitclair, Pierre. Criphon (1837), 92 |
Petition contre l'union [1840],� 93 |
Quebec Guide (1844), 245 |
Picture of Quebec and its vicinity, 129 |
Quebec Magazine (1792), 516 |
Pidansat de Mairobert, Mathieu. |
Quebec Gazette (1799), 515 |
Discussion sommaire (1755), 94 |
Quebec and its environs, 245 |
Pike, Warburton. Through the subarctic |
Quebec Directory for 1822, 168 |
forest ( 1896), 415 |
Quebec (Province). Legislature. |
Pilot and Journal of Commerce (1848), |
Extract of the proceedings (1790), |
240 |
513 |
Pilot (1850), 239 |
Report af a committee (1790), 514 |
Pioneers of the Eastern Townships, 148 |
Quebec (Province). Laws, etc. |
Pioneers: a tale of the western |
Ordinances of the province of Quebec |
wilderness, 326 |
(1790), 512 |
Pitt, William. Address to the great man |
Quebec (Quebec). City Council. |
(1758) 241 |
Extrait des proces-verbaux [1908], 544 |
Plan of a code of laws for the Province of |
Queen vs. Louis Riel, 426 |
Quebec, 218 |
Quelques r�flexions sur la derni�re |
Plessis, Joseph. Discours a l'occasion |
�lection, 8 |
[1799], 511 |
Quen, Jean de. Relation de ce qui s'est |
Poesies religieuses et politiques, 425 |
passe ( 1657), 97 |
Ponteach, 253 |
Quesnel, Joseph. Colas et Colinette |
Portlock Sathaniel Voyage round the |
(1808), 517 |
world (1789) 416 |
Question Riel [1886],420 |
Pouchot, Pierre. M�moires sur la |
Derniere guerre (1781), 95 |
Practical guide for emigrants to North |
R. T. S. library, 117 |
America, 235 |
Radchff, Thomas, 216 |
Prairie lands of Canada, 445, 446 |
Ragueneau, Paul; Relation de ce qui |
Precis of the wars in Canada, 266 |
Raimbault, J., 532 |
Precis ou abreg� d�un acte, 471 |
Ranconnet, de. Vie de la venerable soeur |
Precis touchant la colonie du Lord |
(1818), 518 |
Selkirk, 368 |
Range men 385 |
Preliminary investigation and trial, 353 |
Rapport du commit�' du conseil, 514 |
Premier registre de l'Eglise Notre-Dame, |
Rapport sur les missions du diocese de |
8 |
Qu�bec, 13 |
Premier etablissement de la foy dans la |
Rattray, Alexander. Vancouver Island |
Nouvelle France, 73 |
and British Columbia (1862), 421 |
Present state of Hudson's Bay, 454 |
R�bellion du Nord-ouest [1887], 422 |
Present state of the Canadas (1833), |
Recit d'aventures dans le Nord-ouest, |
242 |
327 |
Prieur, Francois. Notes d'un condemn�' |
Recollections of scenes and small |
politique (1884), 96 |
adventures, 180 |
Prince Edward Island Calendar (1838), |
Recollections of a visit to Canada, 130 |
243 |
Recueil de voyages de Mr Thevenot, |
Prince, Thomas, 293 |
106, 107 |
Principes de la langue des sauvages, 330 |
Red River, 373 |
Pritchard, John. Narratives of John |
Red River settlement: its rise, 431 |
Pritchard (1819), 417 |
Red River country, Hudson's Bay, 432, |
Private journal of Captain G. P. Lyon, |
433 |
306 |
Rede, Leman. Bibliotheca Americana or |
Proclamation declaring when the Act of |
a chronological (1789), 575 |
the 31st Geo. III, 502 |
Redeemed captive returning to Zion, |
Proclamation qui declare le temps ou |
293 |
L�Acte de la 31me., 502 |
R�glement de la Confrerie de |
Province du Manitoba et Territoire du |
l�Adoratian, 482 |
Nord-ouest (1878), 418 |
Regles et reglements de police, 521 |
Province of British Columbia, 435 |
Regles et reglements parmanents de la |
Provincial statute of Lower-Canada, 500 |
Chambre, 213 |
360 |
Regles, règlemens, ordres et |
Revue parlementaire de 1875, 141 |
ordonnances, 27 |
Richardson, .John. Letters of Veritas |
Reinhard, Charles de. Report at large of |
( 1815), 520 |
the trial (1819),423 |
Richardson,John. War of 1812 (1842), |
Relation d'un voyage a Manitoba, 439 |
248 |
Relation de ce qui s'est pass� . . . en |
Richardson, Robert. Report of the visit |
ann�es 1653. & 1654, 77 |
of� the British (1884), 424 |
Relation du voyage du Port Royal de |
Richardson, Sir John. Arctic searching |
l'Acadie, 32 |
expedition (1851), 316 |
Relation de ce qui s'est passe . . . en |
Riel, Louis. |
l'ann�e 1638, 75 |
Poesies religieuses et politiques |
Relation de ce qui s'est pass� . . . �s |
(1886), 425 |
ann�es 1662 & 1663, 68 |
Queen vs. Louis Riel (1886), 426 |
Relation de ce qui s'est pass頠���� les. |
Riel Rebellion 1885 [1885], 427 |
ann�es 1670. & 1671, 30 |
Riot and outrage of� 9th June (1853), |
Relation de ce qui s'est pass� . .. Les |
249��������� |
ann�es 1670. & 1671, 29 |
Robertson, John Ross, 263 |
Relation de ce qui s'est pass� . . . es |
Robson, Joseph. Account of six years |
ann�es 1640. et 1641, 112 |
residence (1752), 428 |
Relation de ce qui s'est pass�. . . en |
Rogers Robert |
l'ann�e 1639, 76 |
Concise account (1765), 250 |
Relation de ce qui s'est pass�. . . en |
Journals of Major Robert Rogers |
l'ann�e 1647, 69 |
(1765), 251 |
Relation de ce qui s'est pass�. . . en |
Journals of Major Robert Rogers |
l'ann�e 1636,� 74 |
(1769), 252 |
Relation de ce qui s'est pass� . . . �s |
Ponteach or the savages of America |
ann�es 1655. & 1656, 97 |
(1766), 253 |
Relation d'un voyage a la cote du |
Ross, Alexander. |
Nord-ouest, 359 |
Adventures of the first settlers (1849), |
Relation de ce qui s'est passe . . . �s |
429 |
ann�es 1648 & 1649, 98 |
Fur hunters of the far west (1855), |
Relations des Jesuits (1858), 562 |
430 |
Remarks on the Earl of Selkirk's |
Red River settlement (1856), 431 |
observations, 335 |
Ross, Sir James Clark, 312, 314 |
Reminiscences of Quebec, 99 |
Ross, Sir John. |
Renfrew, G. R. & Co. (Quebec), 271 |
Appendix to the narrative of a second |
Reply to the remarks of Arthur Dobbs, |
(1835), 317 |
308 |
Narrative of a second voyage in search |
Report of� the visit of� the British |
(1835), 318 |
Association, 424 |
Roughing it on the line, 356 |
Report on the affairs of British North |
Rouso d'Eres, Charles. Memoirs of |
America, 158 |
Charles Dennis Ruscoe (1800), |
Report from the select committee . . . on |
254 |
the state of the province, 284 |
Rousseau, Edmond. Petit manuel du |
Report of the commissioners for |
cultivateur (1890), 545 |
exploring the Saguenay (1829), |
Roy, Pierre. Ville de Qu�bec (1930), |
246 |
101 |
Report of the state trials ( [839), 100 |
Rules and regulations of police (1810), |
Report upon the suppression of the |
521 |
rebellion, 338 |
Russell, Alexander. |
Report at large of the trial, 423 |
Red River Country, Hudson's Bay |
Report of� the special committee (1829), |
(1869),432 |
247 |
Red River Country, Hudson's Bay |
Report of Major General Laurie, 389 |
(1870), 433 |
Report of a committee of the council, |
Ryerson, John. Hudson's Bay (1855), |
514 |
434 |
Report of the proceedings connected |
Ryerson, Egerton. Letters. to the |
with the disputes (1819), 519 |
Hon. and Reverend Doctor |
Report on the Phillipsburg Furnham & |
Strachan ( 1828), 255 |
Yamaska Railway, 163 |
Re ports on the North-west territory, 377 |
Sabine, Sir Edward, 310, 315 |
Retrospect of thirty-six years'� residence, |
Sagard, Gabriel. Grand voyage du pays |
341 |
des hurons (1632), 102 |
361 |
Sutherland, Thomas. Letter to Her |
Toronto Public Library. |
Majesty (1841), 268 |
Bibliography of Canadiana (1934), |
Swammerdan, Jan, 106 |
576 |
Swan, James. British Columbia (1884), |
Bibliography of Canadiana, first |
448 |
supplement (1959), 577 |
Synopsis on the Hudson's Bay railways, |
Tour through Upper and Lower |
325��� |
Canada, 238 |
'Tour to Quebec, 262 | |
Tach�, Alexandre. |
Tourist's guide to this wonder o/ nature, |
Denominational or free Christian |
150 |
schools (1877), 449 |
Traill, Catherine. Backwoods of Canada |
North-west difficulty (1874), 450 |
( 1846), 280 |
Sketch of the North-west of America |
Traite de la police, 486 |
(1870), 45l |
Trait� de la loi des fiefs,485 |
Talbot, Edward. Five years' residence in |
Trait� abreg� des ancienes loix, 484 |
the Canadas (1824), 269 |
Trait� des ancienes loix de propri�t�, |
Tanner, John. Narrative of the captivity |
484 |
and adventures (1830), 270 |
Traits of American-lndian life (1853), |
Taylor, John, 293 |
281 |
Temoin, oculaire, 59 |
Traitte de paix entre les couronnes, 44 |
Ten days in Quebec (1894), 271 |
Travels through the Canadas, 182 |
Ten days in Quebec [1894?], 271 |
Travels through the interior parts, 140 |
Testimonials and memorials of the |
Travels in North America, 25, 136 |
service (1848), 272 |
Travels through British Columbia, 342 |
Theller, Edward. Canada in 1837-38 |
Travels through Canada and the United |
(1841), 273 |
States, 205 |
These sur les mariages clandestins, 3 |
Travels into North America, 200 |
Theses de math�matique qui seront |
Travels through the states, 291 |
soutenues (1775), 531 |
Travels and adventures in Canada, 179 |
Theses de math�matique [1796], 532 |
Travels in Canada and through the |
Theses de math�matique et de physique |
states, 204 |
[1792], 529; [1790] 530 |
Travels in the interior inhabited parts, |
Th�venot, Melchisedech. |
136 |
Recueil de voyages ( 1681), 106 |
Treaty of peace, good correspondence |
Recueil de voyages [1682], 107 |
neutrality, 174 |
Thomas, Cyrus |
Tremaine, Marie. Bibliography of |
Contributions to the history (1866), |
Canadian imprints (1952), 578 |
274 |
Trial of David McLane, 503 |
History of the counties (1896), 275 |
Trial of Dr.Morrison,232 |
Thomson, Hugh. Manual of parlia- |
Trial of Charles de Reinhard, 423 |
mentary practice (1828), 276 |
Trifles from my port-folio, 180 |
Thomson, William. Memoirs of the life |
Trip to Manitoba, 356, 452 |
and gallant (1791), 277 |
Trip to the far west of British Columbia, |
Three months among the moose (1881), |
337 |
278 |
Trip to Canada and the far North-west, |
Three years' hunting and trapping, 453 |
352 |
Through the subarctic forest, 415 |
Trow, James. Trip to Manitoba (1875), |
To the Rocky Mountains, 344 |
452 |
Tolfrey, Frederic. Sportsman in Canada |
Tully, Kivas. Toronto and Georgian |
(1845), 279 |
Bay (1857), 282 |
Tonti, Henri. |
Turner-Turner, J. Three year�s hunting |
Dernieres decouvertes dans |
and trapping (1888), 453 |
l'Amerique (1697), 108 |
Twenty-seven years in Canada West, |
Relation of Henri de Tonty, (1898), |
447 |
564 |
Two months in the camp of Big Bear, |
Topographical and statistical |
364 |
description, 126 |
Topographical description of the |
province, 127 |
Umfreville, Edward. Present state of |
Topographical dictionary of the |
Hudson'sBay (1790), 454 |
province, 126 |
United Church of England and Ireland. |
Toronto and Georgian Bay Ship Canal, |
Charge (1803), 533, 504 |
282 |
University of Toronto studies, 146 |
363 |
Upper Canada Christian Almanac (1834), 286 |
Voyage of discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, 455 |
Upper Canada Ready Reckoner, 215 |
Voyages et descouvertures� faites en la |
Upper Canada Almanac [1827?], 285 |
Nouvelle France, 18 |
Upper Canada. Legislature. Report |
Voyages in to the Arctic regions, 297 |
from the select committee [1838], |
Voyages du R. P. Emanuel Crespel, 28 |
284 |
Voyages made in the years 1788 and |
Upper Canada. Legislature. Message |
1789, 405 |
from Legislative Council [1835], |
Voyages from Montreal through the |
continent, 400 |
UpperCanada. |
Voyages du sieur de Champlain, 17 |
Act for regulating . . . public houses |
Voyages and travels of an Indian |
(1794), 534 |
interpreter 210 |
Act to lay . . . a duty upon stills |
Voyages dans l'Amerique septentrionale, |
(1794), 535 |
23 |
Urquhart, W. T.. Manufactures of |
Voyages from Montreal, on the River |
Montreal (1869), 287 |
St. Laurence, 400 |
Voyages de M. Le marquis de Chastellux, |
Van Rensselaer, Solomon Narrative of |
23 |
the affair (1836), 288 |
Voyage de la Nouvelle France, 16 |
Vancouver Island and British Columbia, |
421 |
Waddington, Alfred. Overland route |
Vancouver,George. Voyage of discovery |
(1868), 458 |
to the North (1798), 455 |
Wagner, Henry. Plains and the Rockies |
Vancouver, John, 455 |
(1953), 579 |
Vengeance d'un valet, 92 |
Wait, Benjamin. Letters from Van |
Vetritable Riel,456 |
Dieman's Land (l843), 289 |
Vie de la Venerable mere Marie de |
Walker, Sir Hovenden. Journal or full |
l�Incarnation, 84 |
account of� the late ( 1720), 290 |
Vie de la venerable soeur Marguerite, |
Wanderings of an artist among the |
518 |
Indians, 384 |
Vie de la mere Marie de l�Incarnation |
War of 1812: first series 248 |
22 |
Watson, Richard. Extrait d'un discours |
Vieux Lachine et le massacre, 48 |
(1795), 537 |
Viger, Denis. |
Weld, Isaac. Travels through the States |
Analyse d'un entretien (1826), 109 |
(1799), 291 |
Considerations sur les effets (1809), |
Wells, William. Canadiana (1837), 292 |
536 |
West, John. Substance of a journal |
Divers documens [1835] 110 |
(1824), 459 |
Documents and communications |
Western Canada: Manitoba, Assiniboia |
[1835?], 111 |
[l894?], 46l |
Ville de Qu�bec sous le r�gime fran�ais, |
Western Canada Loan and Savings |
101 |
Campany (1878) 462 |
Ville-Marie, 256 |
Western Canada: Manitoba and the |
Vimont, Barthelemy. Relation de ce qui |
Northwest Territories (1899), 460 |
s'est passe� (1642), 112 |
Wilcocke, Samuel. Narrative of |
Vindication of the conduct, 309 |
occurrences (1817), 463 |
Visit to Niagara, 224 |
Williams, Stephen, 293 |
Visit to the falls of Niagara, 224 |
Williams, John. Redeemed captive |
Voiages du R. P. Emmanuel Crespel, 26 |
returning to Zion (1802) 293 |
Voorhis, Ernest. Historic forts and |
Willis, Nathaniel. Canadian scenery |
trading posts (1930), 457 |
(1842), 294 |
Voyage au Nouveau-monde, et histoire |
Winter studies and summer rambles, 194 |
interessante, 27 |
Word to the wise ( 1827), 295 |
Voyage fait par ordre du roi, 15 |
Work� of a few years among the Indians |
Voyage to Hudson's-Bay by the Dobbs |
( 1893), 464 |
Galley and Calif ornia, 300 |
Worlds guide f or home, health and |
Voyage round the world 416 |
pleasure seekers, 342 |
Voyage of His Majesty's Ship |
Wreck of the transport Premier, 147 |
Rosamond, 142 |
Voyage to Hudson's Bay, during the |
Year in Manitoba, 362 |
summer of 1812, 307 |
Yukon via Prince Albert, 381 |
364 |
Subject Index
This index is compiled from key words in the titles. The spelling has been modernized. Archaic names have been identified (in parentheses ) or a possible identification suggested. Where French and English names and words appear in the same entry, the English is listed first.
