Athletic fields: Although organized team sports had been played outdoors at Mount Allison since at least the mid 1870s, a level playing field was not constructed until 1900. The Athletic Field, known today as MacAulay Field, quickly became a focal point for athletics at Mount Allison.
Male Academy gymnasium: Despite the fact that the Male Academy burned down twice before the end of the First World War, its gymnasium survived and was used continuously by Academy students for at least fifty years.
Ladies' College gymnasiums: Find out how Mount Allison's female students once filled the halls of the first Conservatory of Music with the sound of basketballs, and later played the same sport in the basement of Hart Hall!
University gymnasiums: Three gymnasiums were built for University students between 1876 and the First World War. Lingley Hall was remodelled as the third gymnasium, then was used by students of Mount Allison's three institutions. It was the largest gymnasium in the Maritime provinces at that time.
Skating rinks: Starting in 1876 Mount Allison students skated in four town rinks before the construction of the first institutional rink in 1919.
Ladies' College skating pond: Today's Swan Pond was first opened in November 1901 with the intention of providing a skating surface for students of the Ladies' College. The Pond provided an enjoyable alternative to rink skating and was used by students from each of Mount Allison's three institutions.
Mount Allison University Archives, Donald F. Taylor fonds, 7601/2/108. May only be reproduced with permission of the Mount Allison University Archives.
Photographic reproduction of sketch, artist unidentified.
Mount Allison University Archives, Picture Collection, 2007.07/155. May only be reproduced with permission from the Mount Allison University Archives