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Geography & Environmental Studies Subject Guide: GENV 1201 -- The Human Environment

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Tip 1: Novanet

If you are searching a common name in Novanet, try the "contains exact phrase" limiter: 

Novanet search using author contains exact phrase limiter


Tip 2:  Having a hard time listing keywords for your geographer's research interests? Novanet subject headings can help! Click into your geographer's articles or books and read the subject headings (tags) that describe their work. Look for common words and themes.

example of Novanet catalogue records showing subject heading tags


Want to know more about AI hallucinations, bias, and the overall ethics of generative AI? Follow Dr. Casey Fiesler on YouTube or TikTok: @ProfessorCasey and check out the Library's Gen AI guide.


zotero logoTip 1: Watch the videos in your assignment. They will help you.

Tip 2: Look up journal articles or books in Novanet to get their DOIs (DOI for journals and ISBN for books) and then input these numbers into Zotero using the "Add items by identifier" option. Zotero should find the journal or book from these identifiers. 

Alternatively, find journal articles through Google Scholar and use the Zotero connector (See Page 1 of Scavenger Hunt instructions).Add item by identifier button in Zotero


Tip 3: Enable your word processor's Zotero plug-in to generate bibliographic entries. 

screenshot of MS Word Zotero plugin



Tip 4: To cite Eden Kinkaid's video presentation located here, use APA's YouTube example for your basic format. Eden Kinkaid's video is on their personal Web space, not on YouTube, so instead of listing YouTube as the publisher, list the name of Kinkaid's site.

See APA for the basic format of a video citation:   Note: These APA video citation examples also contain examples of how to cite content that has no easily identifiable date.








Tip 1: See the Novanet Search Tips link (highlighted below) for examples of how Novanet might differ from Google Scholar. Novanet operates similarly to a library database with many advanced search options.

novanet search box with "search tips" link highlighted


Tip 2: See the University of Windsor Library for an explanation of how Google Scholar works and how it differs from a library database or a catalogue (like Novanet): Search Engines vs. Google Scholar vs. Library Databases.


Tip 3: Set your Library Links in Google Scholar to avoid paywalls and get routed through to full-text articles through the Library's subscriptions. Follow these steps: 

Screen shot of how to configure library links in Google Scholar

Screen shot of how to finish configuring Google Scholar






This week you take a deeper dive into Novanet and its various search filters. Your Scavenger Hunt instructions are very clear, so if you follow them carefully, you shouldn't run into problems.

That said, here are extra tips:

Tip 1: Look at Pages 2 and 3 of your search results. Lots of good books don't make it to Page 1!

Tip 2: If you click into an Open Access e-book and you cannot find full-text access, move onto another book. Send Laura a link to the initial book you had a problem with and she'll investigate.

screen shot of Open Access book symbol and pages or search results listed in Novanet

Tip 3 -- Citation:

Links to ebooks in Novanet take you to various online platforms/hosts of ebooks. The Library's main ebook providers are Ebsco and ProQuest. Each has a citation generator but double check the results.

Ebooks are books, so your APA citation will follow a book format. See book/ebook formatting examples on the APA website.

The basic format is:

AuthorLastName, FirstInitials. (Year). Book title in italics and lower case. Publisher. DOI or URL.


Since this is an ebook, your citation will need a URL or DOI (digital object identifier). You can usually find a DOI or a "persistent link," "permalink" or "stable URL" on the landing page of the ebook. Different ebook providers put it in different places. If you can't find it, try to click the "share" button for an ebook. It will usually give you a stable URL to copy.

Here are the locations of persistent links for an Ebsco ebook (L) and a ProQuest ebook (R) found through Novanet:

Ebsco permalink screenshotScreenshot of ProQuest ebook permalink


WHERE CAN I FIND A PRINT COPY OF The Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe Canadien?

  • Look up your journal title in the Novanet catalogue to get its call number.
  • The Library has five floors. Print journals are on the Ground Floor, which has red carpet.
  • Look for signs on the ends of the shelving to see which area contains your call number.
    • Note: There are low shelves and tall, regular shelves containing journals on the Ground Floor. You want the regular, tall shelves.


  • Academic journals like The Canadian Geographer (now named Canadian Geographies) are published at regular intervals throughout the year. Each year typically contains a volume with several issues.

Image of a single journal issue and a bound journal volume containing several issues



Journal citation annotated with text to explain each part



SCAVENGER HUNT #1: Locate geographers at Mount Allison University


  • Never looked for a book in the library? No problem. Type your book title into the Novanet catalogue. Try using the drop-down menu to search by title. Note: If Novanet finds a print and e-book copy, use the print for this assignment.
  • Novanet will tell you the book's call number, which is its location in the library book stacks. See How to Read Call Numbers.
    Look at the first two letters of your call number. Signs on the stairwell doors tell you which floor contains which letters.

Anarchist Roots of Geography screen shot of catalogue record in Novanet

  • Library books are organized by subject area using the Library of Congress subject classification system. This poster (also posted near Access Services and above the water station on the Library main floor) shows you which Library of Congress letters correspond to which subjects. E.g., N is Visual Arts; HX is Socialism, Communism, Anarchism. These classification letters help form the book's call number.

Photo of call number of bookLibrary of Congress Classification poster

Screenshot of Novanet citation generator