Abnaki, histoire des, 2 |
Island Calendar, 243; Upper |
Acadia, l'Acadie, cotes de, voyage, 15; |
Canada Almanac and Provincial |
Fran�ais y �tablis, 32; limites |
Calendar, 285; the Upper Canada |
anciennes de, 94; voyage du Port |
Christian Almanac, 286 |
Royal de, 32 |
Americans, the, Amiricains, les, assault |
Acadiens, et Fran�ais, combat contre |
de Québec par, 14 |
les Anglais, 32; officiers, secours |
Amicus, letters, under signature of, 363 |
aux, 36 |
Amnesty, question, Bishop Tache, 450. |
Adventures, angler, Canada, Nova |
See also Rebellion |
Scotia, United States, 206; Canada, |
Animials, America, 53, 54; Lake |
167, 179; Camp of Big Bear, 364; |
Superior, 320; North America, 197; |
Columbia River, 343, 429; hunter, |
South America, 197; ANIMAUX, |
prairies, 414; military service, 180; |
Amérique Septentrionale, 31; |
Oregon Mountains, 430; Rocky |
aquatiques, Canada, 102; terrestres, |
Moumtains, 430; AVENTURES, |
Canada, 102. |
Nord-ouest, 327; parmi les |
Birds, 254; Oiseaux, 102 |
sauvages, 70 |
Fishes, 254 |
Agriculture, North America, 136, 200; |
Cod, Morue, 31; Salmon, 236 |
papers and letters, 509; Upper and |
Insects, 254 |
Lower Canada, 136, 238, 242; |
Quadrupeds, 254 |
FARMING, Canadian Northwest, |
Beaver, Castor, dissertation sur, 32 |
354; Western Canada, 461; |
Moose, three months among, 278 |
RANCHING, Canadian Northwest, |
Reptiles, 254 |
354; Western Canada, 461; |
Seal, fisheries, Hudson's Bay, 428 |
AGRICOLE, Journal, La Minerve, |
Whale, fisheries, Hudson's Bay, 428. |
See also Agriculture; Hunting; |
Hurons, 102 |
Fishing; Fur Trade; Sports; |
Farmers, Canadian, papers and letters |
Trapping |
recommended to, 509; information, |
Archaeology, Canadian, essay, 202 |
Western Canada, 460 |
Archives, ancient French, 466 |
Ranchers, information, Western |
Arctic, history of voyages into, 297; land |
Canada, 460 |
expedition, 296; regions, residence |
Aix la Chapelle, treaty (1748), 172 |
in, 317, 318; Sea, voyage through |
Alberta, how to make a home, 461; |
Rupert's Land and, 316; voyage to |
Indians of 385, information, |
Baffin's Bay, Lancaster Sound, 302; |
farmers, ranchers, 460; Trans- |
Western, voyage in, 304 |
continental Railway, lands along, |
Frozen Ocean, voyages to, 400 |
410; ranchers of, 385 |
North Georgia, Gazette and Winter |
Algonquin, language, 210; dictionary, 65 |
Chronicle, 310 |
Alline, Henry, tenents and sentiments, |
North Pole, attempt to reach, 314 |
522 |
Northern Ocean, journey to, 303 |
Almanac, Montreal Almanack or Lower |
Polar Sea, narrative of journey to, 301 |
Canada Register, 228, 229 ; A |
Repulse Bay, attempt to reach, 305. |
Christian Warned, the People's |
See also Fur Trade; Hudson's Bay |
Almanac, 143; Prince Edward |
Region; Northwest Passage |
365 |
Artist, among the Indians, 384 |
Great Britain, Parliament; Great |
Bartlett, W. H., 294. |
Britain, Sovereign |
See also Illustration |
Burgoyne, John, Lt. Gen., expedition |
Assiniboia, information, farmers, |
from canada, 134 |
ranchers, 460; how to make a home, |
Burke, Edmund, 164 |
461 |
Assiniboine River, exploring expedition, |
376, 377 |
Cabot, John, voyages, lecture, 187 |
Astor, John Jacob, see Pacific Fur |
Callieres, Chevalier de, gouvernement |
Company |
de, 2 |
Atlantic Ocean, journey from, to Pacific, |
Canada, 133; acquisition of, Great |
365, and Pacific, communication |
Britain, 165; adventures in, 167, |
between, 455; MER, du Ponant, |
179; angler in, 206; backwoods of, |
capitaine pour le roi en, 18; |
280; British Columbia, 435; British |
MARINE, du Ponant, capitaine pour |
Northwest, sketches, 340; |
le roi en, 16 |
catechisme de l'histoire du, 5; |
colonie fran�aise en, 34; colonie du, |
Banking, Upper and Lower Canada, |
483, 484, 485, 486; Congregation |
242 |
Notre-Dame en, 518; dettes du, 37; |
Bartlett, W. H., drawings by, 294 |
conservation des �tablissemens du, |
Bay of Fundy, islands and islets of, 211 |
536; electors of, 151; expedition |
Beaver, Castor, dissertation sur, 32 |
through, 365; expedition (military) |
Bengal, voyage from, America, 405 |
to, 134, 290; ginseng en, 63; |
Bering, canoe joumey to, 415 |
Governor General of, speech, 323; |
Biography, Simcoe, Elizabeth, 263; |
Gouverneur-g�n�ral en, lettres, 81; |
BIOGRAPHY, Sagamos illustres, 4; |
Grand Trunk Railway of, 231; |
LIFE, Birchall, R., 122; Cook, |
guide, emigrants, 183; hand-book, |
Captain J., 387; Delaney, T., 364; |
emigrants, 137; history of, 181, 524; |
Gowanlock, T., 364; Papineau, |
in 1837-38 273; Indian nations of, |
L. J., 11; VIE, Radisson, P. E., 419 |
144; Indians, life among, 402; |
Birchall, Reginald, life, trial, imprison- |
Indians of, work among, 461; |
ment, 122 |
information, emigrants, 333; |
Bosquet, Henry, expedition, Ohio |
invasions of, 209; lads (soldiers) of, |
Indians, 442 |
237; letters, state of, 171; lettres |
Boston Charter Act, dialogue |
aux habitans du, 498; mandate of |
concerning, 222 |
bishop of 203; memoires, native of, |
Boundaries, British, 412; LIMITES |
254; military operations in, 120; |
Acadie, anciennes, 94. See also |
northwest of, 379; Northwest, |
Frontiers |
amnesty question, 450; Nord-ouest |
Bourgeois les, Compagnie du Nord- |
du, 418; on the Pacific, 378; prairie |
Ouest, 404 |
lands of, 445; 446; rambles |
Bourgeois, Marguerite, vie, 518 |
through, 193, 194; records |
Breda, trait� ( 1667), 44 |
(French) of, 466; relation of |
British Association, visit to Canadian |
(adjacent) territories to, 432, 433; |
Northwest, 424 |
sous la domination fran�aise, 7; |
British Columbia, 429; guide, 342; |
sportsman in, 279; Supreme Court |
Indian tribes, 378; Indian troubles, |
of case, 145; trip to, 352; travels in, |
407; information, emigrants, 333; |
149, 179, 204, 205; visit to, 130; |
information, settlers, 435; |
voyage�s, 16, 21, 26, 28; wander- |
possibilities, 332; ramble in, 390; |
ings in, 384; wars in, 266; western, |
resources, 332; sketch of, 421; trip |
460; western, frontier life, 395; |
to, 337 |
Western Loan and Savings Co., |
Queen Charlotte Islands, lecture, 448 |
462; wilds of, 278. See also |
Vancouver Island, artist among |
Canada (other entries), Canadas, |
Indians of, 384; Hudson's Bay |
the; Lower Canada; Ontario; |
Company, 355, 403; sketch of, 421 |
Quebec (province); Upper |
Victoria, rambles between, and |
Canada |
Winnipeg, 336; Transcontinental |
Canada, Dominion of, guide book, |
Canadien, de Montreal a, 328. |
settlers, 154; Manitoba and North� |
See also West, the Canadian; |
west Territories, immigrants, 349, |
Westem Coast |
443, 444; the Eastern Townships, |
British government, memorial to, Red |
for intending emigrants, 155; |
River, 406. See also English, the; |
western coast of, 378; PUISSANCE |
366 |
Dawson, S. J., Report of Red River |
Petit S�minaire de Qu�bec, g�o- |
Country, 432, 433 |
graphie a 1'usage, 492 |
Delaney, Theresa, adventures, camp of |
Physique, theses, 529, 530 |
Big Bear, 364 |
Schools, Arithmetical table for use in, |
Denmark, commerce, court of 65 |
215; denominational, Manitoba, |
Denonville, Jacques Ren� de Brisay |
449; ECOLES, histoire a l'usage des, |
Marquis de, Nouvelle France sous, |
5; Manitoba, documens, 348 |
2 |
Pupils, l��coliers, g�ographie a |
Dent, J. C., "The Story of the Upper |
l'usage des, 492 |
Canadian Rebellion," reviews of |
Science, appendix relating to, 301 |
386 |
S�minaire de Qu�bec, theses qui |
Discovery, Canada, history from, 524; |
seront soutenues au, 529, 530, 531, |
copper mines, 303; North America, |
532 |
history, 9; Oregon Territory, 409; |
Students, �tudians, en physiques, |
vast country in America, 53, 54; |
529, 530, 531, 532 |
voyage of Western Arctic Sea, 304; |
Soci�t� Litt�raire de Qu�bec, s�ance |
voyage of, under Parry, 306, 311, |
de, 525 |
312, 313, 315; voyage of, under |
Upper Canada Ready Reckorer, 215 |
Vancouver, 455; DISCOVERING, |
Elections, Montr�al, quartier-ouest, 8; |
voyage for, Northwest Passage, 309; |
Quebec (province), locales, 141 |
DECOUVERTES, de Champlain, 16, |
Electors of Canada, (to) partition of |
17, 18; de La Salle, 73, 108; par les |
funds, King's College, 151 |
Fran�ais, Indes Occidentales, |
Emigrants/Immigrants, British Colum�- |
Nouvelle France, 78; Terre-Neuve, |
bia, 333; British shores, from, 183; |
50; Tr�s grand pays, Am�rique, 56 |
Eastern Townships, 155; guide, |
Dixon, Captain George,voyage of, 416 |
160, 235; hints, 117; hand-book, |
Dobbs, Arthur, objections of, 309; |
137, 397; information, 321; letters |
remarks of, 308. See also North- |
from, 280; Manitoba and the |
west Passage |
Northwest Territory, 349, 396, 397, |
Durham, John George, Earl of, Report, |
418, 443, 444; New Brunswick, |
British North America, 158 |
guide, 118; North America, 235; |
Duty, upon stills, Upper Canada, 535 |
prairie lands, 445, 446; Upper and |
Lower Canada, 186, 242. See also |
East, the, overland route to, 458 |
Colonies; Emigration; Inhabitants; |
Eastern Townships, history, 148; infor- |
Settlements; Settlers |
mation, emigrants, 155; scenery, |
Emigration, British North America, 126, |
189 |
146; causes and consequences, |
Bolton, Brome, Dunham, Potton, St. |
Scotland, 334, 335, 363, 437. |
Armand, Sutton, history, 274 |
See also Colonies; Inhabitants; |
Education, Canada, 536; LEARNING, |
Settlements; Settlers |
English, the, 238; French, the, 238; |
England, church, see Church o� Eng� |
Lower Canada, 238; Quebec, |
land; confederates of, North |
promoting,514;UpperCanada,238 |
America, 65; letter to people of, |
Alphabet, Nouvel (text), en fran�ais, |
208; negotiation, with France, 24; |
508; pour les commen�ants, 88 |
Privy Council of 426; ANGLETERRE, |
Agriculture, see Agriculture |
couronne de, 44; eccl�siastiques |
Archaeology, Canadian, essay, 202 |
fran�ais r�fugi�s en, 479; guerre, |
Arithm�tique (text), 469 |
France, 95. See also English, the; |
Canadian Institute, Institut Cana- |
Great Britain |
dien, Annuaire, 58 |
English, the, attempts to dispossess |
College, King�s, partrition of funds, |
French, 65; commerce with nations |
151 |
(Indians) 65; settlements, 238; |
Congregation Notre-Dame, 518 |
ANGLAIS, LES, combat contre, 32; |
Fondatrice, Margueritte Bourgeois, 518 |
commerce avec nations (sauvages), |
Institution, Marguerite Bourgeois, |
66, 67; Iroquois, interets avec, 2; |
518 |
victoires sur, 73 |
G�ographie (text) 492 |
Language, names of furs in, 210. |
Histoire (text), du Canada, 5 |
See also Colonies; England; Great |
Math�matique, theses, 529, 530, 531, |
Britain; Inhabitants |
532 |
Esquimaux, customs, dress, language, |
Mechanics' Institution, York, address, |
manners, 307; d�fense de traiter |
157 |
armes, 42; tongue, words, 210 |
369 |
Europe, pays plus grand que, 55; to |
Roi (Louis XIV), �dit, Compagnie |
America, route, 408; EUROPA, |
des Indes Occidentales, 39; �dit, |
landen veel grooter als, 51 |
nobles, commerce de mer, 40 |
Expedition, Arctic, search for Franklin, |
Roi (Louis XV), arrest du conseil |
316; Astor, 429; Fort William, 463; |
d'�tat du, payment des reconnois- |
Great Fish River, Arctic shores, |
sances, 38; arrest du conseil d'�tat |
296; Northwest Territory, 377; |
du, dettes du Canada, 37; lettres |
Ocean to Ocean, Fleming, 365; |
patentes, papiers du Canada, 41; |
Palliser, 411; Red River, Assini- |
ordonnance, bastimens qui vont |
boine, Saskatchewan 376. |
faire la peche, 42; voyage par order |
See also Arctic, Discovery Frank- |
du, Charlevoix, 20 |
lin, Sir John Military Action |
Roi (Louis XVI), captivité, 481; |
Northwest Passage, Saguenay |
d�claration du, Caisse des Amotis- |
Voyage |
semens, 43; �dits etc. du, 485 |
Treaty of Peace, Traite de Paix, |
see Peace. |
See also France; French, the; Law |
Farming, see Agriculture |
��������� ���������������� |
Fenian Raid, 161 |
of, 316; friends of, search for, 302 |
Fire, Montreal, relief for sufferers, 233, |
Freedom, British, 131 |
234 |
Freemasonry, Manitoba, history, 382 |
Fishing, Peche la, bastimens (fran�ais) |
qui vont faire, 42; Hurons, 102; morues, des, 2 |
French, the attempts to disposses |
Angler, Canada, Nova Scotia, United |
Indians, 198, 199, 293; conduct of, |
States, 206 |
nations (Indians), 65; dominions, |
Banks of Newfoundland, 115 |
North and South America, 197; |
Fisheries, Hudson�s Bay, whale and |
seal, 428; Newfoundland, Labra- |
intrigues, Indian Nations, 144; |
dor, 115; St. Lawrence River and |
settlements of, 238; FRANCAIS, LES, |
tributaries, salmon, 236 |
commerce avec nations (sauvages), |
Grand Banc, le, 31 |
66, 67; conduite des, Nouvelle |
Morue, peche des,31 |
Ecosse, 196, navigations,d�cou- |
Salmon, 236 |
vertes, etc., faites par, 78; |
Fleming, Sanford, expedition, Atlantic |
occupations des, Nouvelle France, |
to Pacific, 365 |
32; ACADIENS, see Acadie, Cana- |
Fleuve Colbert, 73, see Mississippi River |
diens, les, a mes compatriotes, 470; |
Flood, Red River, 322 |
officiers, secours aux, 36 |
Forest, subarctic, 415; WOODS, Canada, |
French (language), names of furs in, |
guide, 183. See also Wilderness |
210; FRAN�AIS (LANGUE), alphabet |
Forts, French and English, 457; Nelson, |
en, 508 |
2; Prince of Wales, 303; William, |
French Regime, forts and trading |
463; Wrangle, 415. See also |
posts of 457; REGIME FRAN�AISE, |
Halifax; Louisbourg; North West |
ville de Qu�bec sous, 101; |
Company |
Fox, Charles James, 164 |
sous, 7 |
France, Canada under government of, |
French settlements, Upper and Lower |
466; guerre avec, Angleterre, 66, |
Canada, 238. |
67, 95; invasion of 180; loi, secours |
See also France; France, Sovereign; |
aux officiers acadiens et canadiens, |
Inhabitants |
36; negotiations, England, 24 |
Frontenac, Louis de Buade, Comte de, |
Paris, coutume de, ancienes loix |
Nouvelle France sous, 2 |
tir�es de, 484, 485; treaty ( 1763), |
Frontiers, Detroit and Niagara, events, |
173 |
225; miners on the, 361; United |
Temple, captivit� de Louis XVI, |
States, 411, 413. See also |
481. |
Boundaries |
See also France, Sovereign; French, |
Fur Trade, 319, 400, 438, 451, 454; |
the |
British, 438, 457; COMMERCE IN |
France, Sovereign |
King ( Louis XV), voyage by order of, |
French, 299 |
Charlevoix, 21 |
Posts, St. Lawrence River, 210 |
Majest� Tr�s Cr�tienne (Louis XV), |
Trade Language, Chinook, 345 |
extraits des �dits, etc., 483, 485 |
Interpreter, 210 |
370 |
Traders, 210, 214, 372; Fur, 281 |
Quebec and Boston Charter, 222; |
Trading Companies, New France, 9, |
acte, suret� du Bas-Canada, 471 |
457;� English, 457. |
House of Commons, precedents of |
See also Arctic; Beaver/Castor; |
proceeding, 465; representatives of |
Commerce; Hudson's Bay Com- |
American Colonies to, 223; state of |
pany, Hudson's Bay Region; North |
the expedition from Canada, 134 |
West Company, Northwest Passage; |
House of Lords, speeches of Fox, |
Pacific Fur Company. |
North, Burke, 164. |
See also British Government; Law |
Great Britain, Sovereign, |
Gasp�, district, scenery, 244; GASP�SIE, |
Her Majesty, British Queen (Vic� |
relation, 71, 72 |
toria), letter to, 268; (Victoria) |
Gasp�siens Porte-Croix, see Micmacs |
High Commissioner, Durham |
Genoa, treaty, acceded to, 172 |
report, 158 |
Geography, of North America, 3 16; |
His Majesty, (George III), Indian |
enemies, campaign, 217; George |
America, 21; TOPOGRAPHY, British |
III, proclamation, act, Upper and |
Columbia and Vancouver Island, |
Lower Canada, 502; (George III), |
regulations, Crown lands, 501 |
North America, 126, 127; PHYSICAL |
King's Majesty, (George III), pro- |
CHARACTER, Lake Superior, 320; |
vincial statute, Lower Canada, 500 |
G�OGRAPHIE, a l'usage des �coliers, |
Majest� Britannique, (George III), |
492; historique, essais, 50; |
forces navales, Victoire de, 511 |
Majest� du Roi, (George III ), |
de l'Amerique Septentrionale, 31; |
statute provincial, Bas-Canada, |
500 |
France, 78 |
Queen, (Victoria), vs. Louis Riel, 426 |
Georgian Bay Ship Canal, 282 |
Royal Charter, Canada Company, |
Ghent, treaty (1814), 266 |
138 |
Ginseng, d�couverte en Canada, 63 |
Royal Navy, Lt. Charles Hare, |
Governor, Massachusetts Bay, Shirley, |
testimonial, 272, action,� U.S., |
William, 259, 260; Semple, 369, |
495 |
370 |
Royal Regiment, shipwreck, 147 |
Governor General, Lorne, Marquis o�, |
Treaty of Peace, Trait� de Paix, see |
speech, 323; order, waste lands of |
Peace. |
Crown, Lower Canada, 501; |
See also British Government; Great |
,Britain (other entries) |
Marquis de, letters, 81; reglemens |
Great Fish River (Back), expedition to |
et Jugemens au Canada, 483 |
mouth of, 296 |
Gowanlock, Theresa, adventures, Camp |
Great Lakes, description of, 53, 54; |
of Big Bear, 364 |
account of country upon, 250; LACS |
Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, opening |
SUP�RIEURS, nations (Indian) des, |
of, 231, prairie section, 410; |
2 |
Victoria Bridge, dedicated to, 207. |
Lake Huron, residence on shores of, |
See also Railway |
178; tour to, 219; MER DOUCE, |
Grands Voyers, see Justice System, |
voyage, 102 |
Administrator |
Lake Ontario, account of posts on, |
Great Britan, emigrants to Canada |
210; tour to, 219 |
from, 183 |
Lake Superior, exploration, 412; |
Scotland, Highlands, state of 334, 335, 437 |
physical character, resources, |
Great Britain, Empire, acquisition, |
animals, 320; and Red River |
Canada and Guadaloupe, 165; |
Settlement, route, 432, 433; |
importance, Hudson's Bay, 428; |
wanderings' round, 388; KITCHI- |
interets, Canada, 536; interest, |
GAMI, 388 |
colonies, 165; interests, North |
Great Pew Case, synopsis of, 145 |
America, 192 |
Grip, cartoons by, 121 |
Colonial Department, correspon- |
