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All the World's a Stage: Tintamarre (1974-present)

A virtual exhibition celebrating the history of Drama at Mount Allison University.

Tintamarre (1974-present)

Established in 1974, Tintamarre is a bilingual theatre company that was founded by Alex Fancy, professor emeritus of drama and French. It was born out of Fancy's keen interest in the ways the fluid expression of theatre could be utilized to teach a second language. According to Fancy, Tintamarre’s objectives were to “promote biculturalism and bilingualism both at Mount Allison University and beyond, and to promote an appreciation of the roles that theatre can play in education." For more than fifty years, Tintamarre has welcomed both French and English speakers to perform plays in linguistic harmony, a tradition that continues to this day.

The French word tintamarre means "a din, noise or racket" and was the term that early Acadian settlers to the Sackville area coined to name the nearby salt marshes. The din, racket and noise which accompanied the annual migration of waterfowl across the marshes prompted its usage. Tintamarre was corrupted by later English settlers to “Tantramar," the name by which the marshes are known today.

Originally Fancy borrowed the term to refer to his annual production. Starting in 1974, Fancy encouraged students to perform in what was initially a compilation of French poetry, excerpts from plays in French, skits, and other materials he selected to illustrate a theme and wove together to create both an evening’s entertainment and a learning experience. During this time the actual troupe of players was unnamed. In February 1983 at the time of the presentation of Les Battiseurs d’Empire, Fancy decided to call his troupe “Les Tintamarriens”. However, the name was short-lived because it was difficult to pronounce. Since 1984 the name has been simply "Tintamarre" to designate both productions and people.

While Fancy originally served as director and playwright for most of the productions, today Tintamarre operates as a collective. The troupe produces a bilingual script through a process of guided improvisation. After a first show on campus, the troupe tours annually to junior and senior high schools throughout the Maritime provinces.

A woman in a bonnet and shawl knits on stage.

Beth Mapplebeck in Tintamarre '79, November 1979

Mount Allison University Archives. Picture collection, 8655/B/2/5/21.2. May only be reproduced with permission of the Mount Allison University Archives.

Two cast members sit on stage with books and posters.

Cast members of Tintamarre '79, November 1979

Image includes, from left to right, Sandra Colborne and David Fancy.

Mount Allison University Archives. Picture collection, 8655/B/2/5/21.1. May only be reproduced with permission of the Mount Allison University Archives.

Sixteen cast members stand on stage.

Cast members of Tintamarre '79, November 1979

Mount Allison University Archives. Picture collection, 8655/B/2/5/21.4. May only be reproduced with permission of the Mount Allison University Archives.

Thirteen cast members singing together on stage.

Cast of Tintamarre '83, 1983

Mount Allison University Archives. Picture collection, 8655/B/2/5/32.1. May only be reproduced with permission of the Mount Allison University Archives.

Fifteen cast members sitting on stage.

Cast of Tintamarre '83, 1983

Mount Allison University Archives. Picture collection, 8655/B/2/5/32.2. May only be reproduced with permission of the Mount Allison University Archives.

Twenty-two cast members standing on stage. Four are at the front and appear to be singing. Two in the background are on ladders.

Tintamarre production of Charivari: the sounds of the Tantramar, October 1984

Mount Allison University Archives. Picture collection, 2007.07/2368. May only be reproduced with permission of the Mount Allison University Archives.

Twenty-two cast members sitting on stage. One is playing a guitar and they all appear to be singing.

Cast members of Tintamarre '85: Decollage, October-November 1985

Mount Allison University Archives. Picture collection, 8655/B/2/5/36.2. May only be reproduced with permission of the Mount Allison University Archives.

Six people standing on stage. A man is handing a child a certificate.

Cast members of Tintamarre '85: Decollage, October-November 1985

Mount Allison University Archives. Picture collection, 8655/B/2/5/36.1. May only be reproduced with permission of the Mount Allison University Archives.


For a chronological list of Tintamarre productions, please consult the following source:

You can find additional information about Tintamarre, as well as more photographs, on our Descriptions Database. The Drama Studies database is another rich resource for those interested in learning more.