Sports were one of the earliest means of communal exchange available at Mount Allison University. As early as 1869, players from the Academy and University teams were participating in sports games with inhabitants of Sackville. These early Town-Gown games allowed students to engage in friendly rivalries with members of the community and to rub shoulders with people who might differ socially from themselves. This tradition continued with members of the Acadian community. By the turn of the twentieth century, Mount Allison’s collegiate sports teams were frequently playing games of football, baseball, handball, and hockey against the Collège St. Joseph, receiving them for home games in Sackville and traveling to Memramcook to play on their fields. Mount Allison’s collegiate teams also played against teams from Middle Sackville, which were often made up predominantly of Acadian men. Through sports, men were able to transcend the language, cultural, and class barriers that might have separated them in everyday life and engage in meaningful social exchanges.