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Music Subject Guide: Voice studio resource guide

Voice resources

Browsing by call number

M 1503 Vocal scores (with keyboard accompaniment) of operas and musicals
M 1507 Excerpts of operas and musicals—collections (with piano accompaniment)
M 1508 Selections from specific operas and musicals (with piano accompaniment)
M 1613.3 Works for voice with two or more instruments
M 1619 Songs with piano—multi-composer collections (often by voice type)
M 1620 Songs with piano—single composer collections
M 1621 Songs with piano—separate works
M 1621.3 Works for voice with keyboard and one other instrument
M 1621.4 Song cycles

M 1627–M 1977

Folk and popular songs (many are held in the Mary Mellish collection in the R. P. Bell Library)
M 2003 Vocal scores of oratorios, etc.
M 2006 Collections of sacred vocal excerpts, e.g. arias from oratorios (often by voice type)
M 2013 Masses & requiems—vocal scores
M 2023 Cantatas, etc.—vocal scores
M 2110 Sacred song collections


ML 48–49 Opera libretti—collections
ML 50 Opera libretti—separate works
ML 54.6 Song texts and translations (check in both the book stacks and reference collection


MT 820–823 General works on vocal techniques and physiology of the voice
MT 883 Pronunciation and diction (check the reference shelves too)
MT 885 Studies and exercises
MT 890 Instructive editions of vocal works
MT 892 Interpretation, phrasing, expression, etc.


Voice journals

The Choral Journal—ML 1 .C6

Journal of Singing—ML 27 .U5 N265

Opera Canada—ML 1 .O6

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