Gulf of Mexico, voyage to, LaSalle, 61; |
dence, 436 |
GOLFE DE MEXIQUE, voyage dans, la |
Durham, John George, High |
Salle, 60; d�couvertes, La Salle, 73 |
Commissioner, report, 158 |
Gulf of St. Lawrence, directions for, |
Great Britain, Parliament of, act of, |
152; account of Prince Edward |
Canada Company, 138; acts, |
Island in, 267 |
371 |
Hardisty, Richard, correspondence, |
proceedings of, 355; connection of |
Hudson's Bay Company, 372 |
Earl of Selkirk with, 463; corre- |
Halifax, currency, table, 215; route from |
spondence of Chief Trader, 372; |
to the Canadas, 178; sermon at, 523 |
journey by order of, 303; missionary |
Hare, Lt. Charles, services of, 271 |
tour in territory of 434; territory, |
Hawkins, Alfred, picture, recollections, |
384, 434; territory, artist among |
Quebec, 176 |
Indians, 384; HUDSON�S BAY COR- |
Heurter, F. D., narrative, Red River, |
PORATION, rights, conduct, policy |
417 |
of 403 |
High Commissioner, Lord Durham, |
District, Kinogumifsee (Keno� |
report, 158 |
gamasis) River, 372 |
Highlands, Scotland, emigration, 334, |
Governor, (Robert) Semple, 369, |
335; 363 |
370; GOUVERNEUR, (Robert) |
Highlander, memoirs of Macleod, |
Semple, 368 |
Donald, 277 |
Forts and Trading Posts, 457 |
History, Argenteuil County, Quebec, |
Fort Nelson (York Factory), prise |
275; British Columbia, 421; |
de, 2 |
Canada, 118, 524; captivity, |
Flying Post, Journal of 398; furs |
Williams, J., 293; commerce and |
sent from, 399 |
discovery in North America, 9; |
Matuwigaming (Mattagami), furs |
Eastern Townships, 274; five |
sent to, 399 |
�Indian nations, Canada, 144; |
Prince of Wales's Fort, journey from, |
Freemasonry, Manitoba, 329, 382; |
303 |
French dominions in North and |
Fort Wrangel (Fort Stickine/ |
Sounh America, 197; islands, Bay of |
Highfield), 415 |
Fundy, 211; Louisiana, colony, |
Raddison, Pierre-Esprit, 419 |
181; Manitoba, 375, 382; Montreal, |
Rupert's Land, boat voyage through, |
123, 124, 125; Newfoundland, 115; |
316. |
Northwest, 319; Notre-Dame de |
See also Arctic Region; Explora- |
Montreal, 85; Oregon Territory, |
tion; Hudson's Bay Region |
409; Prescott County, Ontario, |
Hudson's Straits, description of, 408 |
275; politics, Canada, 121; prisons, |
Hungary, treaty, acceded to, 172 |
Montreal, 123; rebellion, Lower |
Hunter, William Stewart, Eastern |
Canada, 100; Red River Settle- |
Townships, scenery, 189; Niagara |
ment, 329, 431, 217; HISTORTCAL |
Falls to Quebec, guide, 191; |
ACCOUNT, Nova Scotia, 175; |
Ottawa, scenery, 190 |
Hunting, Indians, 254; in the North� |
North America, 203; HISTORICAL |
west, 453; CHASSE, T A, des Hurons, |
RECOLLECTIONS, Quebec, 176; |
102; des nations sauvages, 32; des |
HISTOIRE, Am�rique, 56; Am�rique |
peuples sauvages, 18 |
Septentrionale, 2; Canada, 34; |
Hunter, in the prairies, 414; fur, far |
Canada, colonie fran�aise en, 5; |
west, 430. |
Canada, domination fran�aise, 7; |
See also Animals |
Hotel Dieu de Qu�bec, 103; |
Hurons, alliance francais, 2; histoire, 2; |
morale, 49; Nouvelle France, 20, |
Chief, poem, 201; mission aux, 98; |
78; Trois Rivieres, 105; voyage au |
pays des, moeurs, etc., 102 |
Nouveau Monde, 27; HISTORIAE, |
Langue, Huronne, 102 |
canadensis, 33; HISTORISCHE, |
Aenmerckelycke, 51 |
Hochelaga, 125, see Montr�al |
Icebergs, account, Hudson's Bay, 307 |
Hotel-Dieu de Qu�bec, histoire, 103 |
Illinois, alliance fran�ais, 2; histoire, 2 |
Hudson's Bay Region, account of, 299; |
Illustration, |
effects of cold in, 309; icebergs in, |
Caricature, Canadian politics, 121 |
307; journey from Prince of Wales's |
Cuts, 65, 300 |
Fort, 303; (native) tribes of 298, |
Drawings, Bartlett, 294 |
307; natural history of, 300; north- |
Engravings, 150 |
east coast of America, 298; voyage |
Figures, 17, 53, 54, 55, 56, 66, 67, 70, |
to, 298, 300. See also Arctic; Fur |
78 |
Trade; Hudson's Bay Company; |
Plates, voyage of Capt. Parry, 311, |
Indians, North America; North- |
314 |
west Passage |
Sketches, pen and sun, 340 |
Hudson's Bay Company, account of |
Table, 78; analogy of languages, 210; |
299, 428; charter, 299; charter and |
arithmetical, 215; of distance, 126 |
372 |
Views, military operations, 120; |
Scanyawtauragahrooote; |
Upper and Lower Canada, 127. |
Shawanee |
See also Maps |
Indians, South America, nations, |
Indians, North America/North Ameri- |
customs and manners, 182; SAU� |
can Indians/Original Inhabitants, |
VAGES DU SUD, mani�re de vivre, 55 |
affairs, secretary-general, letter to, |
Indies, East, 180; West, 217; INDES, |
407; agriculture, 238; Alberta, 385; |
Occidentales, 39, 78 |
alliance, British, 144; artist among, |
Inhabitants, British, of Quebec (prov- |
384; battles, 144; British Columbia, |
ince), 220; British Colonies, |
378; captivity among, see Cap- |
number of, 250; French dominions, |
tivity; character, 21, 197, 281; |
North and South America, 197; |
commerce, 53, 54, 65, 238; customs, |
North America, manners of, 200; |
21, 53, 54, 65, 136, 144, 182, 197, |
Protestant, of Quebec (province), |
210, 238, 250, 307; dress, 307; |
220; PEOPLE'S Almanac, 143; |
enemies, 217; excursions among, |
Canada, condition of, 273; Eng� |
459; genius, 197; government, 144, |
land, letter to, 208; Red River, |
197, 250; interpreter, 210, 270; |
memorial to, 406; PUBLIC, (Great |
intrigues, French, 144; 1anguage, |
Britain) advice to, 241; HABITANS, |
see Language; laws, 144; learning, |
Bas-Canada, des lois des usages |
238; life, 281; manners, 21, 53, 54, |
des, 109; Canada, moeurs et edu- |
136, 144, 182, 197, 210, 238, 250; |
cation des, 536; aux, Montr�al, 1; |
Manitoba, Northwest Territory, |
aux, et citoyens, Qu�bec (prov� |
work among, 464; nations, five, |
ince), 467, Qu�bec (province), |
144; navigation, 65; Northeast |
lettre aux, 498; PEUPLES, (abo- |
coast, 298; notes, 367; numbers, |
riginal) Am�rique Septentrionale, |
250; Ohio, expedition against, 442; |
66, 67, 71, 72; (du Canada) faits |
Pacific coast, 429; religion, 21, 65, |
pour, 422. See also Colonies; |
144, 197, 238; settlements, 238; |
Emigrants; Emigration; Settle- |
territories, 179, 423; territory, Red |
ments; Settlers |
River, occurrences, 463; trade, |
Institutions, Etablissemens, du Bas� |
144; trader, voyages, 210; tradi- |
Canada, conservation, 109; du |
tions, 21; war, federal states (US), |
Canada, conservation, 536. |
136; wars, other nations, 144; west |
See also Education, Marriage, |
of Rocky Mts., 343; NATIVE RACES, |
Religion |
account, Red River, 431; SAVAGES, |
Iroquois, adventures with French, 65; |
in America, a tragedy, 253; general |
alli�s des Anglais; coutumes, 2; |
of, dialogue with author, 65; |
gouvernement, 2; guerre, 2; his� |
toire, 2; Lafayette chez les, 86; |
maximes, 2; moeurs, 2; paix, |
NATIONS/PEUPLES, alliance avec les |
ambassades, 2; tongue, words in, |
Fran�ais, 2; chasse, 18, 32; com- |
210; victoires sur, 73. See also |
merce avec, 66, 67; coutumes, 18, |
Indians, North America |
66, 67, 70; cr�ace, 17; danse, 18, |
Island, Anticosti, 25; Cape Breton, 126, |
102; enterrements, 18; facon de |
250; Newfoundland, 115, 126, 142, |
vivre, 17, 70; festins, 18; gouverne- |
235, 250; Prince Edward, 126, 243, |
ment, 66, 67; guerre, 17, 18, 66, 67, |
267; Scanyawtauragahroote |
102; habits, 18; mani�res, 32; |
(described as in the Rontooroo |
mani�res de vivre, 55; marier, se, |
River-possibly the Minnesota), |
102; maximes, 2; moeurs, 2, 18, 55, |
254; St. Helena, 180; Vancouver's, |
64, 66, 67, 70, 71, 72, 95; religion, |
335, 384, 403, 421; ISLANDS, Bay of |
2, 66, 67, 71, 72; superstition, 17, |
Fundy, 211; East Indies, 180; West |
32; usages, 95 |
Indies, 217; Indes Occidentales, 39, |
Big Bear, in camp of 364 |
78; Queen Charlotte, 448; Somers, |
Pontiac, a tragedy, 253 |
(Bermuda), 219; ISLE, Royale, 15; |
Sagamos illustres, biographie des, 4. |
Ste. H�l�ne, 113; Terre Neuve, 15, |
See also Catholic Church; Lan- |
42, 50 |
guage; Missions; Montreal; |
Banks, of Newfoundland, 115; BANC, |
Hochelaga. See also Abnaki; |
le Grand, 31 |
Algonquin; Chippeway; Cree; |
Isle Royale, rectifier les cartes des, 15 |
Esquimaux; Hurons; Illinois; |
Iroquois; Métis; Micmac; Mo� |
hawk; Mohegan; Montagnais; |
Johnson, Mrs. Susanna, captivity of |
Naskapi; Ojibway; Sauteux; |
198, 199 |
373 |
Johnston, James, plaintiff, Great Pew |
Lachine, le massacre a, 48 |
Case, 145 |
Lafayette, Marquis de, chez les Iroquois, |
Journey, see Travels |
86 |
Justice System, |
Lafitau, Joseph Francois, p�re, d�cou- |
Administrators, Grands Voyers, |
verte du ginseng par, 63 |
trait�, utilit� aux, province de |
Lahontan, Louis Armand de Lom |
Qu�bec, 486 |
d'Arce, Baron de, voyages de, 66, 67 |
Appeal, court of, Lower Canada, 145; |
Lake Huron, residence on, 178; tour to, |
Louis Riel, to Privy Council, Court |
219; MER DOUCE, voyage, 102 |
of Queens Bench, 426 |
Lake Ontario, account of posts on, 210; |
Case, Earl of Stirling, title to Nova |
tour to, 219 |
Scotia, 135; Great Pew, synopsis, |
Lake Simcoe, and environs, 188; resi- |
145 |
dence on, 178 |
Court, Appeals, Lower Canada, 145; |
Lake St. Louis, and La Salle, 46; LAC |
Oyer et Terminer, Quebec, 423; |
SAINT-LOUIS, anciennes cotes du, |
Queen's Bench, Manitoba, 426; |
45 |
Supreme, of Canada, 145; Assizes, |
Lake Superieur, exploration, 412; physic- |
York, Upper Canada, 519 |
cal character, resources, animals, |
Judges, Juges, trait� des loix utile aux, |
320; and Red River Settlement, |
province de Qu�bec, 484, 485, 486; |
route, 432, 433; wanderings'round, |
JUGES A PAIX, province de Qu�bec, |
388 |
473 |
Lancaster Sound, Arctic voyage to,302 |
Juries, antiquity, use, privileges of, |
Land, free, Ontario, 170; granting, 126; |
177 |
how to select, Western Canada, |
Lawyers, Avocats, trait� des loix |
461; Manitoba, 371; policy, Mani� |
n�cessaire aux, province de Qu�bec, |
toba, 443, 444; prairie, Canada, |
484 |
445, 446; Northwest, 380; regula� |
Officiers de Paroisse, Province de |
tions, Manitoba, 396, 397; tenures, |
Qu�bec, 473 |
513; Upper Canada, 138; waste, |
Prisons, of Montreal, history, 123 |
Crown, 501; TERRES, fermes, |
Prosecutors, Procureurs, trait� des loix |
Am�rique, 39; Nouvelle France, |
necessaire aux, Province de Qu�bec, |
17; pays des Hurons, 102; Puissance |
484 |
(Dominion), 439. See also Land |
Sentence, petition for commutation, |
Tenure |
Riel, 426 |
Land Tenure, conversion of, 513 |
Imprisonment, Van Dieman's Land, |
Fiefs, trait� de la loi des, 485 |
289 |
Freeholders, sentiments of, 222 |
Trial, Reginald Birchall (murder), |
Grant, of land free, 170; of Vancouver |
122; Ambrose Lepine (murder), |
Island, 355 |
353; David McLane (high trea- |
Reserves, clergy, 283 |
son), 503; Thomas Morrison (high |
Seigneuries, du Canada, 485 |
treason), 232; Charles de Rein- |
Soccage, conversion to, 513 |
hard (murder), 423; Louis Riel |
Title, to Nova Scotia, 135 |
(high treason), 426; state trials |
Language, Algonquin, dictionary, 65, |
(military court martial), 100; |
210; Chippeway, vocabulary, 210; |
Thomas Sutherland (military court |
Esquimaux, 307; Indian, Hudson's |
martial), 268 |
Bay, five, 454; Indians, America, |
Condamn� politique, de 1838, |
53, 54, 307; Montagnais, sacred |
notes 96. |
song in, 351; Mohawk, 480; sau� |
See also Law |
vages, cat6chisme au, 16; trade, |
Indian, 345; TONGUE, Esquimaux, |
King's College, partition of funds, 151 |
210; Iroquois, 210; Mohegan, 210; |
Kinogumifsee (Kenogamasis) River, |
Shawanee, 210; JARGON, Chinook, |
district, Hudson's Bay Company, |
dictionary, 345; LANGUE, (des |
372 |
sauvages) du pays, dictionnaire, 66, |
Kitchi-Gami, see Lake Superior |
67; Huronne, dictionnaire, 102; |
Klondyke, how to get to, 381 |
Sauteux, principes, 330 |
English, names of furs in, 210 |
La Barre, Joseph Antoine Lefebvre de, |
French, names of furs in, 210; |
Nouvelle France sous, 2 |
fran�ais, alphabet (text) en, 508 |
Labrador, coast, description, 115; coast, |
La Salle, Ren� Robert Cavelier, Sieur |
journal, 139; coast, voyage to, 298; |
de, attempts of, 53; d�couvertes de, |
interior, exploration, 184 |
73; derniers d�couvertes de, 108; |
374 |
dernier voyage de, 60; entreprises |
Lunenberg, Presbyterian congregation |
de, 55; last voyage of, 61; |
at, 523 |
onderneminge van de, 51 |
Lyon, George Francis, private journal, |
Laurie, John, Major General, report, |
306 |
Northwest Rebellion, 389 |
Law, England, 177; Quebec (province), |
218; Upper Canada, duty upon |
MacDonald, Sir John A., and Riel, 360 |
stills, 535; Upper Canada, licensing |
MacDougall, W. B., guide, Manitoba, |
public houses, 534; usury, 258; LOI |
Northwest, 396, 397 |
Bas-Canada, 109; Bas-Canada, |
Mackenzie, Sir Alexander, adventures |
dictionnaire du, 510; Colonie du |
and discoveries, 326 |
Canada, 484; des fiefs, 485; France, |
Mackenzie, William Lyon, Mackenzie� |
secours accord�s aux officiers, 36 |
Rolph controversy, 386 |
Custom, Coutume, ancienne, du |
Mackenzie River, diocese of, 331 |
Canada, 484; de la prevot� et |
MacLeod, Serjeant Donald, memoirs, |
vicomt� de Paris, 484 |
277 |
Regulations, land, Manitoba, 396, 397 |
Manitoba, agricultural facilities, 443, |
Usage, ancien, du Canada, 484 |
444; creation of, 329; climate, 443, |
Right, Canadian's, Englishman's, |
444; denominational schools in, |
177. |
449; development, 375; farming in, |
See also Canada, Parliament of; |
354; freemasonry in, 382 guide, |
France, Sovereign; Great Britain, |
396, 397; how to make a home, |
Parliament of; Great Britain, |
461; information, emigrants, 349, |
Sovereign; Justice System; Quebec |
418; information, farmers, ranch- |
(province) Legislature; Upper |
ers, 460; land policy, 443, 444; |
Canada Legislature; Lower |
lands in, 371; manufacturing |
Canada Legislature |
facilities, 443, 444; notes de voyage, |
Le Beau, Claude, aventures, Am�rique |
346, 347; question des �coles de, |
Septentrionale, 70 |
348; railway in, 410; ranching in, |
Lepine, Ambrose D., trial of, 353 |
354; resources, 375; Riel, appeal to |
Louisbourg, foundation to fall, 82; |
court, 426; settlement, 375; soil, |
siege, journal, 259, 260 |
443, 444; southern, and Turtle |
Lower Canada, clergy/nuns of, plot |
Mountain Country, 324; sugges- |
against, 119; court of appeals, 145; |
tions, settlers, 362; terres de la |
division into counties, 212; guide, |
Puissance (Dominion), 439; trip to, |
emigrants to, 235; military service |
452; voyage, 439; work among |
in, 180; proclamation, act in, 502; |
Indians, 464 |
Register, or Montreal Almanac, |
Fort Nelson (York Factory), voyage |
228, 229; statistical description of, |
de, prise de, 2 |
126, topographical description of, |
Prince of Wales's Fort (Churchill), |
127; tour,238, 257; travels through, |
journey from, 303 |
291; trial in, 503; BAS-CANADA, |
Turtle Mountain Country, 324 |
�tablissemens du, 109; suret� du, |
Winnipeg, see Winnipeg. |
act 471 See also Canada East; |
See also Assiniboia; Red River |
Canadas, the; Lower Canada |
Maps, Lower Canada, 126; Manitoba |
Legislature; Quebec (other |
and the Northwest, 396, 397; North |
entries); Union, Upper and Lower |
America, 53, 54, 65, 400; CHART, |
Canada |
Hudson's Bay, 300; attempt to |
Lower Canada Legislature, |
reach North Pole, 314; CARTES, |
Executive Council, consent of, pro- |
Am�rique, 55, 56; cotes de 1'Acadie, |
vincial statute, 500, minutes, waste- |
1'Isle Royale et Terre-Neuve, 15; |
lands of Crown 501; LEGISLATIVE |
dress�e selon le compas qui nor� |
HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY, bill, more |
destent, 17; dress�e en son vrai |
equal representation in, 212; com- |
m�ridien, 17; marines, 16; |
mittee of, report, militia, 247; |
l'Am�rique Septentrionale, 66, 67, |
consent of provincial statute 500; |
70, 95 |
standing rules and regulations, 213; |
,Evolution cartographique, Terre� |
Neuve, 50 |
DU BAS-CANADA,consentement du, |
Observations astronomiques, 15 |
statut provincial, 500 |
Marriage, Mariage, clandestin, th�se, 3 |
Parlement Provincial du Bas-Canada, |
Marie de l'Incarnation (Martin, Marie |
Lois et r�gles du, 510 |
Guyard), lettres, 83; vie, 22, 84 |
Ministerial crisis, 57 |
Massachusetts Bay, see Province |
375 |
Mississippi River, voyage to find mouth |
Navigation, choses n�cessaire a, 16; |
of, 61; account of country upon, |
diversit� des estimes en, 16; |
250; communication, Canada and, |
fran�ais, 78; nations (Indian), 65; |
trait�, 16 |
pour trouver l'embouchure, cours |
Diverses mouvements de la mer, 3'2 |
de la, 60; FLEUVE COLBERT, |
Guide aymant, d�clinaison de la, 16, |
d�couvertes de, jusqu'au Golfe de |
17 |
Mexique, 73 |
Navigateur, qualit�s d'un, 16 |
Modena, treaty, acceded to, 172 |
Nelson, Sir Horatio, squadron of, 468 |
Mohawk, language, offices and prayers, |
Nepal, campaign in, 180 |
Church of England, 480 |
New Brunswick, and other British prov� |
Mohegan, tongue, words in, 210 |
inces, colonization, 133; description |
Monk, Maria, intervention of, plot, 119 |
of, 126; guide to, 118; mission to, |
Montagnais, country of, Labrador, 184; |
219; sketches of, 162; travels in, |
language, sacred song, 351 |
136 |
Montcalm, le Marquis de, lettre de, 81 |
Charlotte County, islands, Bay of |
Montreal, Almanac, 228, 229; by-laws, |
Fundy, 211 |
rules and regulations, 227, 521; |
New France, conquest of 209; early |
court martial at, 100; de, � Victoria, |
trading companies of, 9; and New |
328; district de, 1; election, 8, 90; |
Mexico, country between, 53, 54; |
fire at, 233, 334; from, to New York, |
NOUVELLE FRANCE, LA, ce qui s�est |
454; gouvernement de, 2; Herald, |
