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Collections Development Policy -- Mount Allison University Libraries

Collections Development Policy - Maintenance



It is important to protect the assets represented by the Library's collections through a preservation programme.  This begins with attempts to maintain an environment which is clean and secure, with proper lighting, heat, humidity control and ventilation.

Other processes followed include:  the removal to the Rare Book Room of titles which the Library wishes to keep, but because of their rarity or physical condition cannot be left in the open stacks; the binding of selected serial titles; repairs to damaged materials in accordance with the best preservation techniques; replacement of desired unusable material in reproduction format; keeping shelves tidy and materials well supported.


The withdrawal of titles from the Library is part of on-going collection maintenance.  This process is labour intensive at both the planning and implementation level, but is one which must be done if we are to keep collections relevant and make space for new titles.  The process of withdrawal of titles will be done with extensive consultation with faculty.2


2 The development of the weeding procedures will be done by a sub-committee made up of Librarians and members of the Senate Library Committee.


In addition, as we move all cataloguing records to machine-readable format it is important that we screen each title for its long-term usefulness to the collection before spending the funds required to recatalogue it.

The following criteria in conjunction with faculty considerations, will be considered when titles are reviewed for withdrawal:

  1. The physical condition is such that the title cannot be used.
  2. The title is superseded by a new edition.
  3. The title is replaced with another in more appropriate format (eg. 16mm film replaced with video, vinyl records with CD).
  4. The programme or courses which the titles supported is no longer offered by the University.
  5. Special requirements of currency are present, for example certain titles in the Reference Collection are useful only so long as the information is up-to-date.
  6. Back runs of serials to which the Library no longer maintains a subscription or for titles for which it is decided to purchase backfiles in microform or CD-ROM will also be considered for withdrawal.
  7. Holdings of other libraries in the Atlantic Region.

Funds from the sale of withdrawn titles will be placed in a fund to be used for the purchase of materials of a general nature which are requested by students.