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Novanet news: New system launch

by Laura Landon on 2022-05-18T10:42:24-03:00 | 0 Comments

The Novanet catalogue underwent a successful system-wide upgrade May 17, adding features that should improve the user experience. Logging into your Novanet account just became easier: Your login now requires your e-mail address and password, instead of a unique library barcode and PIN. Logging into databases and e-books remains the same: your user name minus the @mta suffix.

Novanet login screen showing login prompts

We hope to configure the Interlibrary Loan login to accept this same Mount A User ID in the near future. Patrons with community borrower cards will continue to log into both Novanet and the Interlibrary Loan form using the barcode from the back of their library cards.

Other improvements include more advanced search options and full-text searching of articles. Novanet now searches articles from all Mount A journal databases. (You can also get access to individual databases through the A-Z List of Databases, many of which have extra search features specialized for their disciplines.) Advanced Search within Novanet now has extra functionality, such as limiting search results to include items that contain, start with, or have an exact match for the keywords you provide. For more details, please talk to a librarian or see our Search Tips guide.

As part of the upgrade, Mount Allison is piloting digitization requests. Once you are signed into Novanet and have completed a search, you will see an option to request that items be digitized. These requests will be assessed for copyright compliance before we respond.

These Novanet upgrades brought more radical changes to the behind-the-scenes systems used by your library staff and librarians. The migration of data and patron information may have resulted in some minor glitches, which we are working out this week. If you encounter any questions or problems while using our new library catalogue, we encourage you to contact us -- we're here to help.

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