pass�e en, 74, 75, 76, 112; �tat de |
230, 520; history of, 125; in 1856, |
l'�glise dans, 104; gouvernement de |
231; isle de, 518; manufactures of, |
Frontenac, Calli�res, 2; histoire, 78; |
287; North West Company of, 438; |
histoire et description, 20; journal |
Notre-Dame de, 85, 87, 185; police, |
de, 17; missions en, 29, 30, 68, 69, |
521; prisons in, 123; riot in, 249; |
77, 97, 98; muses de la, 79, 80; |
sketches of, 256; St. Andrew's |
occupations des Fran�ais, 32; pays |
Church, 145; the stage, 169; streets, |
des Hurons en, 98, 102; peuples |
124; ville et district de, 491; voy- |
allies de, 2; portes de, 17; premier |
ages from, 400; HOCHELAGA, 125; |
�tablissement de la foi, 73; Ursu- |
VILLE MARIE, 256; Congregation de |
lines de, 22, 83, 84; voyage de/en, |
Notre-Dame, 518 |
16 18, 32 NUOVA FRANCIA, mis� |
Victoria Bridge, Grand Trunk Rail- |
sioni, 10; NOVAE-FRANCIAE, |
way, 207 |
Historiae Canadensis, 33 |
Mountains, Oregon, 430; Rocky, 344, |
Colonie fran�aise, la, histoire de en |
411, 413, 424, 430 |
Murder, see Justice System, trial |
in North and South America, |
Music, Musique, cantiques not6s en, 487 |
history 197. |
Ariettes, Colas et Colinette, 517 |
See also French, the |
Airs, not�s en musiques, 487; vul- |
New Mexico, country between, and New |
gaires,cantiques accommod� �, 489 |
France, 53, 54; NOUVEAU MEXIQUE, |
Cantiques, de l'Ame d�vote, 489; de |
pays entre, et la Mer Glaciale, 56 |
Marseilles, 490; Nouveau Recueil, |
New World, Nouveau Monde, voyage |
487 |
au 27 |
Chansons, des Hurons, 102 |
Newcastle, Duke of, letter to, Wm. |
Chansonnier, Canadien, 19 |
Shirley, 259, 260 |
Idyles, 19 |
Newfoundland, account, 250; descrip� |
Romances, 19 |
tion, 126; guide for emigrants to, |
Song, sacred, in Montagnais, 351 |
235; history, description, 115; |
Vaudeville, 19 |
voyage to, 142; TERRE-NEUVE, |
d�couverte, evolution cartogra- |
Napoleon, detention and death, 180 |
phique, 50; p�che au c�tes de, 42; |
Naskapi, country of Labrador, 184 |
voyage, cartes de, 15 |
Natural History, Canada, 65; French |
Newspapers, Gazette Litteraire de |
dominions in North and South |
Montreal, 491; Herald Miscellany |
America, 197; North America, 21, |
and Advertiser, 493; la Minerve, |
200; account, 315; appendix of |
226; Montreal Almanac or Lower |
subjects relating to, 301; HISTOIRE |
Canada Register, 228, 229; Mon� |
NATURELLE, I'Am�rique Septen- |
treal Herald and Daily Commercial |
trionale, 56; des c�tes de 1'Am�- |
Gazette, 230; North Georgia |
rique Septentrionale, 31; Nouvelle |
Gazette and Winter Chronicle, 310; |
France, 78 |
The Pilot, 239, 240; Qvebec |
377 |
mission to, 219; publications of |
Negotiation (for peace), France and |
H. Alline in, 522; title to, Earl of |
England, 24 |
Stirling, 135; travels in, 136; |
Peace River, journey by valley of, 378; |
NOUVELLE ECOSSE, conduite des |
canoe voyage, G. Simpson, 392 |
Fran�ais, 196 |
Pelly Lakes, canoe journey to, 415 |
Acadia, see Acadia |
Peninsula, Labrador, explorations, 184; |
Cape Breton, account of 250; |
PENINSULAR, war, 180 |
description of, 126 |
Poems, The Huron Chief, and other, |
Halifax, currency, table, 215; route |
201; The Mission, 219; PO�SIE, |
from, to the Canadas, 178; sermon |
Riel, Louis, 425; VERS, pi�ces de, 6 |
at, 523 |
Muses de la Nouvelle France, 79, 80 |
Louisbourg, foundation to fall, 82; |
Police, reglemens et ordonnances de, |
siege, journal, 259, 260 |
483; trait� de la, 486 |
Lunenburg, Presbyterian congrega- |
Port Royal (Annapolis Royal), voyage |
tion at, 523 |
du, 32 |
Port Royal (Annapolis Royal), |
Ports, de la Nouvelle France, 17; |
voyage du, 32 |
HAVRES, de la Nouvelle France, 17 |
Lake, Sault Ste. Marie, 270; Toronto, |
268 282, (then York, 157, 519 |
Occupations, des Fran�ais, Nouvelle, France, 32 |
Ocean, Halifax, 178, 215,523, Lunen� |
Ojibway life among, Saskatchewan, 402 |
burg, 523; Louisbourg 82, 259 |
Ontario, grants of land, 170, Prescott |
see Quebec City; Victoria, 328, |
County, 275; residence in, journal, |
336 |
341. See also Canada West; |
River Lachine, 48; Montreal, see |
Canadas, the; Upper Canada; |
Montreal, Trois Rivi�res 2, 105 |
Upper Canada Legislature |
Portugal, court of, commerce, political |
remarks, 65; treaty, acceded to, 173 |
Pacific Fur Company, 429; voyage to |
Prairies, hunter in, 414; lands of |
northwest coast, 358; voyage a la |
Canada, 445, 446; section, Grand |
c�te, 359 |
Trunk Railway, 410 |
Astor, John Jacob, 429 |
Presbyterian Church, chapel, Quebec, |
Pacific Ocean, Canada on the, 378; |
sermon, 528; clergy, Rev. Comin- |
exploration to, 412; first settlement |
goe, B. R., ordination, 523; Rev. |
on, 358; voyage, Hudson's Bay to, |
Spark, A., 528; congregation, |
392; voyage to, 455; WESTERN |
Dutch Calvanistic, sermon to, 523; |
AMERICAN OCEAN, search for pas- |
denomination of, King's College |
sage to, 308, 309. See also |
funds, 151; sermon, first for |
Western Coast |
ordination, Nova Scotia, 523 |
Pambrun, P. C., narrative, Red River, |
Prevost, Sir George, command of the |
417 |
Canadas, 520 |
Papineau, Louis Joseph, communica- |
Prince Edward Island, account, 267; |
tions to/a, 110, 111; discours, |
Calendar and Almanac, 243; |
Institut Canadien, 89; life and |
description, 126 |
times,� 11; speech, Montreal, 90 |
Prisons of Montreal, history, 123 |
Paris, coutume de, ancienes loix tir�es |
Imprisonment, Van Dieman's Land, |
de, 484, 485; treaty (1763), 173 |
189 |
Temple, captivit� de Louis XVI, 481. |
Pritchard, John, narrative, Red River, |
See also France; France, Sovereign |
417 |
Parry, Sir William Edward, journal of a |
Privy Council, appeal to, Louis Riel, |
voyage under, 306, 311, 312, 313; |
426 |
narrative voyage under, 305, 314; |
Protestant, inhabitants of Quebec |
newspaper of voyage under, 310; |
(prov.), proceedings, 220 |
supplement to appendix of a voyage |
Book, TWO Mites, Alline, H., 522 |
under, 315 |
Clergy, Mr. Alline, H., publications |
Peace, prospect of, 516; preliminaries |
and ordination, 522; Reverend |
of, 159; necessity of, 208; treaty of, |
Comingoe, B. R., ordination, 523; |
Aix la Chapelle ( 1748), 172; |
Reverend Williams, J., captivity, |
treaty of Ghent (1814), 266; treaty |
293 |
of Paris (1763), 173, 524; treaty of, |
Denominations, Church of England, |
the Savoy (1686), 174; PAIX, trait� |
see Church of England; Methodist, |
(1667), Breda (1667), 44; Utrecht |
see Methodist Church; Presby� |
(1713), 94, 195, 196 |
terian, see Presbyterian Church |
379 |
Pamphlet, "The Antitraditionist," |
l'usage, 474. See also Quebec |
Alline, H., 522 |
(other entries) |
Sermon, Alline, H., Liverpool, 522; |
Quebec Legislature, |
Secombe, Halifax, 523 |
House of Assembly, Protestant efforts |
Province, British, 133; British Columbia, |
to obtain, 221 |
332, 333, 435; Canada, 133; Lower |
Legislative Council, proceedings of a |
Canada, 126, 127, 212, 291, 500, |
committee, tenures, 513; report of a |
501, 502, 503; Manitoba, 349, 418; |
committee, education, 514 |
Massachusetts Bay, 259, 260; New |
Queen Charlotte Islands, see British |
Brunswick, 118, 126, 133; New |
Columbia |
York, 144; Nova Scotia, 126, 133, |
Queen's Rangers, journal of operations, |
522; Ontario, 170; Quebec, 88, 218, |
264. See also Rogers, Robert |
220, 221, 467, 473, 483, 484, 485, |
486, 498, 512, 513; Upper Canada, |
126, 127, 128, 284, 291, 502 |
Radisson, Pierre Esprit, vie de, 419 |
Railways, Canadian Pacific, 339, 357, |
380, 435; Canadian Pacific and |
Quebec, (province of), Argenteuil |
Intercolonial, 365; era of, 319; |
County, 275; code of laws for, 218; |
Grand Trunk Pacific,207, 231, 410; |
citoyens et habitans de, 467; habi- |
Hudson's Bay, 325; the line, 356; |
tans de, 498; inhabitants of, 220; |
Pacific Route, 378; Phillipsburg, |
(land) tenures in, 513; officiers de, |
Farnham and Yamaska, 163; |
473; ordinances of, 512; papers |
Transcontinental Canadien, 328; |
concerning, 221; picture of, 176; |
Transcontinental, lands along, 410 |
quartering of troops, 512; tour to, |
Engineer-in-chief, Sandford Fleming, |
365 |
anciennes loix de, 484; extrait des |
Victoria Bridge, 207 |
édits, etc., 483; LA COLONIE |
Ranching, see Agriculture |
FRAN�AISE, �tat pr�sent de, 104; |
Rebellion, Comt� du Lac des Deux |
histoire de, 34; CANADA, loi des fiefs |
Montagnes, 59; Lower Canada, |
du,485; la police,486 |
100; Nord-ouest, 422; Northwest, |
Lachine, le massacre a, 48 |
report, 338, 389; Riel, 427; Upper |
Quebec City, see Quebec City |
Canadian, 386; AGITATION, Riel, |
St. Eustache, �v�nements a, 59 |
456; du Nord-ouest, 383; |
Trois Rivi�res, see Trois Rivi�res. |
See also Eastern Townships; |
causes, 273; DIFFICULTY, North |
Gasp�; Montreal; Quebec (other |
West, 450; INSURRECTION, litho� |
entries); Saguenay; St. Lawrence |
graphic views of 120; three, North� |
River |
west, 319 |
Quebec Act, dialogue concerning, 222 |
Condamn� politique, de 1838, notes, |
Quebec City, assaut, de, 14; directory, |
96. |
168; l��glise de, 511; from Niagara |
See also Papineau, L. J.; Red |
Falls to, 191; Gazette, 515, 516; |
River; Riel, L.; St. Eustache; |
gouvernement de, 2; guide, 245; |
Tache, Bishop; Upper Canada, |
Hotel-Dieu, histoire, 103; Journal |
political affairs |
de, 141; Magazine, 515, 516; |
Recollets, assembl�e dans couvent des, |
Notre-Dame de, 35; Petit S�mi- |
470 |
naire de, 492; picture of, 129; prise |
Red River, 373; between, and Rocky |
de, 55; reminiscences of, 99; return |
Mountains, 411, 413; exploring |
from, 277; sieges of, 203; S�minaire |
expedition of, 376; flood at, 322; |
de, 529, 530, 531, 532; sermon at, |
memorial to people of, 406; |
504, 528; sidgede, 261; Soci�t� |
troubles, 329; way to get to, 443; |
Litt�raire de, 525; sous le regime |
RIVIERE ROUGE, colonie du Lord |
fran�ais, 101; taking of, 53, 54; ten |
Selkirk, 368 |
days in, 271; trial at, 503; vero- |
Colony, journal during residence at, |
veringe van, 51. See also Quebec |
459; military expedition to, 463; |
(other entries) |
COLONIE, pr�cis touchant, 368 |
Quebec, Diocese of, (Church of Eng- |
Country, in relation to Canada, 432, |
land); clergy, charge to, 533. |
433; transactions in, 394 |
See also Quebec (other entries) |
Settlement, aggressions against, 417; |
Qu�bec, Diocese de (Catholic Church), |
correspondence on subject of, 436; |
13, cantiques a 1'usage, 487; |
destruction, 368, 369, 370; |
�veque de, 477, 478; graduel a |
Kildonan, statement respecting, |
380 |
369, 370; papers relating to, 366; |
Saskatchewan, information, farmers, |
rise, progress, present state of 431. |
ranchers, 460, 461; railway in, 410; |
See also Hudson's Bay Company; |
trial at, Riel, 426; via, to the |
Manitoba; North West Company; |
Klondyke, 381 |
Rebellion; Semple, Robert |
Regina, gibbet of Riel, 360 |
Regina, gibbet of Riel, 360 |
Saskatchewan River, exploring |
Regions, 297, 307, 317, 318 |
expedition, 376, 377, 411, 413; |
Arctic, 296, 302, 304, 316, 317, 318 |
hero of, 402 |
Mountains, 344, 411, 413, 424, 430 |
Sault Ste. Marie, interpreter at, 270 |
Polar, 297, 301; NORTH POLE, 314 |
Sauteux, principes de la langue des, 330 |
Prairie, 410, 414, 445, 446 |
Savoy, the, treaty (1686), 174 |
Subarctic, 415 |
Scanyawtauragahrooote, Indians, |
Reinhard, Charles de, trial for murder, |
account of tarry with, 254. See also |
423 |
Island, Scanyawtaura,gahrooote |
Religion, British Colonies, Indian |
Scott, Thomas, murder of, 353 |
Nations, 2, 65, 66, 67, 71, 72, 144, |
Scenery, Canadian, 117, 294; Gasp�, |
197; 238; North America, 250; |
224; Eastern Townships, 189; |
Chr�tienne, vertus, 489; Upper and |
Ottawa, 190 |
Lower Canada, state of, 238 |
Shawanee, tongue, words in, 210 |
Denominations, partition of funds |
Selkirk, Thomas Douglas, 5th Earl of, |
among, 151; word to people of, 295 |
colony, Indian countries since, 463; |
College, King's, destruction of, 151 |
la colonie du, 368; disputes, North |
Ecclesiastical state, of North America, |
West Company, 519; observations |
200. |
on Highlands, 334, 335; operations |
See also Catholic Church; Church; |
in Red River country, 394; letter |
Education; Indians, North |
from, 436; letters on pamphlet of |
America; Missions; Protestant |
363; military expedition of, Red |
Representation, counties for, House of |
River, 463; settlement of Kildonan, |
Assembly, Quebec, 212 |
369; settlement on Red River, 370, |
Representatives, American colonies, |
417. See also Hudson's Bay Com� |
British House of Commons, 223 |
pany; Hudson's Bay Region: North |
Repulse Bay, attempt to reach, 305 |
West Company; Red River Settle- |
Resources, British Columbia, 332, 421, |
ment |
435; Manitoba, 375, 443, 444; |
Semple, Robert, massacre, 368, 369, 370 |
North America, 136; Northwest of |
Sermon, Alline, H., Liverpool, 522; |
Canada, 379; Western Canada, |
Seccombe, J., Halifax, 523; thanks� |
460; RICHESSE, Pays des Hurons, |
giving, at Quebec, 504, 528 |
102. See also Agriculture; Ani- |
Settlements, Argenteuil, Quebec, 275; |
mals; Mining; Soil; Vegetation |
Eastern Townships, 148, 274; Gulf |
Riel, Louis, agitation, 456; d�peint dans |
of Mexico, 61; Hudson's Bay, 454; |
des lettres, 456; po�sie de, 425; |
Manitoba, 375; Northwest, 380; |
proc�s, mort, 391; Queen vs. 426; |
Pacific, 358; Prescott, Ontario,275; |
question, la, 420; rebellion, 427; |
Red River, 366, 369, 370, 417, 431; |
truth about, 360. See also |
Upper and Lower Canada, 238. |
Rebellion |
See also Agriculture; Colonies; |
Robertson, J. Ross, biography by, Mrs. |
Emigration; English, the; French, |
Simcoe, 263 |
the; Inhabitants; Settlers |
Robinson, John B., M.P., letter to, 202. |
Settlers, Canada West, 447; Canadian |
See also Transportation, Canal |
Northwest, 354; guide, 342; guide, |
Rocky Mountains, adventures in, 430; |
342; hints, 117; information, 154; |
exploration, 411, 413; trip to, 344, |
Manitoba, 362; Manitoba and |
424 |
Northwest Territory, 371; North� |
Rogers, Robert, journals of, 251, 252 |
west, 319; Ontario, land free to, |
Rolph, John, Mackenzie-Rolph con- |
170; Ottawa and Opeonga Road, |
troversy, 386 |
166; FARMERS, Manitoba and |
Rome, Romae, urbis, viris, 499 |
Northwest Territory, 460; papers |
Rontooroo River (possibly the Min- |
and letters, agriculture, 509; |
nesota), 254 |
RANCHERS, Manitoba and North� |
west Territory, 460; British Colum- |
bia, 342; Columbia River, 429; |
Saguenay River, report, 246 |
information, 435; PIONEERS,East- |
Sardinia, treaty, acceded to, 172 |
ern Townships, 148; western, 326 |
381 |
How to Make a Home, 461. |
Spain, treaty, acceded to, 172; treaty, |
See also Agriculture; Colonies; |
Great Britain, France, 173 |
Emigration; English, the; French, |
Sobriquet, |
the; Inhabitants; Settlement |
Amicus, 363 |
Ship, HMS Active, travels in North |
Grip, 121 |
America, 25, 142; California, voy- |
Veritas, 521 |
age to Hudson's Bay, 300; Armed |
Somers Islands (Bermuda), mission to, |
Tender Chatham, voyage around |
219 |
the world, 455; Sloop of War |
Sports, field, 216 |
Discovery, voyage around the |
Sportsman, in Canada, 279 |
world, 455; Dobbs Galley, voyage |
Angler, Nova Scotia, 206. |
to Hudson's Bay, 300; HMS Fur- |
See also Animal Fishing; |
nace, Capt. Middleton's conduct |
Hunting |
on, 308, 309; HMS Fury, voyage |
St. Eustache, �v�nements �, 59 |
under Capt. Parry, 311, 312, 313; |
St. Helena, island of, 180; Isle Ste. |
HMS Griper, attempt to reach |
H�l�ne, 113 |
Repulse Bay, 305; HMS Hecla, |
St. Lawrence River, directions for, 152; |
voyage under Capt. Parry, 306, 311, |
interior parts upon, 250; posts on, |
312, 313; boats attached to, 314; |
210; salmon fisheries of, 236; ship� |
King George, voyage around the |
wreck at mouth of, 147; tributaries |
world, 416; Nootka, voyage from |
of, 236; voyages from Montreal on, |
Bengal, 405; Transport Premier, |
on the St. Lawrence, 147; Queen |
qui est pass� sur, 69; description de, |
Charlotte, voyage around the |
2; histoire et d�couvertes de, |
world, 416; HMS Rosamond, voy- |
jusqu'au Golfe de M�xique, 73 |
age to Newfoundland, 142; voyage |
Lac des Deux Montagnes, rebellion du |
to Hudson's Bay, 298; Ships of War, |
compt� du, 59 |
British and American, 495; |
Lachine, le massacre �, 48 |
BASTIMENTs, qui faire la p�che, 42 |
Lake St. Louis, old and new, 46, 47; |
Boat, attempt to reach North Pole, |
LAC SAINT-LOUIS, les anciennes |
314; voyage through Rupert's Land |
c�tes du, 45 |
and Arctic Sea, 316; CANOE, jour- |
Mont Saint-Hilaire, pelerinage du, 91 |
ney through subarctic forest, 415 |
Sault Saint-Louis, missionaire du, 63 |
Shipwreck, of HMS Active, Anticosti I., |
St. Eustache, �v�nements �, 59 |
25; of Transport Premier, 137; in |
Trois Rivi�res, gouvernement de, 2; |
Bay of Fundy, 211; NAUFRAGE, |
histoire des, 105 |
d'Emmanuel Crespel, 26, 27, 28 |
Stage, annals of, Montreal, 169 |
Shirley, William, conduct (general), |
Comedy, Com�die, Griphon, 92; |
114; letter from (governor), 259, |
Colas et Colinette, 517 |
260 |
Tragedy, Ponteach (Pontiac), 253 |
Simcoe, Elizabeth, diary and biography |
Subarctic, forest, 415 |
of 263 |
Summer, rambles m Canada, 194 |
Simcoe, Lake, and environs, 188; resi-� |
dence on shores of, 178 |
Tach�, Alexandre A., Bishop, North� |
Simpson, Sir George, voyage by, 392 |
west, amnesty, 450 |
Sir Thomas Rowe's Welcome (Roe's |
Tanner, John, captivity, adventures of, |
Welcome), attempt to reach |
270 |
narrative 305 |
Territory, Hudson's Bay Company, 384, |
Society of Jesus, Compagnie de J�sus, |
401, 403, 432, 433, 434; Indian, |
P. Lafitau Joseph ginseng, 63. |
179,423; Oregon, 409, Northwest, |
See also Catholic Church |
