Looking for a specific musical work?
Tip: Search using composer name and title words. Example: mozart AND nozze (with AND in upper case).
Can't find the recording you are looking for? Search directly in our main streaming platform, Naxos Music Library. If you are looking for physical media, Novanet searches our CDs and some but not all of our LP records. Still having trouble? Contact the Music Library for help!
Looking for Mount Allison Department of Music recordings?
All Mount Allison concert recordings on CDs (since 2002) are searchable in Novanet. Earlier recordings on cassette tape and reel-to-reel tape can be searched using our concert recording index:
After running your search with the composer and title of a work, use the Resource Type filter on the left side and limit to "Scores". (You may have to expand the list of resource types by clicking Show More.
Can't find the score you are looking for? Check one of our digital scores services like the Classical Scores Library, IMSLP, or nkoda (contact the Music Library for access). Still having trouble? Contact the Music Library for help!
Phone: 506 364-2561
Email: musiclibrary@mta.ca
Find us: Lower floor, Marjorie Young Bell Conservatory of Music, 134 Main Street Sackville, New Brunswick
Librarians are available to meet with you by phone or online.