338,349, 371, 377, 389, 432, 433, |
Soil, Manitoba, 443, 444; North |
461; TERRITOIRE, du Nord-ouest, 418 |
America, 136; 203, 250; North and |
Th�venot, Melchisedech, recueil de |
South America, French dominions, |
voyages, 106, 107 |
197; Northwest of Hudson�s Bay, |
Toronto, court martial at, 268; Georgian |
299; Upper and Lower Canada, |
Bay ship canal, 282; YORK, assizes |
136, 242 |
at, Earl of Selkirk, 519; Mechanics' |
Fertility, Nouvelle France, 18 |
Institution, 157 |
South America, Indian nations of 182; |
Tour, see Travels |
history of French dominions in, |
Tracy, Alexandre de Prouville, Marquis |
197 |
de, Nouvelle France sous, 2 |
Peru, vice-admiral of letter, 299 |
Trade, see Commerce |
382 |
Transportation, |
Handbook for Lake Memphremagog, |
Bridge (Railway), Victoria, and men |
153 |
who built, 207 |
Hunter's Panoramic Guide, 191 |
Canal, Ship, Toronto and Georgian |
Quebec Directory, 168 |
Bay, 282 |
Quebec Guide, 245. |
Passage, see Northwest Passage |
See also Travels |
Ports, see Ports |
Treason, see Justice System, trial |
Railway, see Railways |
Treaty, see Peace |
River, see Water and Waterways |
Trois Rivi�res, gouvernement de, 2; |
Road, Great Territorial, 406; Ottawa |
histoire des, 105 |
and Opeonga, 166 |
Trip, see Travel |
Route, between Lake Superior and |
Red River, 432, 433; Europe to |
Union, Upper and Lower Canada, |
interior of North America, 408; |
p�tition contre, 93; events from, |
Halifax to the Canadas, 178; |
cartoons, 121 |
Pacific Railway, 378; through |
Durham, John George, report, 158 |
British North America, 458; to |
United Provinces, treaty, Great Britain, |
Yukon gold fields, 381 |
France, 172 |
Ship, see Ship |
United States, angler in, adventures, |
Steamship, Allan Line, 321 |
206; description, topographical, |
Streets, of Montreal, 124. |
127; frontier, exploration, 411, 413; |
See also Shipwrecks; Travels |
guide, emigrant to, 235; interpreter, |
Trapping, in America and the North- |
Tanner, J., 270; naval actions, |
west, 453. See also Fur Trade |
Great Britain, 495; prairies, com- |
Travels, British Columbia, 342; Canada, |
pared to Canada, 445, 446; |
149, 204, 205; Canada and Indian |
recollections, 186; tour, 269; |
Territories, 179; Canadas, the, 182, |
travels, 149, 205, 291; �TATS-UNIS, |
291; Canadian Northwest, 319; |
voyage, 346, 347 |
Indian interpreter, trader, 210; |
American ships of war, captured or |
New York, 204; North America, 25, |
destroyed, 495 |
136, 140, 200, 374; Pennsylvania, |
New England, travels, 136 |
200; States of North America, 291; |
New York, travels, 136, 204 |
United States, 149, 205; JOURNEY, |
New York City, 454; currency, 21 |
across American continent, 343; |
Oregon, artist among Indians, 384 |
Edmundton to the Pacific, 378; |
Pennsylvania, travels, 204 |
Fort Wrangle to Pelly Lakes, 415; |
Western States, compared to Mani� |
Montreal to New York, 454; Polar |
toba, 443, 444 |
Sea, to, 301; Prince of Wales Fort |
Within present U.S. boundaries, |
to Northern Ocean,303; `round the |
Louisiana, 61, 181 Louisiane 52 |
world, 440, 441; TOUR, American, |
60, 73; New Mexico, 53, 54; New |
214; Lake Ontario, 219; Lake |
York, 144; Nouveau Mexique, 56; |
Superior, 320; missionary, 434; |
Ohio (Territory) Indians, expe- |
Quebec, 262; United States, 269; |
dition against, 442; Oregon terri- |
Upper and Lower Canada, 238; |
tory, 409; United Colonies in |
TRIP, British Columbia, 337; |
America, reconciliation, 222. |
Canada, Northwest, 352, 424; Falls |
See also Military Operations |
of Niagara, 224; Manitoba, 356, |
Upper Canada, Almanac, and Provin-� |
452; RAMBLES, British Columbia, |
cial Calendar, 285; assizes at York, |
390; Canada, 193, 194; hunter in |
proceedings, 519; British dominions |
the prairies, 414; between Victoria |
in, 126; Christian Almanac, 286; |
and Winnipeg, 336; VISIT, Canada, |
Fort William, Selkirk's expedition |
130; WANDERINGS, artist among the |
to Fort William in, 463; guide, |
Indians, 384; 'round Lake Superior, |
emigrant to, 235; imprisonment for |
388. See also Travellers |
political offences in, 289; lands to |
Travellers, book, Manitoba and North- |
be disposed of in, 138; field sports, |
west, 371, guide, Manitoba and |
216; military service in, 180; |
Northwest, 397; reminiscences for |
political affairs of, crisis, 292; |
use of, 99; TOURIST, guide, British |
proclamation, act in, 502; Ready |
Columbia, 342; guide, Manitoba |
Reckoner, 215; rebellion, 386; |
and Northwest, 396; guide, Niagara |
sketches of, 128, 186; state of, 242; |
Falls, 150; Upper and Lower |
statistical description of 126; topo- |
Canada, 242; CE QUI ONT � |
graphical description of, 127; tour |
VOYAGER, dictionnaire Huronne,102 |
through, 238; travels through, 291; |
383 |
trial in, Toronto, 268; union, see |
405; Northwest passage, 299, 311, |
Union; wife of Lt. Gov. of, diary, |
312, 313, 315, 317, 318; Nouveau |
263 |
Monde, 27; Nouvelle France, 16, |
Fort William, Selkirk's expedition to, |
17, 18, 32; Parry, 306; pays des |
463 |
Hurons, 102; pays plus grand que |
York, assizes held at, 519; Mechanic's |
l'Europe, 55; Port Royal, 32; |
Institution, address, 157 |
recueil de, 106, 107; Rupert's |
Toronto, court martial in, 268. |
Land/Arctic Sea, 316; Western |
See also Canada West; Canadas, |
Arctic Sea, 304; western coast of |
the; Ontario; Union, Upper and |
Dominion, 378 |
Lower Canada; Upper Canada |
Voyage/Journey 'round the world, |
Legislature |
N. Portlock and G. Dixon, 416; |
Upper Canada Legislature, |
G. Simpson, 440, 441; G. Van- |
Legislative Council, committee, state |
couver, 455 |
of the province, 284; committee, |
Clergy Reserves, 283; manual of |
War of 1812, Canadian Army 248; |
parliamentary practice, 276 |
Detroit and Niagara frontiers, 225; |
& Select Committee of, report, state |
Queenstown, 288 |
of the province, 284 |
Military administration, Sir G. |
House of Assembly, manual of |
Prevost, 520 |
parliamentary practice, 276. |
Principal naval actions, 495. |
See also Law; Upper Canada |
See also Treaty of Ghent |
Ursulines de la Nouvelle France, |
Water and Waterways, |
premi�re sup�rieure des, 22, 83, 84 |
Bay, Baffin's, 302; Fundy, 211; |
Utrecht, treaty (1713), 94, 195, 196 |
Georgian, 282; Hudson's,see |
Hudson's Bay; Repulse, 305 |
Vancouver, George, voyage under |
Gulf, Mexico, 61; St. Lawrence, 152, |
command of, 455 |
267; GOLFE, de Mexique, 60, 73 |
Vancouver Island, artist among Indians |
Lake, Huron, 178, 219; Memphrema� |
of, 384; Hudson's Bay Company, |
gog, 153; Ontario, 210, 219; St. |
355, 403; sketch of 421 |
Louis, 46, 47; Simcoe, 178, 188; |
Van Dieman's Land (Tasmania), |
Superior, 320, 388, 412, 432, 433; |
imprisonment in, letters, 289 |
LAKES, of America, 53, 54, 65; |
Vegetation, Lake Superior, 320; |
Great, 53 54, 250; Pelly, 415; LAC, |
PRODUCE, North America, 250; |
des deux Montagnes, 59; Saint� |
PLANTS, 53, 54; PLANTES, Am�rique |
Louis, 45, 46; LACS, les, Sup�rieures, |
Septentrionale, 31 |
2; MER, Douce (Lake Huron), 102 |
Arbres, Am�rique Septentrionale, 31 |
Ocean, Atlantic, 365, 455; Arctic, |
Veritas, letters of 520 |
296, 304; Frozen, 400, 412; North� |
Victoria, rambles between, and Winni- |
ern,303; Pacific, 365, 400, 411, 412, |
peg, 336; Transcontinental |
413, 455; Western American, 308, |
Canadien, de Montr�al �, 328. |
309; SEA, Arctic, 316; Bering, 415; |
See also British Columbia |
Polar, 301; South, 299; MER, |
Viger, Denis Benjamin, review of |
Glaciale, 56; M�diterran�e, 511; |
pamphlet of, 57 |
du Ponant (Atlantic Ocean), 18; |
Ville-Marie, see Montreal |
MARINE, du Ponant (Atlantic |
Visit, see Travels |
Ocean), 16 |
Voyage/s, l'Am�rique Sept., 15, 20, 23, |
Currents, Divers mouvements, de la |
66, 67; Arctic, 297, 302; Cabot's, |
Mer, 32 |
lecture, 187; Canada, 26, 28; |
River, Assinniboine, 376, 377; Chris� |
China, 405; c�te Nord-Ouest de |
tino (possibly Churchill or Nelson), |
l'Am�rique, 359; dernier, La Salle, |
250; Columbia, 343, 429; Great |
60; �tats-Unis, 346, 347; Fort |
Fish (Back), 296; Kinogumifsee |
Nelson, du, 2; H.M.S. Furnace, |
(Kenogami), 372; MacKenzie, |
309; Hudson's Bay, 298, 300, 307; |
331; Mississippi, 61, 250, 299; Nile, |
Hudson's Bay to the Pacific, 392; |
468; Oregon, see Columbia; Peace, |
Indian interpreter/ trader, 210; last, |
378, 392; Red River, see Red River; |
La Salle, 61; Manitoba, 439, 346, |
Rontooroo River (possibly the |
347; Newfoundland and Labrador, |
Minnesota), 254; Saguenay, 246; |
142; Nord-Ouest, 346, 347, 404; |
St. Lawrence, see St. Lawrence |
North America, 21, 65, 374, 400; |
River; Saskatchewan, 376, 377, |
North Pacific Ocean, to, 455; |
402, 411, 413; Yukon, 415; RIVERS, |
Northwest coast of America, 358, |
of America, 53, 54, 65; RIVI�RE, |
384 |
Mississippi, 60; Rouge, see Red |
West, the Canadian/Western Canada, |
River; RIVI�RES, de la Nouvelle |
frontier life in, 395; letters from, |
France, 17 |
393; FAR WEST, fur hunters of, 430; |
Fleuve, de Saint Laurent, see St. |
trip to British Columbia, 337. |
Lawrence River |
See also British Columbia; North |
Falls, Niagara, 150, 191, 224; |
West Passage; Northwest, the; |
CATARACTS, of America, 53, 54 |
Northwest Territories; Pacific |
Rapids, Sault (Saut), Ste. Marie, |
Ocean; Western Coast |
270; Saint-Louis, 63 |
Western Coast/Northwest Coast/North |
Sound, Lancaster, 302; Roes Wel- |
Pacific Coast, trade language of, |
Come, 305 |
345; voyage along, 378; voyage to, |
Straits, Hudson's, 408 |
358, 405, 416. See also British |
Watson, Richard, discours par, 537 |
Columbia, North West Passage; |
Way of Life, Canadian, 117; North |
Pacific Ocean; West, the Canadian |
America, 136; Western Canada, |
Wilderness, western, 326; BACKWOODS, |
frontier, 395 |
Canada, 280; WILDS, Canada, 278; |
Agriculture, see Agriculture |
North America, 178; WOODS, |
Commerce, see Commerce |
Canada, 183 |
Customs, English, 238; French, 238 |
Williams, John, captive, deliverance of, |
Education, see Education |
293 |
Etablissements du pays, Canada, |
Winnipeg, British Association in, 424; |
conservation, 536 |
rambles, between, and Victoria, |
Marriage, clandestin, th�se, 3 |
336; speech Northwest, 323 |
Manners, English, 238; French, 238; |
Winter, chronicle, 310; rambles, Can� |
MOEURS, Canada, 536 |
ada, 193; studies, Canada, 194; |
Occupations, Fran�ais, 32 |
tale, Canada, 278; voyage, 378 |
Religion, see Religion. |
See also Indians, North America; |
York, see Toronto |
Indians, South America |
Yukon, gold fields, 381; River, 415 |
385 |
Index by Genre
This index is intended as a quick reference to call attention to one or more outstanding descriptive characteristics of each of the works. The categories may overlap, and each work may be listed under more than one category. Works whose titles give no clues for this categorization have been listed as "other" under appropriate headings.
Abridgements |
Recueil, 106, 107 | ||||
Abstract, 465 |
Recit, 327, 404 | ||||
Precis, 266 |
Relation, 29, 30, 30, 66, 67, 68, 69, | ||||
Precis, 368, 471 |
71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 77, 97, 98, 112, | ||||
Review, 57 |
359, 439 | ||||
Revue 141 |
Relatione, 10 | ||||
Synopsis, 145, 325 |
Repore, 100, 158, 163, 212, 246, | ||||
247, 284, 338, 353, 377, 389, | |||||
Annals, 169 |
412, 423, 424, 432, 435, 519 | ||||
Account, 136, 175, 182, 200, 210, |
Seance, 525 | ||||
220, 250, 267, 299, 307, 378, 400, |
Story, 385 | ||||
428, 429, 431, 442, 495 |
Tale, 278, 326 | ||||
Biographie, 4 |
Vie, 22, 84, 391, 419, 518 | ||||
Biography, 263 |
Other, 15, 16, 18, 23, 26, 28, 35, 45, | ||||
Compte~rendu, 14 |
46, 55, 56, 65, 66, 67, 82, 86, 101, | ||||
Diary, 178, 263, 365 |
102, 108, 140, 142, 146, 161, 167, | ||||
Experience, 447 |
179, 184, 193, 194, 204, 20s, 232, | ||||
Faits, 422 |
236, 238, 249, 261, 262, 269, 291, | ||||
Historiae, 33 |
302, 316, 328, 331, 336, 337, 344, | ||||
Histoire, 2, 5, 7, 20, 27, 31, 33, 34, |
352, 356, 373, 383, 384, 388, 390, | ||||
49, 56, 73, 78, 85, 100, 103, 105, |
392, 395, 402, 414, 416, 427, 434, | ||||
431, 524 |
441, 447, 452, 455, 453, 464, 499, | ||||
Historical facts, 273 |
503. See also Inquiries | ||||
Historical notes, 367 |
Retrospectives | ||||
Historische, 51 |
History, 9, 21, 65, 115, 121, 123, |
Communications, 110, 111 |
124, 125, 144, 181, 197, 200, 209, |
Address, 157, 241 | ||||
211, 217, 274, 275, 293, 297, 300, |
Appeal, 295 | ||||
301, 315, 319, 329, 375, 382, 409, |
Charge, 533 | ||||
421, 431, 524 |
Conference, 48 | ||||
Journal, 17, 20, 21, 59, 60, 61, 139, |
Discours, 89, 511, 537 | ||||
203, 225, 251, 259, 260, 264, 290, |
Lecture, 187, 448 | ||||
306, 311, 312, 313, 316, 341, 374, |
Sermon, 504, 522, 523, 528 | ||||
398, 412, 454, 459, 481 |
Speech, 90, 164, 323, 424, 501 | ||||
Life, 11, 122, 364, 387 |
Correspondance, 372, 436 | ||||
Narrative, 25, 147, 149, 198, 199, |
Letter, 116, 136, 171, 208, 216, 255, | ||||
219, 248, 270, 288, 296, 298, 301, |
259, 260, 268, 280, 282, 289, 304, | ||||
314, 317, 318, 320, 343, 358, 376, |
363, 386, 393, 404, 407, 436, 470, | ||||
394, 405, 417, 429, 430, 440, 463, |
509, 520 | ||||
468, 527 |
Lettre, 41, 81, 85, 109, 426, 479, 489 | ||||
Notes, 346, 347 |
Mandate, 203 | ||||
Notice, 13 |
Mandement, 456, 477, 478 | ||||
Rapports, 13, 404, 514 |
Exposure, 119 | ||||
Record, 415, 466 |
Message, 283 | |||
387 |
Reply, 308 |
Tables, 78, 126,210, 215 |
Other, 1, 138, 170, 237, 467, 470 |
Views, 120, 127, 522 |
Descriptions, 21, 31, 52, 65, 66, 67, 70, |
Inquiries, 159, 495 |
126, 408, 435, 451 ; Beschryvinge,51 |
Considerations, 223, 536 |
Analyse, 439 |
Controversy, 386 |
Account, 65, 175, 409, 431 |
Dialogue, 6s, 222 |
Attempt, 332 |
Discussion, 94 |
Examination, 355 |
Question, 348, 420, 422, 450 |
Glance, 207 |
Other, 151, 449. See also |
Picture, 176 |
Descriptions; Retrospectives; |
Sketch (word), 162, 186, 231, 256, |
Statements |
257, 340, 379, 421, 438, 451 |
Other, 133, 287, 320, 473 |
Literature |
Plays, 92, 253, 517 |
Documents, Documens, 110, 111, 348 |
Prose, 132,49 |
Verse 6, 21 32 79, 80,�201, 425 | |
Account (books),399 |
. See also Manuals, Music |
Act, 138, 164, 222, 462, 500, 502, |
534, 535 |
Acte, 439, 471, 510 |
Manuals, 276 |
Arrest, 37, 38 |
Alphabet, 88, 508 |
Bill, 212 |
Arithm�tique, 469 |
By-laws, 227 |
Book, 371 |
Charter, 138, 355 |
Calendrier, 12 |
Déclarations, 43 483 |
Catechism, 496, 497 |
Edits, 39, 40, 483, 484, 485 |
Cat�chisme, 5, 16 |
Evidence, 212 |
D�votion, 526 |
Journal, 398 |
Dictionnaire, 66, 102, 510 |
Laws, 177, 218, 258, 534, 535 |
Dictionary, 345 |
Lettres Patentes, 41 |
Directions, 152 |
License, 534 |
Directory, 160, 168 |
Loix, 36, 109, 484, 485, 510 |
Exerise, 488 |
Minutes, 466, 501 |
G�ographie, 492 |
Orders (Mil.), 203 |
Guide, 118, 150, 160, 183, 185, 191, |
Ordinances, 227, 512 |
235, 245, 342, 396, 397 |
Ordonances, 42, 483, 485, 486 |
Guide Book, 154 |
Papers, 221, 366, 411, 413, 509 |
Hank Book, 137, 153, 350, 397 |
Petitions, 426 |
Hints, 117 |
Petitions, 93 |
How-To, 354, 361, 381, 461 |
Rapport, 404 |
Information, 148, 155, 166, 242, |
Records, 466 |
321, 353, 349, 396, 418, 435, 443, |
Registres, 35, 87 |
444 460 494 |
R�glements, 482, 483, 485, 486 |
Instruction, 494 |
R�gles, 510 |
Katechismus, 62 |
Regulations, 213, 227, 521 |
Livre, 472 |
Reports, 338, 377, 389, 421, 432, |
Messel, 475 |
433, 514, 519 |
Music, Musiqe, 487 |
Statutes, 500 |
Airs, 487 489, 490 |
Titles, 135 |
Ariettes, 517 |
Trait�s, 44, 94, 196, 484, 485, 486 |
Cantiques, 47, 489, 490 |
Treaties, 172, 173, 174, 195, 266 |
Chansonier, 19 |
Calendrier pour les chantres, 12 |
Extracts, 466, 501, 513; Extraits, 446, |
Graduel, 474 |
483, 513, 537 |
Idyles, 19 |
Romances, 19 |
Illustrations |
Song, 351 |
Caricature, 121 |
Vaudeville, 19 |
Cut, 65, 300 |
Neuvaine, 505, 506, 507 |
Drawings, 294 |
Notice, 185 |
Engravings, 150 |
Office, 475 |
Figures, 17, 53, 54, 55, 56, 66, 67, |
Officium, 476 |
70, 78 |
Plan, 133 |
Sketch, 256, 340 |
Prayer Book, 496, 497 |
388 |
Principes, 330 |
Gazette, 310, 491, 515 |
Suggestions, 362 |
Herald, 230 |
Reckoner, 215 |
Journal, 141, 226, 240 |
Route, 458 |
Register, 128, 129 |
Other, 91, 113, 188, 189, 190, 244, |
Standard, 265 |
271, 279, 284, 294, 324, 339, 410, |
421, 445, 446, 462 |
Statements, 369, 370 |
Analogy, 210 |
Manuscripts, 398, 399 |
Analyse, 439 |
Annonces, 226 |
Answer, 309 |
Quotations |
Case 233, 234 |
Extracts, 501, 513, 466 |
Dissertation, 32 |
Extraits, 465, 537, 483 |
Essais, 50 |
Essay, 202 |
Retrospectives |
Examination 355 |
Memoirs, 254, 277 |
Exposition, 403 |
Memoires, 63; 95 |
Faits, 422 |
Memoranda, 214, 357 |
Observations, 258, 334, 335, 437 |
Memorials, 272, 406 |
Remarks, 65, 308, 334, 335 |
Notes, 96, 322, 323, 346, 347, 348, |
Reply, 308 |
367, 401, 419 |
Testimonial, 272 |
Recollections, 176, 180 |
These, 3, 529, 530, 531, 532 |
Reflections, 8 |
Truth, 360 |
Reminiscences, 99 |
View, 255 |
Reviews, 57, 386 |
Word, 295 |
Revue, 141. See also Annals |
Other, 64, 114, 134, 164, 165, 192, |
195, 196, 432, 433, 450, 454. |
Serials |
See also Retrospectives |
Almanac, 143, 228, 229, 243, 285, |
286 |
Supplements, 47, 315; Appendices, 221, |
Annuaire, 58 |
315, 316, 317 |
Calendar, 243, 285 |
Papers, 413 |
Chronicle, 310 |
Other Papers, 411 |
389 |
The map index preserves the subject subdivisions of the bibliography, and within each subdivision includes an alphabetical listing of all the books which contain maps. Under each title, the maps and plans which it contains are listed in the order in which they appear in the text. Dates are given only when they appear in the map title itself.
Bacqueville de la Potherie, Claude- |
Champlain, Samuel de. Les voyages du |
Charles. Histoire de l'Amerique |
Sieur de Champlain Xaintongeois |
septentrionale [1772], 2 |
[1613], 17 |
Carte de la baye et detroit d'Hudson |
Port de La Heue |
Carte du gouvernement du Montreal |
Port du Rossynol |
Carte generalle de la Nouvelle France |
Port au Mouton |
Biggar, Henry. The early trading |
Port Royal |
companies of New France [1901], 9 |
Port des Mines |
Map of New France (parts of United |
R. de St. Iehon |
States and Canada), 1610-1791 |
Isle de Sainte Croix |
Habitasion de lile St. le Croix |
Qui ni be quy |
Catholic Church. Diocese of Quebec. |
Chauacoit R. |
Notice sur les missions du Dioc�se |
Port St. Louis |
de Queb�c [1839-1874], 13 |
Malle Barre |
Trace de la route de Wesport, etat de |
Abitasion du Port Royal |
Missouri, a Walla Walla, Or�gon |
Bport de Tadoucac |
Chabert, Joseph Bernard. Voyage fait |
Le beau port |
par ordre du roi en 1750 et 1751 |
Port Fortune |
[1753], 15 |
Carte g�ographique de la Nouvelle |
Carte reduite des costes de l'Acadie, |
france en sonaray moricha |
de L'Isle Royae, et de la partie |
Quebec |
meridionale de l'Isle de Terre |
Abitation de Qvebecq |
Neuve |
Le grand sautl. St. Louis |
Carte particulaire du detroite de |
Carte g�ographique de la Nouvelle |
Fronsac |
France |
Plan du port de Canseau |
Charlevoix, Pierre-Francois-Xavier de. |
Carte particulaire des costes du sud |
Histoire et description generale de |
est de l'Isle Royale |
la Nouvelle France [1744], 20 |
Plan du port de Canseau |
Carte de l'Ocean occidenta e et partie |
Carte particulaire des costes du sud |
de l'Amerique septentrionale |
est de l'Isle Royale |
Carte de l'Acadie |
Plan du port de Chibouctou |
Carte des costes de la Floride francoise |
Carte particulaire de la pointe du sud |
Carte de l'Isle de Montreal et ses |
ouest de l'Acadie |
environs |
Champlain, Samuel de. Les voyages de |
Carte de l'Isle de Terre-Neuve |
la Nouvelle France occidentale, |
Carte des bayes, rades et port de |
dicte Canada [1632], 16 |
Plaisance |
Carte de la Nouvelle France |
Carte de la partie orientale de la |
augment�e depuis la derni�re . |
Nouvelle France |
391 |
Carte de la Baye de Hudson |
Carte du pays que M. M. de Casson |
Carte du fonds de la Baye de Hudson |
et de Galinee, missionnaires de St. |
Carte de la Louisiane, cours de |
Sulpice ont parcouru |
Mississippi et pais voisins |
Plan du haut et bas Quebec |
Plan du Port Royale dans l'Accadie |
Plan de Ville Marie |
Plan du Port de La Haive |
Fort de Frontenac |
Plan de la Baye de Chedabouctou |
Figure de la Terre Neuve, grand |
Plan du port et ville de Louisbourg |
rivi�re de Canada et cotes de |
Plan du Port Dauphin et de sa rade |
l'Oc�an en la Nouvelle France |
Plan de la Nouvelle Orleans |
Carte informe du Sault Saint Louis |
Carte de l'Amerique septentrionale |
et d'une partie de l'Ile de Montr�al |
Carte du cours de la riviere du |
Saguenay |
Carte de l'Isle d'Orleans et du passage |
Girouard, Desire. Lake St. Louis old and |
de la traverse dans le Fleuve St. |
new [1893], 46 |
Laurent |
[Partial plan of Fort Remy] |
Plan de la ville de Quebec |
Bellin's map of Lake St. Louis |
Cartes des lacs du Canada |
Map of the massacre of Lachine |
Carte du de'troit entre la lac |
Bird's eye view in 1720 [of Isle aux |
Superieur et la lac Huron |
Tourtes] |
Carte des embouchures du Mississippi |
Extract[s] of plan terrier, Ile de |
Partie de la coste de la Louisiane et |
Montreal |
de la Floride |
Girouard, Desire. Supplement to "Lake |
Plan de la Baye de Pansacola |
St. Louis" [1903], 47 |
Charlevoix, Pierre-Francois-Xavier de. |
Deshaies' map, 1686 |
Journal of a voyage to North- |
plan du havre- Lisle de Montreal |
America [1761], 21 |
Carte generale des paroisses |
A map of the western ocean and part |
Montreal in 1903 |
of North America |
Jacques Cartier county in 1903 |
Chastellux, Fran�ois Jean. Voyages de |
Girouard Desire. Le vieux Lachine |
M. le marquis de Chastellux [1786], |
[1889], 48 |
23 |
Le fort R�my en 1671 |
Carte pour servir au journal de Mr. |
Extrait du plan terrier, Isle de |
le marquis de Chastellux |
Montreal |
Carte pour servir au journal de Mr. |
le Marquis de Chastellux |
Harrisse, Henry. D�couverte et |
�volution cartographique de |
Dablon, Claude. Relation de ce qui s'est |
Terre-Neuve [1900], 50 |
pass� .... Ies ann�es 1670. & 1671 |
Portulan dresse par Giovanni |
[1672], 29 |
Benedetto |
Lac Svperievr et avtres lievx ou sont |
La cote nord-est selon La Cosa |
les missions des peres de la Com- |
L'Amerique du nord, carte de |
pagnie de Iesus compris sovs le |
Cantino |
nom d'Ovtaovacs |
Carte de la Bibliotheca Oliveriana |
Denys, Nicolas. Description geographi- |
Carte de Pedro Reinel |
que et historique des costes de |
Trac� de Kunstmann No. IV |
l�Amerique septentrionale [1672] |
L'Am�rique du nord selon Miller |
[Acadie] (In facsimile, laid in.), 31 |
No. 1 |
Du Creux, Fran�ois. Historiae cana- |
D�couvertes d'Estevao Gomez |
densis [1664], 33 |
Planisphere conserve a Mantoue |
Tabvla Novae Franciae anno 1660, |
Atlas de la Bibliotheca Riccardiana |
[with inset] Pars chorographia |
Mappemonde de S�bastien Cabot |
regionis Hvronvm |
La mappemonde Harleyenne |
L'Am�rique du nord selon Desliens |
Mappemonde attribu�e a Pierre |
Faillon, Etienne Michel. Histoire de la |
Desceliers |
colonie fran�aise en Canada |
Planisph�re de Pierre Desceliers |
[1865-1866], 34 |
Carte portugaise du d�pot |
Carte dress�e pour la campagne de |
Livre de marine du pilote Pastoret |
1666 ou sont r�present�s la Lac |
Le Vasseur, 1601 |
Champlain |
Guerard, 1632 |
Pays des Cinq Nations Iroquoises |
Du Pont, 1625 |
392 |
Carte de John Dee |
Lahontan, Louis Armand. Nouveaux |
Carte des pecheries, par Fitz-Hugh |
voyages de Mr le baron de |
Exploration du Lieutenant de |
Lahontan [1703], 67 |
Courcelle |
Carte generale du Canada en petit |
Carte du pilote basque Detcheverry |
point |
La belle carte du d�pot |
Profil de la ville de Quebec |
Critique de la carte de Popple |
Campement de M. de la Barre |
Hennepin, Louis. Aenmerakelycke |
Village de Iroquois |
historische Reys-beschryvinge |
Lac des Hu-rons |
[1698], 51 |
Carte que les Gnacsitares ont dessine |
Carte d'un nouveau monde, entre le |
Lac des Outagamis |
�Nouveau Mexique et la mer |
La grand baye de Plaisance |
glacialle |
Carte general de Canada |
Hennepin, Louis. Description de la |
Le Beau, Claude. Avantures du Sr. C. |
Louisiane [1683], 52 |
Le Beau [1738], 70 |
Carte de la Nouvelle France et de la |
Carte du Canada |
Louisiane |
Le Clercq, Chrestien. Premier |
Hennepin, Louis. A new discovery of a |
etablissement de la foy [1691], 73 |
vast country in America [1698], 54 |
Carte general de la Nouvelle France |
A map of a large country newly |
Lescarbot, Marc. Histoire de la Nouvelle |
discovered in the northern America |
France [1618], 78 |
A map of a new world between |
Figvre de la Terre Nevve, grand |
New-Mexico and the frozen sea |
riviere de Canada, et cotes de |
Hennepin, Louis. Nouveau voyage d'un |
l'ocean en la Nouvelle France |
pais plus grand que l�Europe |
Figvre dv Port Royal en la Nowelle |
[1698], 55 |
France |
Carte d'un nouveau monde, entre le |
Figvre dv Port de Ganabara av Brisil |
Nouveau Mexique et la mer |
Figure et description de la terre |
glacialle |
reconue et habitu�e par les |
Hennepin, Louis. Nouvelle decouverte |
Frn�ois en la Floride |
d'un tres grand pays [1697], 56 |
Carte d'un tres grand pays entre le |
Nouveau Mexique et la mer |
McLennan, John Stewart. Louisbourg |
glaciale |
from its foundation [1918], 82 |
Carte d'un tres grand pais nouvelle- |
Carte de l'Isle Royale |
ment d�couvert dans l'Amerique |
Plan du havre de Louis-bourg |
septentrionale |
Plan du port de Louisbourg |
Louisbourgh on the Island of Cape |
Joutel, Henri. Journal historique du |
Breton |
dernier voyage [1713], 60 |
Port de Louisbourg |
Carte nouvelle de la Louisiane et de |
Carte des environs de Louisbourg |
la riviere de Missisipi |
Position of Boscawen's large ships, |
Joutel, Henri. A journal of the last |
June 5th-7th 1758 |
voyage [1714], 61 |
Attack & defence on June 30th, 1758 |
A new map of the country of |
Attack & defence on July 3rd, 1758 |
Louisiana and the River Misisipi |
Attack & defence on July 27th, 1758 |
Plan and section of the gallerys and |
Lafitau, Joseph Fran�ois. Moeurs des |
Partie de la baye de Cabarus |
sauvages ameriquains [1724], 64 |
Carte de l'Amerique |
Plan de la ville et du port de |
Lahontan, Louis Armand. New voyages |
Louisbour |
to North America [1703], 65 |
Partie de la baye de Gabory |
A general map of New France |
Plan de la ville et du port de |
A map drawn upon stag-skins by ye |
Louisbourg |
Gnacsitares |
Plan de la ville de Louisbourg |
Long River |
Siege de Louisbourg |
[New France] |
Maurault, Olivier. La paroisse histoire |
Mr. de la Barre's camp |
de l'eglise [1957], 85 |
Lake of Hurons |
Plan de Montreal avant 1759 |
The attack of Quebec |
Plan de Montr�al en 1759 |
The great bay of Placentia |
Plan du parterre en 1829 |
New found land |
Plan par terre de Notre-Dame |
393 |
Pouchot, Pierre. M�moires sur la |
Sulte, Benjamin. Histoire de la ville des |
derniere guerre [1781], 95 |
Trois-Rivieres [1870], 105 |
Plan du Fort de Niagara |
[Trois Rivieres and area] |
Plan des attaques du Fort Levis |
Carte des frontieres fran�oises et |
angloises dans le Canada |
Th�venot, Melchisedech. Recueil de |
voyages de Mr Thevenot [1681], |
106 |
Roy, Pierre Georges. La ville de Qu�bec |
Carte de la decouverte fait l'an 1663 |
[1930], 101 |
dans 1'Amerique septentrionale |
Carte de Qu�bec |
Terre Avstralie decouuert l'an 1644 |
Abitation de Qvebecq |
Explication de la carte de la |
Carte de la Nouvelle France |
decouverte de la terre d'Ielmer |
New France, 1763 |
Thevenot, Melchis�dech. Recueil de |
Plan du haut et bas Quebec |
voyages de Mr. Thevenot [1682], |
Plan de Qu�bec |
107 |
Quebec, 1700 |
Terre Avstralie decouuerte l'an 1644 |
Plan des terrains du s�minaire et de |
Carte de la decouverte fait l'an 1663 |
la frabrique de Qu�bec |
dans 1'Amerique septentrionale |
Plan de la ville de Quebec |
Explication de la carte de la |
Vue de Quebec |
decouverte de la terre d'Ielmer |
Achintre, Auguste. L'lle Ste. Helene |
Goderich Upper Canada |
[1876], 113 |
Guelf Upper Canada |
Carte de l'Ile Ste H�l�ne |
Niagara River |
Anspach, Lewis Amadeus. A history of |
City of Montreal |
the island of Newfoundland [1819] |
City of Quebec |
115 |
Map and elevation of the |
A chart of the island of Newfound- |
Shubenacadie elevation from |
land and the coast of Labrador with |
Halifax Harbour to the Basin of |
part of Greenland |
Mines |
A chart of the banks of Newfoundland |
Figurative plan of views of the Island |
Atkinson, Christopher. A guide to New |
of St Paul |
Brunswick [1843], 118 |
Projected plan of four townships for |
Sketch of the River St. John, with |
emigrant settlements |
the contiguous country |
Bouchette, Joseph. A topographical |
description of the province of |
Beauclerk, Lord Charles. Lithographic |
Lower Canada [1815], 127 |
views of military operations [1840] |
Battle of La Fourche or Chateaugay |
120 |
Town of William Henry |
Explanatory sketch of Coll. Gore's |
New townships on the Grand or |
operations at St. Denis |
Ottawa River |
Borthwick, John. History of Montreal |
Route from Halifax to the River du |
[1897], 124 |
Loup on the St. Lawrence |
Plan of Montreal |
Channels from Kingston to Lake |
Bosworth, Newton. Hochelaga depicta |
Ontario |
[1839], 125 |
York Harbour |
Plan of the town and fortifications of |
Battle of Chrysler's Farm |
�Montreal ... . in 1758 |
Boulton, D'Arcy. Sketch of His |
�Plan of the city of Montreal |
Majesty's province [1805], 128 |
Bouchette, Joseph. The British |
A map of the province of Upper |
dominions in North America |
Canada |
[1831], 126 |
Bourne, George. The picture of Quebec |
Bytown Ottawa River |
[1831], 129 |
Plan and elevation of the Union |
City of Quebec |
Bridges near the falls of Chaudiere |
Buckingham, James Silk. Canada, Nova |
York Harbour |
Scotia, New Brunswick [1843], 133 |
394 |
Canada and the other British |
Gleason, Thomas Henri. The Quebec |
provinces in North America |
directory of 1822 [1822], 168 |
Burgoyne, John. A state of the |
City of Quebec |
expedition from Canada [1780], 134 |
Gray, Hugh. Letters from Canada |
A map of the country in which the |
[1809], 171 |
army under Lt. General Burgoyne |
Map of Canada |
acted in the campaign of 1777 |
Plan of the action at Huberton |
Position of the detachment . . . at |
Haliburton, Thomas. An historical and |
Walmscock near Bennington |
statistical account of Nova-Scotia |
Plan of the encampment and position |
[1829], 175 |
of the army . . . at Swords House |
A new map of Nova Scotia |
Plan of the encampment and position |
Plan of the town of Louisbourg |
of the army . . . at Braemus Heights |
Plan of the harbor and fortifications |
Plan of the position . . . at Saratoga |
of Louisbourg |
Burn, John. Case of the Right Hon. |
Shubenacadie Canal Line |
Alexander [1833], 135 |
Proposed canal from Bay Vert to |
Map of the largest & most valuable |
Cumberland Bason |
portion of the territories in America |
Proposed canal from St. Peters Bay |
to Bras d'Or Lake |
Heriot George Travels through the |
Canada Company. Lands in Upper |
Canadas [1807], 182 |
Canada [1834], 138 |
Map of the River St. Lawrence from |
Map of the townships in the province |
its embouchure to its source |
of Upper Canada |
Hind, Henry. Explorations in the |
Cartwright, George. A Journal of |
interior of the Labrador Peninsula |
transactions and events [1792], 139 |
[1863] 184 |
The island of Newfoundland |
Map of the River Moisie and |
A chart of part of the coast of |
adjoining country |
Labrador |
Map of the peninsula of Labrador |
Carver, Jonathan. Travels through the |
Howley, M. F. Cabot's voyages [1897?], |
interior parts of North-America |
187 |
[1778], 140 |
[Map showing the routes of Cabot's |
A new map of North America from |
voyages and possible landfalls] |
the latest discoveries |
Hunter, William Stewart. Hunter's |
A plan of Captain Carver's travels m |
Eastern Townships scenery [1860], |
the interior parts o� North America |
187 |
Chappell, Edward. Voyage of His |
Map showing the different railways |
Majesty s Ship� Rosamond [1818], |
by which the eastern townships . . . |
142 |
may be reached |
Map of Newfoundland and the south |
Hunter, William Stewart. Hunter's |
coast of Labrador |
Ottawa scenery [1855], 190 |
[Showing Ottawa area and rail |
De Roos, Fred. Fitzgera d. Personal |
connections to American centres] |
narrative of travels in the United |
Jefferys, Thomas. The natural and civil |
States [1827], 149 |
history of the French dominions |
[Niagara River] |
[1760], 197 |
[Niagara Falls and vicinity] |
A map of Canada and the north part |
De Veaux, Samuel. The falls of Niagara |
of Louisiana with the adjacent |
[1839], 150 |
countries |
Map of Niagara River |
A plan of the city of Quebec |
Dominion of Canada: a guide book |
Plan of the town and fortifications of |
[1884], 154 |
Montreal |
Map of part of the dominion of |
A new map of Nova Scotia and Cape |
Canada |
Breton |
Dominion of Canada: the Eastern |
A plan of the city and harbour |
Townships [1879], 155 |
of Louisburg |
Map of the Eastern Townships |
A plan of the city and fortifications |
of Louisburg |
An authentic plan of the River St. |
The Fenian Raid of 1870 [1870], 161 |
Lawrence |
Plan of the field of action, Trout |
North America from the French to |
River |
Mr. d'Anville |
395 |
Plan of New Orleans |
Attack of the Havanna |
The West Indies |
Plan of the retaking Newfoundland |
The island of Hispanola |
An authentic plan of the town and |
harbour of Cap-Francois |
Nettle, George. A practical guide for |
Guadaloupe |
emigrants [1850], 235 |
Plan of the town of Basseterre |
United States |
Martinico |
Plan of the town and citadel of |
Fort Royal |
Pye, Thomas. Canadian scenery: district |
Plan of the town and fort of Grenada |
of Gasp� [1866], 244 |
The island and colony of Cayenne |
Map of Gaspe, Magdalen Islands |
Plan of the town of Cayenne and |
Pr. E . Island and part of New |
Fort St. Michel |
Brunswick and Cape Breton |
Kalm, Pehr. Travels into North America |
The Quebec guide [1844], 245 |
[1770-1771], 200 |
Plan of the city of Quebec |
A new and accurate map of part of |
North America |
Knox, John. An historical journal of the |
Report of the commissioners for |
campaigns in North-America |
exploring the Sageunay [1829], 46 |
A new and accurate map of the British |
Plan de la riviere du Sageunay, lacs, |
dominions m America |
rivieres et ruisseaux |
Sketch of the river Saguenay and |
Lambert, John. Travels through Canada |
Lake St. John |
and the United States [1816], 205 |
Sandham, Alfred. Ville-Marie, or, |
Map of the British settlements and the |
Sketches of Montreal [1870], 256 |
United States of North America |
Plan of the town and fortifications of |
Quebec and its environs with the |
Montreal |
operation of the siege |
Simcoe, Elizabeth. The diary of Mrs. |
Long, John. Voyages and travels of an |
John Graves Simcoe [1934], 263 |
Indian interpreter and trader |
Map of Niagara River |
[1791], 210 |
Outline of Govemor Simcoe�s route |
Sketch of the western countries of |
from Niagara to Detroit |
Canada |
Plan of York Harbour |
Plan showing original Castle Frank |
Montreal east to Point du Lac |
Mante, Thomas. The history of the late |
Map or route from Three Rivers to |
war in North-America [1772], 217 |
Quebec |
Part of the west coast of the island |
Simcoe, John Graves. A journal of the |
of Saunt Lucia |
operations of the Queen's Rangers |
Fort Beau Sejour and the adjacent |
[1787], 264 |
country |
Quintin's Bridge |
Lake Ontario to the mouth of the |
Hancock's House |
River St. Lawrence |
Kingsbridge |
[Lake George, N.Y. and vicinity] |
March at Philip's Bridge, North River |
A plan of Fort Edward and its |
Oyster Bay |
environs |
Richmond |
Communication between Albany and |
Burrell's Landing |
Oswego |
Petersburg |
Attack on Louisbourg |
Osburn's |
The attack of Ticonderoga |
Spencer's Landing |
Plan of Fort Pitt or Pittsbourg |
Stewart, John. An account of Prince |
Guadaloupe |
Edward lsland [1806], 267 |
Attack on Quebec |
Prince Edward Island divided into |
A sketch of the Cherokee country |
counties & parishes |
The River Saint Lawrence from Lake |
Ten days in Quebec [1894?] 271 |
Ontario to the island of Montreal |
Cherriers new map of Quebec City |
A plan of the attack upon Fort Levi |
Thomson, William. Memoirs of the life |
River St. Lawrence from Montreal |
and gallant exploits of the old |
to the island of St. Barnaby |
highlander [1791], 277 |
A view of the coast of Martinico |
A plan of Quebec |
396 |
Van Rensselaer, Solomon. A narrative |
Part of the United States of North |
of the affair of Queenstown [1836], |
America |
288 |
Plan of the city of Washington |
[The battle at Queenstown, 1812] |
A new map of Upper and Lower |
Canada |
Wait, Benjamin. Letters from Van |
A plan of the city of Quebec |
Dieman's Land [1843], 289 |
An eye sketch of the Falls of Niagara |
Van Dieman's Island |
Willis, Nathaniel Parker. Canadian |
Weld, Isaac. Travels through the states |
scenery illustrated [1842], 294 |
of North America [1799], 291 |
Canada |
Back, Sir George. Narrative of the Arctic |
Hearne, Samuel. A journey from Prince |
land expedition [1836], 296 |
of Wales's Fort [1795], 303 |
Map of the discoveries and route of |
A map exhibiting Mr. Hearne's tracks |
the Arctic land expedition |
in his two journies for the discovery |
Barrow, Sir John. A chronological |
of the Copper Mine River |
history of voyages into the Arctic |
A plan of the Copper-Mine River |
regions [1818], 297 |
A plan of Albany River in Hudson's |
Map of the Arctic regions |
Bay |
Plan of Moos River in Hudson's Bay |
Chappell, Edward. Narrative of a |
Plan of Slude river |
voyage to Hudson's Bay [1817], 298 |
Map of the Great Nelson River from |
Letters written during the late voyage |
the Great Lake Winnipeg to the |
[1821], 304 |
Gull Lake |
Chart of the discoveries made by |
Capt. Parry in 1819-20 |
Lyon, George Francis. A brief narrative |
Dobbs, Arthur. An account of the |
of an unsuccessful attempt to reach |
countries adjoining to Hudson�s |
Repulse Bay [1825], 305 |
Bay [1744], 299 |
Chart of Hudson's Strait & Sir Thos. |
A new map of part of North America |
Rowe's Welcome |
from the latitude of 40 to 68 degrees |
Lyon, George Francis. The private |
journal of Captain G. F. Lyon |
Ellis, Henry. A voyage to Hudson's Bay |
[1824], 306 |
[1748], 300 |
General chart shewing the track of |
A new chart of the parts where a |
H. M. ships Fury and Hecla |
North West Passage was sought in |
The years 1746 and 1747 |
Parry, Sir William Edward. Journal of |
a second voyage for the discovery |
Franklin, Sir John. Narrative of a |
of a North-west passage [1824], 311 |
journey to the shores of the Polar |
Entrance to Duke of York Bay |
Sea [1823] 301 |
Plan of Hurd Channel |
Route of the expedition from York |
Eskimaux chart no. 1 |
Factory to Cumberland House |
Eskimaux chart no. 2 |
Route of the expedition from Isle a |
Eskimaux chart no. 3 |
la Gross to Fort Providence |
General chart shewing the track of |
H, M. ships Fury and Hecla |
A chart of the discoveries & route of |
Chart of the northern shore of |
the northern land expedition |
Hudson's Strait |
An outline to shew the connected |
discoveries of Captains Ross, Parry, |
Chart of a part of the north eastern |
& Franklin |
coast of America . . 1821.� 1822 |
Chart of a part of the north eastern |
Goodsir, Robert Anstruther. An Arctic |
coast of America . . . 1822-23 |
voyage to Baffin's Bay and |
Parry, Sir William Edward. Journal of |
Lancaster Sound [185C], 302 |
a third voyage for the discovery of a |
[Map showing the route of the voyage] |
North-west passage [1826], 312 |
397 |
Survey of part of the Whale-fish |
A plan of the port of Hammerfest in |
Islands |
Lapland |
Port Bowen, re-surveyed A.D. 1825 |
A survey of Treurenberg Bay, |
Survey of Neill's Harbour |
Spitzbergen |
Prince Regent's Inlet re-surveyed |
A survey of the principal points on the |
Parry, Sir William Edward. Journal of |
northern coast of Spitzbergen |
a Voyage for the discovery of a |
North-west passage [1821], 313 |
Richardson, Sir John. Arctic searching |
General chart shewing the track of |
expedition [1851], 316 |
H. M. ships Hecla & Griper |
British North America |
Chart of the discoveries and route |
Ross, Sir John. Narrative of a second |
of His Majesty's ships |
voyage in search of a North-west |
Survey of Port Bowen 1819 |
passage [1835], 318 |
Survey of Winter Harbour Melville |
Comparative chart of the ancient and modern navigators |
�Island |
Chart of the discoveries made in |
�Chart of a part of the western coast |
the Arctic regions |
of Baffins Bay |
Elizabeth Harbour |
Plan of the inlet called the River |
Chart drawn by the natives |
Clyde |
Plan of Felix Harbour |
Parry, Sir William Edward. Narrative of |
Victoria Harbour |
an attempt to reach the North Pole |
[Ground plan of the winter |
[1828], 314 |
habitation] |
Agassiz, Louis. Lake Superior [1850], |
Map of Canada and part of the |
320 |
United States |
Outlines of Lake Superior |
Argyll, John Douglas. The Canadian |
Elliott, Charles. A Trip to Canada |
North-west [1883], 117 |
[1887?] 352 |
Map of the dominion of Canada |
Sketch map of the dominion of |
Armstrong, Louis. Southern Manitoba |
Canada showing the Canadian |
[1880?], 324 |
Pacific Railway |
Southern Manitoba & Turtle |
Mountain country |
Farming and ranching in the Canadian |
Bompas, William Carpenter. Diocese of |
North-west [1888], 354 |
Mackenzie River [1888], 331 |
Map of the Canadian Pacific Railway |
A map of Canada in dioceses to |
Manitoba and the Northwest |
illustrate the Diocese of Mackenzie |
Territories of Canada |
River |
Fitzgerald, James Edward. An examina�- |
British Columbia: its present resources |
tion of the charter and proceedings |
[1893], 332 |
of the Hudson's Bay Company |
Sketch map of the southern portion |
[1849], 355 |
of British Columbia |
British America to Illustrate the |
British Columbia: the pacific province |
charter of the Hudson's Bay |
[1884], 333 |
Company |
New map of British Columbia |
Grant, George. Ocean to ocean [1873], |
Canada. Dept. of� Militia and Defence. |
365 |
Report upon the suppression of the |
Thunder Bay to Fort Francis |
rebellion [1886], 338 |
Fort Francis to Fort Garry |
Map of part of the dominion of |
Fort Garry to Fort Ellice |
Canada illustrating the use of the |
Fort Ellice to South Saskatchewan |
Canadian Pacific Railway in the |
River |
movement of troops |
South Saskatchewan to Fort Pitt |
Fort Pitt to Fort Edmonton |
Dominion of Canada: the province of |
Edmonton to Jasper House and |
Manitoba [1879], 154 |
Yellow Head Pass |
398 |
Yellow Head Pass to Kamloops |
Map of a portion of Rupert's Land |
Kamloops to New Weshninster |
Horetzky, Charles. Canada on the |
Straits of Georgia and part of |
Pacific [1874], 378 |
Vancouver Island |
Map of British Columbia |
Juan de Fuca Strait to the Pacific |
Approximate secuon between |
Ocean |
Quesnel and Lesser Slave Lake |
Great Britain. Colonial Office. Papers |
How to get to the Klondyke [1898], 381 |
relating to the Red River settlement |
The above map represents the portion |
[1819], 366 |
of the water route to the Yukon |
[Western Canada] |
This map is intended to show the . . . |
[Settlement at Red River] |
route from the Atlantic seaboard to |
[Site of affray of 19th June, 1816] |
the Yukon gold mines |
L'lnsurrection du Nord-ouest 1885 |
Halkett, John. Statement respecting the |
[1885] 383 |
Earl of Selkirk's settlement [1817], |
Fort Pitt |
369 |
Carte officielle du theatre de |
Sketch of part of the Hudson's Bay |
l'insurrecuon |
Company's territory |
Fort du Chevreuil |
Halkett, John. Statement respecting the |
Fort Ethier |
Earl of Selkirk's settlement [1817], |
370 |
Sketch of part of the Hudsons Bay |
Kane, Paul. Wanderings of an artist |
Company's territory |
[1859], 384 |
Hall Edward. Lands of plenty in the |
Map to illustrate Mr. Kane's travels |
new north-west [1880], 371 |
in the terntory of the Hudson's |
Bay Company |
Map of the dominion of Canada��������������� |
Hanmon, Daniel Williams. A journal of |
Voyages and travels [1820], 374 |
Lees, James. B.C. 1887 [1888], 390 |
Map of the interior of North America |
The south-eastern portion of British |
Hind, Henry. Narrative of the Canadian |
Columbia |
Red River exploring expedition |
[1860], 376 |
McDonald Archibald. Peace River |
Map to illustrate a Narrative of the |
[1872]; 392 |
Canadian Red River Exploring |
Briush North America |
Expedition |
MacDonell, Alexander. A narrative of |
Plan of Selkirk Settlement |
transactions in the Red River |
Plan of the fishing lakes, Qu'Appelle |
country [1819], 394 |
River |
A map of part of the Indian territories |
Plan shewing; the junction of the |
in North America |
Qu'Appelle Valley with the |
Macdougall's guide to Manitoba |
Saskatchewan |
[1880], 396 |
Plan shewing the Grand Rapid of the |
The most direct route from Liverpool |
Saskatchewan |
to the great northwest |
Map of the country from Lake |
Map of part of Manitoba and the |
Superior to the Pacific Ocean |
north west territory |
Geological map of a part of Rupert's |
Macdougall's illustrated guide [1882], |
Land |
397 |
Profile of Kaministiquia route |
Map of a portion of the province of |
Profile of country along the dotted |
Manitoba |
line A.B. on geological map |
Mackenzie, Sir Alexander. Voyages from |
Profile of Qu'Appelle Valley |
Montreal [1801], 400 |
Profile of Pigeon-River route |
A map of America between Latitudes |
Hind, Henry. North-west territory |
40 and 70 North |
[1859], 377 |
A map of Mackenzie track from Fort |
Track survey of the Saskatchewan |
Chipewyan to the North Sea |
between Cedar Lake & Lake |
A map of Mackenzie's track from Fort |
Winnipeg |
Chipewyan to the Pacific Ocean |
Track survey of the Qu'Appelle |
Martin, Robert. The Hudson's Bay |
Valley from Sand Hill Lake |
territories and Vancouver s Island |
westward |
[1849], 403 |
Geological map of a portion of |
Map of the British possessions in |
Rupert's Land |
North America |
399 |
Masson, Louis. Les bourgeois de la |
Sketch of the lower portion of White |
Compagnie du Nord-Ouest |
Fish River |
[1889-90], 404 |
[Unidentified lake, showing camp of |
Map of the Northwest Territories |
28th June, 1857] |
Meares, John. Voyages made in the |
[Showing route Lake Superior to |
years 1788 and 1789 [1790], 405 |
Rainy Lake] |
A chart of the northern Pacific Ocean, |
[Showing route Rainy Lake to Fort |
containing the N.E. coast of Asia & |
Alexander] |
N.W. coast of America |
Shewing the structure of the |
Chart of the N.W. coast of America & |
Kakabeka Falls |
N.E. coast of Asia |
So. branch of R. Saskatchewan |
Sketch of Friendly Cove in Nootka |
Map of Winnipeg Lake Basin |
Sound |
Pike, Warburton. Through the |
A sketch of Port Cox in the district of |
Subarctic forest [1896], 415 |
Wlcananish |
Map of the Pelly Lakes and |
A plan of Port Effingham in Berkley's |
surrounding districts |
Sound |
Map of Alaska |
A view of Otter Sound |
Portlock, Nathaniel. A voyage round the |
A plan of Sea Otter Harbour and St. |
world [1789], 416 |
Patrick's Bay |
A chart of the north west coast of |
A view of Port Meares |
America |
A sketch of Raft-Cove |
Plan of Graham's harbour and Coal |
Bay |
A new route from Europe to the interior |
Sketch of McLeod's Harbour |
of North America [1881], 408 |
Sketch of part of the west side of |
Montagu Island |
Map of the dominion of Canada��������������� |
A sketch of Port Etches |
Nicolay Charles. The Oregon territory |
A sketch of Brooks Harbour |
[1846], 409 |
Sketch of Portlocks & Gouldings |
[Vancouver Island, coastal Oregon] |
Harbor�s |
[British Columbia, Oregon Territory��������� |
northern California] |
Province du Manitoba et territoire du |
Nord-ouest [1878], 418 |
Map of Canada and part of the |
United States |
On the prairie section of the Grand���������� |
Trunk Pacific Railway [1909], 410 |
On the prairie section of the Grand |
Trunk Pacific Railway |
Rattray, Alexander. Vancouver Island |
and British Columbia [1862], 421 |
Sketch map of Vancouver Island |
Palliser, John. Exploration-British |
and British Columbia |
North America. Further papers |
Climate chart to illustrate the |
[1860], 411 |
prevailing winds at Vancouver |
Saskatchewan rivers and Rocky |
Island |
Mountains |
The Riel Rebellion 1885 [1885], 427 |
Sketch map showing the routes of |
Fort Pitt |
Captn. John Palliser |
Fish Creek |
The Kootenay and Boundary Passes |
Scene of the fight at Cut Knife Hill |
of the Rocky Mountains |
[Batoche he and surrounding area] |
Palliser, John. Exploration-British |
Batoche |
North America. The journals |
Fort Red Deer |
[1863], 412 |
[Map of the area involved in the |
A general map of the routes in British |
Rebellion] |
North America |
Robson, Joseph. An account of six years |
Geological sketch of the south east of |
residence [1752], 428 |
Vancouver Island |
A draught of Nelson and Hayes's |
Geological sketch map of Nanaimo |
rivers |
Plan of Nanaimo shewing the coal |
A draught of Churchill River |
mines |
Ross, Alexander. Adventures of the first |
Palliser, John. Exploration-British |
settlers [1849], 429 |
North America. Papers [1860]], 413 |
Map of the Columbia to illustrate |
Country between the Red River |
Ross's Adventures |
Settlement and the Rocky |
Ross, Alexander. The fur hunters of the |
Mountains |
far west [1855], 430 |
400 |
Map of the Oregon to illustrate Ross's |
A chart shewing part of the coast of |
Fur hunters of the far west |
N.W. America. . . from Lat. 38� |
Russell, Alexander. The Red River |
15' N. and Long. 237� 27'E. |
country [1869], 432 |
A chart shewing part of the coast of |
�The dominion of Canada and |
N.W. America. �from Lat. 45� |
Northwest & Hudson's Bay |
30' N. and Long. 236� 12' E. |
Territories |
A chart shewing part of the coast of |
Russell, Alexander. The Red River |
N.W. America�from Lat. 51� |
country [1870], 433 |
45' N. and Long. 232� 08' E. |
The dominion of Canada and |
A chart shewing part of the coast of |
�Northwest & Hudson's Bay |
N.W. America� from Lat. 30� |
Territories |
00' N. and Long. 244� 32' E. |
A chart shewing part of the coast of |
N.W. America. . . from the Lat. |
St. John, Molyneux. The province of |
of 59� 30' North & Long. 207˚ |
British Columbia [1886?], 435 |
20� East |
Map of British Columbia |
A chart shewing part of the coast of |
Map of the Canadian Pacific |
N.W. America. . . from Lat. 59� |
Railway |
45'N. and Long. 219˚ 30' E. |
Simpson, Sir George. Narrative of a |
A chart shewing part of the coast of |
journey round the world [1847], 440 |
N.W. America . . . from Lat. 57� |
Map shewing the author's route |
07 1/2' N. and Long. 227˚ oo' E. |
Spence, Thomas. Manitoba and the |
A chart shewing part of the coast of |
�North-west of the dominion [1876], |
N.W. America�from Lat. 290 |
�444 |
54'N. and Long. 244� 33'E. |
Map of Canada and part o� the |
A chart of the Sandwich Islands |
United States |
Voorhis, Ernest. Historic forts and |
trading posts [1930], 457 |
Map of Mississippi and Ohio valleys |
Turner-Turner, J. Three years'hunting |
showing chain of historic French |
and trapping [1888], 453 |
forts |
Map shewing author's route [British |
Map of Canada showing historic forts |
Columbia] |
and trading posts |
Zoo-geographical map [British |
Columbia] |
Waddington, Alfred. Overland route |
through British North America |
[1868], 458 |
Vancouver, George. A voyage of |
Map of projected overland railroad |
discovery to the north Pacific |
through British North America |
Ocean [1798], 455 |
Western Canada: Manitoba, Assiniboia |
Hergest's Island |
[1894?], 461 |
A chart shewing part of the S.W. |
Map of western Canada including |
coast of New Holland |
part of Manitoba |
401 |
This index includes all cartographers explicitly named in the maps.
Arrowsmith, Aaron, 369, 370 |
L'Hermitte, 82 |
Arrowsmith, John, 187, 296, 376, 592, |
Hillier, William, 298 |
400 |
Artists Illustrators Ltd., 82 |
Jefferys, Thomas, 125, 197 |
Johnston, J., 396 |
Back, Sir George, 296, 301 |
Jorgensen, Gotfred, 332 |
Baker, Joseph, 455 |
Joutel, Henri, 60, 61 |
Bellin, Nicholas, 20, 46 |
Benedetto, Giovanni, 50 |
Kendall, E. N., 305 |
Boisseau, Jean, 101 |
Kitchin, Thomas, 203 |
Bouchette, Joseph, 126, 127 |
Kunstmann, Dr., 50 |
Bourdon, Jean, 101 |
Bushnan, J., 311, 313 |
LaCosa,Juan de, 50 |
Lambert, John, 205 |
Cabot, Sebastien, 50 |
Lartique, Sieur, 82 |
Cantino, Alberto, 50 |
Larue, A., 245, 246 |
Catalogne, M. de, 48 |
Le Beau, Claude, 70 |
Champlain, Samuel de, 16, 17, 34, 101 |
Le Vasseur, Gudlaume, 50 |
Crevier, Joseph Alexandre, 113 |
L�ry, M. de, 101 |
Lescarbot, Marc, 34, 78 |
Liebaux, 106, 107 |
Davis, W. H., 246 |
Lott, C.S. |
De Galinn�, M. M., 34���������������������������� |
Desceliers, Pierre, 50 |
Medcalfe, Mr., 134 |
Desliens, Nicolas, 50������������������������������ |
Dezeteux, Mr., 23 |
Pelletier, David, 17 |
Dupont, Jean, 50 |
Portlock,Nathaniel,416 |
Durnford, Lieut., 134����������������������������� |
Reinel, Pedro, 50 |
Ellis, Henry, 300 |
Rinfret, Gustav, 404 |
Roberts, Edward, 455 |
Ferrer Maldonado, Lorenzo, 297 |
Ross, Sir John, 318 |
Fitz-Hugh, Augustin, 50 |
Rouillard, I., 73 |
Foott, R. H., 314 |
Rowe, 115 |
Funter, 405 |
Sherer, Josh, 312 |
Gerlach, P., 134 |
Spencer, G., 264 |
Gomez, Estevao, 50 |
Gu�rard, Jean, 50 |
Waddington, Alfred, 458 |
Wedgborough, 405 |
Haig, H. de H., 338 |
Weller, F. S., 415 |
Hamel, J., 129 |
Wilkinson, W. C., 134 |
Hanna, James, 405 |
Williams, R. T., 435 |
Haywood, J., 405 |
Wyld, James, 135 |
Head, H. N., 312 |
Hearne, Samuel, 303 |
Young, Captain, 82 |
403 |
Artists, lithographers, engravers and photographers are indexed, using the most complete name possible. In some cases only initials or surnames were used in signing a work, and it was not possible to discover the full name.
Adlard, Henry, 294 |
Brandard, Robert, 294, 318 |
Alderson, Capt., 176 |
British American Bank Note Co., 154 |
Aldring, 23 |
Brodeur, A. S., 46 |
Alexander, W., 455 |
Brooks, Vincent, 384, 421 |
Allan & Ferguson, 245 |
Buell, Prof., 435 |
Allen, James Baylie, 294 |
Bufford, J. H. (Boston), 189, 190 |
American Bank Note Co., 328, 337, 375 |
Bulman Bros. (Winnipeg), 381 |
Andrew, John, 191 |
Burland Desbarats Lith. Co. |
Andrew, John, 153, 191 |
(Montreal), 113, 396 |
Annin & Smith, 374 |
Burland Lithographic Co. (Montreal), |
Archambault, H. E., 46 |
154, 323, 349, 371, 397, 408, 435 |
Armstrong P. E. Co., 46 |
Bushnan, J., 311 |
Armytage, J. C., 294, 318 |
Arrowsmith, Aaron, 369, 370 |
Cabot, G. Elliot, 320 |
Arrowsmith, John, 376, 411, 413 |
Campbell, A. (Glasgow), 118 |
Art Engraving Co., 375 |
Canada Bank Note Co., 338 |
Avery, 358 |
Canet, P. C., 82 |
Carter, James, 294 |
B., A., 337 |
Cartwright, 182 |
Back, Sir George, 296 |
Carver, Jonathan, 140 |
Baker, B., 455 |
Cassel, S., 182 |
Barnes, Percy, 47 |
Challis, Ebenezer, 294 |
Bartlett, William Henry, 133, 294 |
Chevalier, William, 318 |
Basire, James, 366 |
Christie, P., 125 |
Bauer, Franz, 315 |
Clark, I., 313 |
Baynes, Thomas Mann, 149 |
Clarke, Angelica, 142 |
Beechey, Frederick William, 313 |
Commercial Photo-Eng. Co. |
Beechey, William, 405 |
(Philadelphia), 169 |
Bell, G., 256 |
Cond�, Pierre, 400 |
Benjamin, E., 294 |
Cooper, C., 414 |
Bennet, Edward, 168 |
Courier Co. (Buffalo, N.Y.), 124 |
Bennett, W. J., 127 |
Courry, 23 |
Bentley, Joseph Clayton, 133, 294 |
Cousen, Charles, 294 |
Bestland, Charles, 405 |
Cousen, John, 133, 224, 294, 318 |
Beyer, Leopold, 62 |
Cowan, Henry, 245 |
Bishop Co. (Winnipeg), 375 |
Cramer, Felix, 256 |
Bishop, George, Engraving and Printing |
Curtis, John, 301, 315 |
Co. (Montreal), 48 |
Bouchette, Joseph, 1774-1841, 126, 127 |
Damoreau, Charles F., 443 |
Bouchette, Joseph, 1798-1879, 126 |
Damoreau Eng., 329 |
Boudan, Louis, 63, 73 |
Dartnell, George, 147 |
Bourne, Adolphus, 176 |
Davidson, Mrs. David, 46 |
Bouttats, Gaspar, 51 |
De Roos, Fred. Fitzgerald, 149 |
Bradshaw, S., 294 |
Desbarats Eng. (Montreal), 124 |
Brandard, John, 317, 318 |
Desbrulins, 20 |
405 |
Heath, James, 455 |
Meisenbach, 337, 352 |
Heddington, T., 455 |
Metz, Conrad, 405 |
Heriot, George, 182 |
Meyer, 169 |
Hesse 337 |
Miller, T., 203 |
Hilton William, the elder, 139 |
Millot, I., 78 |
Hime, Humphrey Lloyd, 376 |
Moll, Herman, 65 |
Holl, Benjamin, 294 |
Morrison, 169 |
Hood, Lieut., 301 |
Mortimer, A. (Ottawa), 397 |
Hopkins, Frances Ann, 365 |
Moss Engraving Co., 124, 333, 375, 461 |
Hoppner, Capt., 312, 313 |
Mossman, William, 133, 294 |
406 |
Desobry, P., 129�� |
Horder, 256 |
Dheulland, Guillaume, 15, 20 |
Hughes, William, 294 |
Ditmus, P., 246 |
Hullmandel, Charles-Joseph, 311 |
Dix, John, 153 |
Humphries, H., 455 |
Dodd, 416 |
Hund, Frederick, 487 |
Drayton, I. B., 291 |
Hunter, William Stewart, 189, 190, 191 |
Duncan, James, 125 |
Durnford, Jane, 47 |
Illman, T., 270 |
Inman, Henry, 270 |
Edelinck, Jan, 83 |
Ireland, T., 13 |
Engleheart, Francis, 127 |
Isac, Jasper, 102 |
Engleheart, L. D., 126, 127 |
Jefferys, Thomas, 197, 217, 428 |
Faden, William, 134, 139 |
Jones, J., 176 |
Faulkner, Benjamin Rawlinson, 317 |
June J., 82 |
Felter, John D., 434 |
Finden, Edward, 296, 301, 305, 306, 311, |
Kane, Paul, 384 |
312, 314 318 |
Kendall, E. N., 305 |
Finlayson, Mrs. John, 431 |
Kernot, J. H., 318 |
Fisher, Samuel, 318 |
Kitchin, Thomas, 21, 217 |
Fittler, James, 455 |
Kroupa, Bohuslav, 365 |
Flaum, H. P., 47 |
Fleming, John, 376 |
Lambert, John, 205 |
Foot, T., 405, 455 |
Landseer, John, 455 |
Ford & George, 302 |
Laughlin, J. E., 395 |
Ford & West, 430, 431 |
Lawrence, Sir Thomas, 400 |
Fuhrich, Josef von, 62 |
Le Keux, John Henry, 294 |
Lee, 497 |
George & Co., 429 |
Leggo & Co. Seeam-lith. (Montreal), |
Gibson, J., 200 |
392 |
Giles Co., 124 |
Leney, William Satchwell, 257, 374 |
Gimber & Dick, 4 |
Lewis, Frederick Christian, the elder, |
Girouard, D�sir�, 47 |
182 |
Graf, C., 279 |
Lodge, J., 217 |
Griffiths, Henry, 133, 294 |
London, 256 |
Gu�rard, Nicolas, 52 |
Longmate, Barak, Jumr., 416 |
Louise, Princess, Duchess of Argyll, 154 |
H., W, 124 |
Lover, Samuel, 216 |
Haghe, Charles 126 |
Lyman, Roswell C., 47 |
Haghe, Louis, 296 |
Lyon, George Francis, 305, 306, 311 |
Hall, S., 316 |
Hamerton, Robert Jacob, 279 |
M., T., 416 |
Hamersley, James Astbury, 147 |
Maclear & Co. (Toronto), 377, 434 |
Hanhart Chromolith, 184 |
Mariette, Pierre-Joseph, 83 |
Harper Bros., 427 |
Marher, 34 |
Harrison, W., 416 |
Matthews Northrup Co. (Buffalo, |
Hart Robert, 317 |
N.Y.),461 |
Hartnell, Nathaniel,120 |
Maude, John, 224 |
Hawkins, B. Waterhouse, 296 |
Maverick, Peter, 179 |
Haynes, 340 |
Mazell, Peter, 416 |
Head, H. N., 312 |
Meares, John, 405 |
Hearne, Samuel, 303 |
Measom, C., 206 |
Heath, Charles, 459 |
Medland, Thomas, 139 |
Mynde, J., 300 |
Sproule, Robert Auchmaty, 176 |
Stadler, T. C., 182 |
Neele, Samuel John, 171, 182, 303, 455 |
Storm, 169 |
Neels & Son, 304, 307 |
Stothard, Thomas, 405 |
Netherclift, J. & Son, 440 |
Strand Engraving Co., 415 |
Notman, 161 |
Sutherland, Fred William, 364 |
Swain, J., 453 |
Owen, R., 317 |
Swelinck, Jan, 78 |
Owen, W. C., 302 |
Sykes, J., 455 |
Palmer, 405 |
Tappan & Bradford's Lith., 320 |
Parry, T. S., 405 |
Thompson, J., 126 |
Parsons, 358 |
Thomson, Paton, 291 |
Photo-Engraving Co. (New York), 328, |
Tingle, James, 294 |
340 |
Topham, Francis William, 294 |
Pollard, Robert, the elder, 405 |
Torbett, Charles W., 175 |
Pouncy, Benjamin Thomas, 455 |
Toronto Engraving Co., 188, 375 |
Pye, Thomas, 244 |
Van der Gucht, Michael, 54 |
Radclyffe, Charles, 447 |
Van Vianen, I., 18, 51 |
Radclyffe, Edward, 294 |
Vasey, G. G., 377 |
Radclyffe, William, 318, 447 |
Velten, H., 169 |
Rand, McNally & Co. (Chicago), 396 |
Vervier Fils, 82 |
Read, W., 262, 318 |
Vranen, J. V., 56 |
Reid, 169 |
Reid, J., 416 |
Wadsworth, Daniel, 262 |
Richardson, G. K., 294 |
Walker, J., 127, 297, 301, 305, 311, 313, |
Richardson, J. H., 289 |
377, 383, 427 |
Roberts, Edward John, 294 |
Walker, J. & C., 126, 312, 314 |
Roberts & Reinhold (Montreal), 244 |
Walker, John Henry, 124, 161, 231, 249 |
Rooker, Michael Angelo, 140 |
Wallis, Robert, 133, 294 |
Room, H., 294 |
Warne, W. L., 184 |
Ross, Sir John, 317, 318 |
Warner, J., 182, 455 |
Rosser, Thos. L., 340 |
Waud, Alfred R., 191 |
Roussell, 52 |
Weeks Co., 169 |
Russell, A. J., 176 |
Weir, Robert (Glasgow), 99 |
Weir, Robert Walter, 4 |
Sanders, John, 303, 405 |
Welch, W. J., 188 |
Sands, Robert, 294 |
Weld, Isaac, 291 |
Saunders, John, 303, 405 |
Weller, Edward, 184, 376, 390 |
Sawyer, William, 161 |
Wells, John, 405 |
Say, William, 318 |
Westall, William, 313 |
Schroeder, 3~74 |
White, E., 333 |
Sewall, W. S., 176 |
White, W. J., 219 |
Shirwin, W., 416 |
Whymper, Charles, 117, 154, 415 |
Simcoe, Elizabeth, 263 |
Wilkinson, W. S., 318 |
Smillie, James Jr., 129, 245, 246 |
Willmore, James Tilbitts, 294, 318 |
Smith, H., 377 |
Wilson, Daniel, 365 |
Smith, J., 142, 298 |
Wiseman, James Lovell, 96, 124 |
Smith, John., 294 |
Woodcock, J., 416 |
Smith, Rolph & Co. (Toronto), 371, |
Wright, Thomas, 82 |
396, 397 |
Wyld, James, 135, 403 |
Sonrel, Antoine, 320 |
Springsgoth, T., 459 |
Zimmaman, 427 |
407 |
All publishers are indexed, and where possible the locations of their firms are given.
Ainsworth, William Harrison |
Bureau des Mélanges Religieux Davies, W. (London), 400 |
Duncan, Robert & Co. (Hamilton, |
Killam, John (Yarmouth, N.S.), 329 |
Ont.), 371 |
Kincaid, Mr. (Edinburgh),428 |
Durie, J. & Son (Ottawa), 371, 392 |
Kirk & Mergein (New York), 257 |
Duvernay, Ludger (Montreal), 88, 226 |
Knight, Charles & Co. (London), 280, |
409 |
Earl, William (Wisbech, Eng.), 337 |
�dition des Dix (Montreal), 87 |
Langley, J. & H. G. (New York), 273 |
Edwards, J. (London), 455 |
Lea and Blanchard (Philadelphia), 441 |
Leavitt, Lord & Co. (New York), 288 |
Faden, William (London), 126, 127 |
Lintott, B. (London), 61 |
Firmin-Didot et Cie. (Paris), 86 |
Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans |
Fisher, Son & Co. (London and Paris), |
(London), 316 |
133 |
Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans |
Flint,A. (London),120 |
and Roberts (London), 384 |
Fothergill, Charles (Toronto), 177 |
Longman, Green, Longman and |
Foyer Canadien (Quebec), 35 |
Roberts (London), 376 |
Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts |
Gallagher, D. (Montreal), 124 |
& Green (London), 184 |
Gazette Printing Company (Montreal), |
Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme |
123 |
(London), 171, 335, 363, 437 |
Gazette Printing House (Montreal), |
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown |
339 |
and Green (London), 269 |
Goodwin, T. (London), 53 54, 65 |
Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green |
Gould, Kendall and Lincoln (Boston), |
(London), 126, 224 |
320 |
Longman, T. N. and O. Rees (London), |
Goulding, George (London), 416 |
181 |
Grand Trunk Railway Company of |
Longmans, Green and Co. (London and |
Canada, 410 |
New York), 390 |
Greig, William (Montreal), 125 |
Longmans, Green, Reader and Dyer |
Griffiths, R. (London), 208 |
(London), 458 |
Grip Printing and Publishing Co. |
Lovell, John (Montreal), 189, 207 |
(Toronto), 121 |
Lovell, John & Son (Montreal), 169 |
Low, Sampson (London), 25 |
Harlowe, E. (London), 575 |
Harper, J. & J. (New York), 4 |
Macdougall, W. B. (Winnipeg), 396, |
Haszard, James D. (Charlottetown, |
397 |
P.E.I.), 243 |
Maclure & Co. (London), 453 |
Hatchard and Son (London), 135 |
Macmillan and Co. (London), 82 |
Hatchards (London), 322 |
Macmillan, J. & A. (Saint John, N.B.), |
Hayden, William B. (Buffalo, N.Y.), |
371 |
150 |
Manship, S. (London), 53, 54, 65 |
Hebert, Geo. (London), 242 |
Manwaring, George (London), 204 |
Henderson, A. (London), 116 |
Marcotte, S. (Quebec), 444, 452 |
Hibben, T. N. (Victoria, B.C.), 345 |
Mawman, Joseph (London), 142, 298 |
Historical Society, B.N.A. (St. |
Mears, W. (London), 290 |
Catharines, Ont.), 225 |
Millan, J. (London), 251, 253 |
Hovey, Albert Henry (Toronto), 329 |
Millar, A. (London), 156 |
How, Jeremiah (London), 147 |
Milliken, John (Dublin), 252, 442 |
Howe,Joseph (Halifax,N.S.), 175 |
Monge, Joseph (Paris), 63 |
Howell, Edwd. (Liverpool), 235 |
Moore, William (Quebec), 493 |
Huestis, S. F. (Halifax, N.S.), 375, 395 |
Murray, John (London), 178, 296, 297, |
Hunter, William Stewart (Toronto), |
301, 305, 306, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, |
189, 190 |
315, 370, 414, 417 |
Hunter, Rose & Company (Toronto), |
371, 443 |
National Publishing Company |
Hurst, Robinson and Co. (London), 367 |
(Toronto), 122 |
Neilson, John (Quebec), 468 |
Jewett, Henry P. B. (Cleveland), 191 |
Neilson, William (Quebec), 351 |
Jewett, John P. & Co. (Boston), 191 |
Nelson Valley Railway and Trans� |
Jones, John (Montreal), 7, 59 |
portation Company (Montreal), 408 |
Jones & Co. (Montreal), 119 |
Newby, T. C. (London), 279 |
Nichols, Richard (Wakefield), 224 |
Kent, W. & Co. (London), 352 |
Nisbet, James & Co. (London), 326 |
Oliver and Boyd (Edinburgh), 160, 186, |
Simpkin, Marshall, and Co. (London), |
Ontario Publishing Co. (Toronto), 263 |
Smith, J. (Dublin),428 |
Smith, Elder & Co. (London), 281, 421, |
Parsons & Richardson (Winnipeg), 371 |
429, 430, 431 |
Payne, J. (London), 428 |
Smith, Taylor and Co. (Bombay), 281 |
Pepie, Robert (Paris), 104 |
Society for Promoting Christian |
Peterborough-House Press (London), |
Knowledge (London), 331 |
277 |
Stalker, Charles (London), 454 |
Phillips, Richard, 182 |
Stevens, Henry, Son & Stiles (London), |
Phillips, Sir Richard and Co. (London), |
50 |
262, 304, 307 |
Stevenson, Adam & Co. (Toronto), 392 |
Pioneer Press Publishing Co. (St. Paul, |
Stockdale, John (London), 164, 291 |
Minn.),340 |
416 |
Porter & Coates (Philadelphia), 167 |
Strahan, Andrew and T. Cadell |
Potts, James (Montreal), 230 |
(London), 303 |
La Presse (Montreal), 391 |
Strahan, G. (London), 290 |
Presses de l�Ordre (Montreal), 3 |
Strahan, W. and T. Cadell (London) |
Propri�taires du Monde, 383 |
217 |
Stuart, D. & D. (London), 277 |
Quebec (Province). Archives, 101 |
Th�rien Fr�res Limit�e (Montreal), 85 |
Ranlet, Henry (Exeter), 254 |
Thompson & Moreau (New York), 360 |
Redfield (New York), 358 |
Thomson, Hugh Christopher (Kingston |
Rees, O. (London), 181 |
Ont.), 276 |
Religious Tract Society (London), 117 |
Thomson Stationery Co.,Ld. |
Ridgway, James (London), 438 |
(Vancouver), 361 |
Riley, I. (New York), 179 |
Times Office (Parkdale), 364 |
Robertson, J. S. & Bros. (Whitby,Ont.), |
Tims, Richard Moore (Dublin), 183 |
319 |
Tonson, J. (London), 53, 54 |
Robinot, Estienne (Paris), 60 |
Tooke, B. (London), 65 |
Robinson, G. G. and J. (London), 455 |
Robinson, J. (London), 241, 299, 309, |
University of Toronto Library, 9, 146 |
455 |
Upper Canada Religious Tract & Book |
Rose Publishing Co. (Toronto), 319, |
Society (Toronto), 286 |
Rose Belford Publishing Co. (Toronto), |
Virtue, George (London), 294 |
Ruthven, P. and W. ( Quebec), 129 |
Walter J. (London), 405 |
Webster, A. W. (London), 317, 318 |
Sampson Low, Marston, Low & Searle |
Weir, Robert (Glasgow), 99 |
(London), 365 |
White, B. (London), 223 |
Sanderson, George Rivers (Toronto), |
Whitridge, H. (London), 300 |
434 |
Whittaker,G.&W.B. (London), 186 |
Saunders and Odey (London), 194 |
Wilgus, A. W. (Buffalo), 289 |
Saunders, Trelawney (London), 355 |
Williams, R. T. (Victoria, B.C.), 333 |
Schouten, Anthony (Utrecht), 51, 55 |
Wilson, D. (London), 24 |
Seeley, L. B. (London), 459 |
Witness Printing House (Montreal), |
Sewell, J. (London), 575 |
161 |
Sheppard, J. and J. Milliken (Dublin), |
Wotton, M. (London), 65 |
Simpkin and Marshall (London), 160, |
Young,E.&J.B.&Co. (New York), |
216 |
331 |
411 |